Phase 2 is killing Classic

You all really oversold this epic WPVP clash of the titans experience.

The game is legit unplayable right now and that’s coming from a rogue lol!

-Most of my time is spent as a ghost waiting for the 2 minute timer to reach 0
-Dungeon entrance’s are being camped (Its taken 30 minutes to get into BRD)
-10:1 Horde/Alliance in each zone
-Horde camping FP and GYs
-NPC being killed despite DHK
-Boats being camped making zone travel difficult

It’s not even skilled based at this point, like a BG would be. You just get overrun by a swarm of red. WPVP was absolute denial!

Release WSG!!


Alliance on my server hold up the entrance to black rock mountain consistently.

What’s your point?


l2p maybe?
the phase 2 didnt killed Classic , the bfa casuals that cant defend themselves and complaining are doing it. lol
literally if you cant pvp why you are on pvp realm?


How is 10v1 PVP?


It’s pvp does not matter if it’s 1v100

I knew groups would hold up points of interest before classic’s beta


Phase 2 has made me realize something: a majority of my fond memories of Vanilla came from the latter half of it.

I played early vanilla WoW, but I was clueless and on an RP server for my first character. By the time I had my 60 on an RP-PvP server, BGs were already out.

I hit rank 10 on both characters (RP a gnome lock, RP-PvP an orc shaman,) and did so in BGs on both.

Did I world PvP? Of course. However, it being the only way to PvP was only something I experienced for a short time on my orc shaman while leveling…I’m surprised I didn’t get ganked a ton.

Soo yeah, it’s currently a zerg-fest and if you’re on the lower pop side, you’re forced to play inside your town near civs who spawn masses of guards; some servers you might not even get away with that.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot of fun engagements, but they quickly turn unfun when the zerg patrol sweeps by.

so yeah…I hope they release BGs soon.


I mean, I’m just going to try and wait for it to die down so I can level again.


again lol its not , you dont even know where i am from haha. Its day time here ^^ and school in my country starts from 9:00 lol

back to bfa where you can turn off your pvp… it always has been like that in pretbc to wotlk.

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The biggest issue I’m currently facing is that when I spawn, I instantly get swarmed by 7 horde players. Rinse and repeat.

I can’t hearth because it’s on CD and the FPS are being camped so I can’t get out.

I’m legit stuck in GY mode.


It’s bank alt …i mostly playing the AH in Atiesh

you tryign to be funny or something? why u dont go and level up

My morning started with me logging on and checking Tidal Charm spawn, no luck as usual so i moved on to Felwood for some Toxic farming, got my first HK there. A friend then invited me into his raid that was going to Azshara to see if Azure was up yet… it wasn’t so we set up a picket at the bridge going into Ashenvale and tried to control Horde access into Azshara. Azure eventually spawned and we spent 2 hours bouncing it around between 2 ally raids and a horde raid. Eventually the raid i was in moved on to Kazzik and left the other two to battle it out. My afternoon was spent in Hillsbrad participating in some epic 120+ v 120+ battles.

So far, it’s been fun


Why are you getting into situations where it’s 1v10?

Every situation is like that. I’m trying to move between zone to zone and just keep getting attacked by multiple horde players.

I can barely move around the world bar in my own major cities.


Try not spawning in plain sight.

Not supposed to be skill based.

Imagine playing as something immobile like a warlock or priest.

Pick your fights, get xp/farm from dungeons. As long as you can 2v3 or 3v5 stuff, alliance will win because the disparity needs to be a lot larger. But make sure to move after winning or it becomes 2v10 and 3v15 quick.


It makes no difference. Eventually I need to come out out into view, and when I do, BAM done.

They are now ganking booty bay from the water and the guards aren’t getting them.

GG lol I was wrong about WPVP

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The wave of unsubs coming this week is gonna hit Blizz like a ton of bricks. “Phase 2.5” introducing BGs will drop in less than a month. 100% certain.


His point is that it’s pretty much unplayable as the best class to avoid conflict. It being worse for everyone else only proves his point.


My reply was meant to reinforce his point, not argue it.

Releasing wsg is the best idea by far. Allows people who want to rank to rank, and then people will grief less.