Seasonal servers

A seasonal server could also provide an opportunity for Blizzard to do “fun stuff” with the community at the end of the season.

Imagine this scenario:
At the end of the season your characters are transferred to their normal realm. However, for one week (or some short period of time) they also stay on the seasonal realm before it is reset. In this one week period, Blizzard could do crazy stuff, like they did at the end of the beta: they could spawn raid bosses in capitols, give everyone thunderfury (or other crazy items), release the Hakkar blood plague in Ironforge, spawn a zombie invation, etc. Each season ender could be a slightly different experience. Obviously, none of the “season-ender” stuff (character progress, or items) would transfer with your character. It would just be a fun experience that would only come around once in a while, and it would give everyone the chance to partake in those experiences, not just people who were lucky enough to get in the beta.

I don’t know. Sounds fun to me, anyway.

FORUMS NOTE: Can’t post two consecutive comments with the same character, but can if you switch to another character? Why even bother with that restriction if it so easily circumvented?

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