Amen sister, God Bless your words!
I spent most of my time mounted in the middle of the raid getting HKs while watching people teleport around.
Phase 2 is killing alliance*
You signed up for PVP on a PVP realm. It needs no further thought than that simple truth.
What I don’t understand, is how Nostalrius, years ago, was less laggy in wPvP than this Multi-Billion dollar company’s version of Vanilla.
Completely smooth when it was 200v200 or 300v300.
Hillsbrad was melting yesterday and it baffled me.
No more “blah blah blah the servers capabilities blah blah blah” , No, no more excuses. Nope. Won’t accept it.
Blizzard knows what they need to do, they just refuse to do it. Upgrade the bandwidth and those Celeron processor CPU’s you guys still use in those server blades.
Nostalrius had smooth combat, lag free MASSIVE wPvP. But…Classic is laggy? wut?
I was questing with a friend last night in Winterspring. He is playing a hunter - we were both level 57. We knew it was going to be rough so we both planned on questing together to see how things played out.
Now - we died. A lot. In fact - being camped by a rogue chugging free action pots in the yeti cave was pretty annoying. Either of us could kill him without the potions but he must have downed… I don’t even know - too many. But it was FUN.
I love world PvP. I enjoy seeing another character and seeing if I can take them or not - it helps me improve my playstyle. While leveling I’ve found the alliance to be… well most would just run by without fighting, or not fight back. The ones who would were few and far between.
Not last night. Last night it was an absolute bloodbath on both sides in Winterspring and my guild was talking the same about Tarren Mill/Southshore too.
At one point there were a horde and alliance group outside of Winterspring basically graveyard fighting. Went well until horde overran the flight master for the alliance - which was amusing. They got us more than a few times out front though too. As a mage I was especially targeted I feel - I die fast lol.
All in all it didn’t make questing all that efficient but it was a lot of fun and I can’t wait to play all weekend.
Anybody who was expecting to quest in Hillsbrad foothills the day after honor released gets what’s coming to them right? For a huge HUGE portion of the fan base massive open world PvP was THE thing they missed most. Everybody who paid any attention at all should have known this weekend would be a total -show. It will die down some. Not completely on PvP servers, but some. Relax, run some dungeons, or just take a break… Everyone should have known what was going to happen today on PvP servers.
Hahahahahahaha. The beautiful chaos of world PvP. Everybody was waiting for the release of “honour”.
Were you playing on a rogue?
Are you trolling? You are a rogue… Stealth…
How long do you think it takes casual players on the smaller faction on significantly imbalanced PvP realms to transfer away, give up and stop playing, or roll on a PvE realm and start all over again from level 1?
Been pretty good so far. But then again I play on a PvE server so it really hasn’t changed.
We’re you expecting something different op? Wpvp was never about skill. It usually 5+ vs 1 (usually horde zerging alliance), someone sniping a player while they’re half dead from an npc, or level 60s sniping low level players…
I’d venture a guess that 95% of open world pvp falls into the above three categories.
Meanwhile in Hillsbrad on a lopsided server.
/cast curse of agony, corruption… Send in pet…wand… Lion dead. Loot corpse.
Hmmm SS seems busy I can turn this in later.
Guild wen to run Ony last night. Saw a Horde raid prepping at the entrance. Wiped them, laughed, another Alliance guild came behind us. Apparently they were scared to fight, so they said good job. We zoned in.
Was funny…in Hillsbrad a few times…while the pvp raids were going back and forth, every once and a while you would see a high 20s low 30 out there leveling. And at times 200 man raid would just run by them. lol Most of the time they died though.
I don’t think anyone can accurately predict that. There are too many variables. It’s part of the game, always has been. The same concepts have always applied. If they can’t stand being ganked, or world pvp they should have STARTED on a PvE server.
I just can’t get over how crazy it is that people who don’t want to PvP, made characters on PvP servers.
Yeah it baffles me for sure. The only thing I would think would be new entrants, or people who are used to Warmode thinking “I like fighting when I feel like it.”
Blizzard can. They have the numbers.
Blizzard decided to release phase 2 knowing this choice would be presented to casual players on significantly imbalanced PvP realms:
- Stay and get farmed.
- Transfer to a different server.
- Roll on a new toon on a different server and start all over again from level 1.
- Quit playing Classic.