Phase 1 servers?

I’m waiting for them, I’m not very interested in tbc. When classic is done so am I.

yea that is true but that is something many who play the game can’t understand. like me i didn’t care for BfA i thought it was awful but doesn’t mean im against the players who enjoy it.

always “player” driven issues when it comes to this game tbh. the game aint perfect, but neither are people

This is a pretty significant misrepresentation of what the game is like now. For a lot of people leveling is/was a fun part of the game, and when servers were fresh, it was reasonable to expect to put together a group for any dungeon in under 20-30 minutes. At this point, to realistically find a group of 4 other level appropriate people to just run a mid range dungeon like RFK or RFD might take several hours just to form the group, if it’s even possible to do so. And even end game dungeons are getting harder to find, because pre-raid BIS matters a lot less if you can just immediately start picking up ZG and MC stuff.

So while I appreciate the idea of just play how you want to and let other people play how they want to, the concern is that at this point in the server life cycle, there just aren’t many people playing a slow dungeon groups not boosting leveling kind of WoW. So if that’s what you want to do, you’re kinda SOL.

I’ll play more than I am now if/when they launch fresh servers. I’m not super interested in TBC, but I would at least hope to level from scratch on a fresh server when that happens.

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So TBC pre-whatever is the new sacred WoW phase of all that is cherished WoW?

Not sold.

Mmorpg communities always leak subs until a new content patch. Its been this way for ove 20 years.

When they open fresh classic servers you will all funnel there and your mmo life cycle will restart.

While launch is always fun, im not going through it again, its like TBC fresh i just cant be bothered.

Leveling in classic atm is till engaging and rewarding in itself on an older server.

I probably would have just quit tbh

I would like phase 2.

I don’t believe WoW Classic follows the same precedent as other MMORPGs. The first time around you had new players coming in all the time as part of the equation… that part is almost non-existent now. I don’t have data to back that up, but I do play the game on a large server, and new players are very rare.

Anything released that subdivides the current Classic pop is bad imo (until TBC).

Bloodsail Buccaneers my friend! IMO the best server for casual classic players. There are always people leveling at a snail’s pace (like me) and it’s not a PvP server so people are less toxic. It is an RP server, which I think is great, but may not be your cup of tea, but the RP can be ignored pretty easily.

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Lmao , its ok when its TBC which will effectively do the same thing.

This might happen a few years down the road, but not at this point.

fresh would be sick

in 15 years on next wave?

I’d like some original vanilla servers. Like day one of release vanilla servers before any patches or changes.

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So… think of retail. You’re “LMAO” indicates you think them launching fresh BfA servers would be the same thing as launching Shadowlands?

Carebears don’t belong on PVP servers. There are servers that confine PVP to battlegrounds.

Then pay for mine and my guild’s transfers if you don’t think I belong.

I should pay for you and your guilds’ transfers because you didn’t understand what a PVP server was? You complained that PVP should be confined to battlegrounds. You fail to understand PVE servers exist for people who feel the way you do.

TBC/Fresh server effectively do the same thing :man_facepalming:

Phase 1 of wotlk.