Phase 1 servers?

Sorry about the double quote, but I disagree here. 1-60 is not BC content. That’s what classic is there for. BC should start at 58, or allow transfers/copies in a limited window.

My idea I’ve posted before is to have BC servers up for 4 weeks fresh characters only with a max level of 60. This gives time for people to level up their BE/Draenei or just reroll.

Then open up a 4 week pre-patch period. This is the only time you can copy/transfer. The amount of gold and bank slots you can bring is limited, something like 5k gold and no additional bank slots. You can have all the pre-patch events in this 4 week period.

After the pre-patch is done the dark portal opens and you can no longer transfer/copy. You have no choice but to start fresh. This gives 8 weeks for fresh characters to hit 60 with nerfed xp and mounts at 30, while also giving level 60 players a true BC pre-patch experience.

that is true. i mean i can’t stop it so i really don’t complain about it but more of my personal dislikes. im more into mmo’s that are slow and steady feels more rewarding to me.

by BC content im meaning if they go about seperating BC and Classic servers instead of copying characters to the BC servers like they likely would then simply seperate the 2 and restart EVERYONE… meaning if you want to play TBC servers then your going to have to relive the entire classic experience that way people who want to just play classic do not suffer. because trust me people will complain when they wipe servers this is the only logic.

i mean either way i look at it something going to have to be done and knowing the community they will throw a fit. just wipe it all like you’d do with diablo servers. if people cannot manage to handle the wipe then retail is there for them.

we’ll see what they decide to do i mean at this rate i cannot see classic/tbc servers lasting long and retaill i doubt can carry WoW. it seems to just keep disappointing people more over the expacs give or take. me personally im ready to quit retail but SL is it’s last straw for me.

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I would assume we will get seperate servers, but that doesn’t mean they have to wipe classic servers. And starting fresh deprives players of the pre-patch experience. I know some people don’t care, but if we’re trying to accurately reproduce BC it’s important. The pre-patch was a real.period of time that existed, and I think blizz should have it for every “classic expac”

Thank you, no. Splitting a dwindling player base is not a good idea.

Phase1 Servers?! I love the idea! I love it so much that I made a lengthy thread about it a year ago, before classic even launched:

I called my idea “seasonal servers”. Similar to how D3 seasons work, there would be 1 or 2 servers that would roll over every few month (3-6), and any characters on those realms at the end of the season would be transferred to a normal, non-seasonal server and the seasonal server would be reset to phase 1.

Seasonal character transfers could be set up such that they could only be transferred to servers that were low pop, or where the transfer would help with faction imbalance.

I particularly liked the idea of my last post in that thread:

Sadly no one found it interesting enough to comment. :cry:


yea but what im saying is that logevity wise i can’t see it really doing much for those that ONLY want classic and not tbc. only so much gameplay people can do unless you wipe classic servers and then if that happens they will complain something like “oh but people going into tbc didn’t have their characters wiped” and gold farmers will complain as well

if you leave it as is like i said logevity wise classic will fail. you couple that up with retail say SL tanks.

either way though like i said your going to run into issues no matter what its just how the community reacts to it and how much revenue you will actually make off your actions. risk/reward situation can’t avoid it

They’ll probably release fresh servers later on. Believe it or not there are players who want phase 6 classic forever, idk why anyone would want that, but people do. One of the big draws of classic was never having your progress erased. The F R E S H mentality is probably the worst thing to come from pirate servers.

There’s people who want “seasons” but just arbitrarily wiping classic servers is a bad idea. Introduce seasonal classic servers alongside the normal classic servers instead.

Yasss like diablo ladder seasons but longer

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yea but that is when classic was actually vanilla. were sitting at a time where retail has evolved and now we are left with both retail AND classic. many people dislike the way retail have evolved and so they play classic now.

if both don’t appeal to players they will go else where. its not easy to bring back old players either. classic did it but that was expected other games released their classic versions years ago and all did well. but were talking about a dying genre ( mmorpg’s ) kids today don’t want to get into mmorpg’s as much as they did years ago plus you got various competition as well. amazon’s mmo is going to release this month i think. FF, etc… i know a LOT of ex wow players leave wow for ff and are happier. so yes that is something to consider profit wise. blizzard is a company after all.

You can’t make everyone happy. Seasonal servers only will make pirate server players happy, but drive away others. Static server only will drive away players who want a fresh start, but keep players who like the idea of forever classic. The best solution is to have both server types. If you want seasonal gameplay play on those servers. You know your progress will be wiped when you play on one. Players who expected to keep their characters forever would be blindsided a classic wipe, and they’ll just leave, they won’t play seasonal servers because that’s what they tried to get away from.

And I’ll be in BC, because I want to move forward, not just play classic over and over. But fresh BC is a waste of time tbh. I already leveled 1-60, that’s classic not BC imo.

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I disagree, I think the appeal is broader than that.

As an experienced WoW player, if I was starting a new alt today and I had the choice of starting on a seasonal server with other low level characters ( and a fresh economy, no heirlooms, no mounts, etc), I would absolutely choose that. I don’t have that choice though.

If I was a brand-new WoW player, I would much rather start playing on a fresh server with other low level characters than be dumped into a server where everyone was already max level with only a handful of lowbies. I think this would be a much more welcoming experience than joining an already mature server.

PvP servers would be a nightmare for new characters at this point. A fresh (seasonal) PvP server might be a fun way for new players to try PvP if they haven’t before, because at least for a while they won’t be plagued by gankers.

I think this applies just as much to retail as it does to Classic. Retail suffers the same problem with the low level populations being too sparse.

In fact, maybe if seasonal realms had been around from the start there never would have been a need for CRZ. As sparse low level zones seemed to be the problem CRZ was trying to fix. Seasonal realms, with character transfers at the end of the season, might achieve the same goal in a different way (at least for players who chose seasons).

It appeals to you. For instance I’m not really much of an alt player, never have been. I put all my time an energy into my main. I would personally not play on seasonal servers, it’s just not something that appeals to me. I won’t play classic every day I post Naxx either. Not everyone wants a fresh start. If you can’t see that wiping all classic servers is blindsiding those players who don’t want a fresh start idk what to tell you.

A fresh start in BC is just a waste of a month for me, I’m playing a gnome lock again anyway.

Hold on, I never suggested “wiping” anything. I would never suggest such a thing.

My suggestion about seasonal servers would behave just like Diablo3 seasons. You choose to create a new character on a seasonal server. The nature of the seasonal server is explained when you create the character, so no one would be surprised by it. That character stays on the seasonal server for the duration of the season: which would be months, not years. At the end of the season all seasonal characters would transfer to normal servers (just like seasonal Diablo characters become “normal”). The seasonal server would reset and a new season would start, and player could choose if they wanted to continue their characters on the normal servers, or start a new character for the next season.

As long as it doesn’t touch people on “normal” servers I’m fine with it. Like I said before I’ll be in BC anyway. And I totally agree with what you said earlier about longetivity. There’s a subset of the playerbase that thinks people are just gunna play classic phase 6 all day every day 5 years, and that’s just unrealistic too

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I’d love to have something like fresh servers every year after TBC launches. The most fun I had in Classic was when everyone was leveling alongside each other. I’d like to do it again, maybe play Horde this time instead of Alliance, try new classes, etc.

The endgame isnt as fun as when everyone is out in the world together.

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This is a myth.

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Would be great, should do it

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I still think TBC will have its own servers. I remember blizzard saying something like the items or what ever in classic will stay in classic.

So you feel like the Classic population is… growing?

Let’s be real here, most classic players are sweaty disgusting progression guys trying to speedrun to tbc.

Most people want to relive tbc where cdew, mitch, soda, reckful, other popular wow personalities started their journey doing arenas in tbc, while speedrunning to wotlk. I don’t agree with it, and I’m genuinely disgusted by everyone making tbc characters before tbc is even announced, but it’s a thing that’s happening as we speak.

While I think they will be cornered into releasing tbc to maintain the large community that only cares about the progression, having ran out of it through abusing gear funneling(because all that matters is getting your BiS and clearing content fastest). I mean these people aren’t going to keep playing if there’s nothing more for them to smash, they don’t care about alts, they don’t care about helping friends level, they don’t care about world pvp, they don’t care about doing professions, they just want to smash content, and have the best gear.

I think it’d be a mistake to throw the authentic vanilla players back to alternative servers. Likewise, it’d be a mistake to throw authentic tbc players back to alternative servers with Wotlk, or wotlk with cataclysm. Anyone ready for bfa classic? at that point I think people will definitely quit or be back to alternative servers.