A super simple blanket hp/dmg modifier and a super simple mechanic is not the same as a a complete overhaul of the talent system.
You’re delusional if you think a possible MoP classic wouldn’t keep the talent system it had.
A super simple blanket hp/dmg modifier and a super simple mechanic is not the same as a a complete overhaul of the talent system.
You’re delusional if you think a possible MoP classic wouldn’t keep the talent system it had.
Yes me and my entire guild quit Wrath forever the second Cata was announced.
And with how bad they wrecked Wrath…I have very little hope for Cata now.
Why Nobody is Excited for Cataclysm Classic (A Rant) (youtube.com)
Watch. Good video.
Now who’s misusing the queue system in a manner not congruent with the social contract?
You’re openly admitting that you would abuse the system.
Why would someone like you even be using LFR in the first place when you claim you are an established raider and have no real need for it?
I reiterate, you’re using LFR in an abusive manner, and openly admitting it. Hypothethically speaking.
Do you actually run randomly queued gammas? It’s only a matter of time before you run into me and put your money where your mouth is.
In fact, I’m about to queue my dungeon dailies in roughly 20 minutes, that’s as exact as I can be.
Feel free to try and land me and see what happens between a real-time interaction between us.
No, I’m using the system to remove a player who openly is griefing the rest of the raid.
It’s literally in the sentence you quoted. I do not know if it is still currently used this way, but atleast in BFA there was a rune you could get from doing LFR that you can then take into any other form of content. This rune was a consumable buff. It was expensive to buy in bulk, so I farmed what I could when I could. Pretty sure it was one of the versions of the Augment Rune consumables. Don’t remember what it’s exact name was.
This is what happens when you don’t play the expansions but formulate heavily biased opinions about them when based on nothing but ignorance.
I even went further just now to look it back up. It was the Battle-Scarred Augment Rune and it came from LFR, War-Torn Satchels from RDF bonus loot for the special boys in their special roles, and mission tables.
I also don’t need a specific reason to go to LFR either. I’ve went in just because I was bored and wanted to pump some bosses. I’m not against LFR. I’m against you.
No, you just have delusions and false ego based on bad comprehension. You’re so deluded to assume you’re right for actively wasting 24 other people’s time.
Lmao you’re sad. Your height is gammas.
I’m just now seeing this, nor am I getting on at 1:10 am to try to queue snipe you, you deluded trogg.
many people aren’t excited for cata but they will play it because there is no other options.
There’s plenty of other options including quitting.
This is not a job. This doesn’t feed your family. If you don’t like the game and don’t have fun playing it, STOP !
Yes but I will not. As soon as HC is over with and SOD is finished then I am done with WoW for good. DF has been super terrible. They ruined the ability to /groster to see the old original guild…oddly enough the next Tuesday patch after I told someone how to do it on the forums… PvP boosting now is way out of hand. I see glads with less than 5k hks and who have no gems or enchants on and who are guildless, very clearly boosted and who have 0 record of ever doing any from of PvP before that. Then the ret paladin nerfs yet again for another xpac which is very likely to go on into the entire new trilogy of them, then how WoTLK has had the shammy action bar bug for the entire expac when they never had that problem in original Wrath, or the fact that all mounts and pets are now account bund in Wrath. There is a 0% chance I will even step foot into Cata. I’m only subbed to play HC now and SOD. When those are done, I’m done with WoW since they are getting rid of Wrath and that’s that. Look up the video of how exited people were when Cata Classic was announced.
Pallies been so bad in DF that I was requested that my full epic geared pally not join a group and that my sham who is in blues and greens join instead even though the role fit either one and other times too, rets have been bad so I quit playing DF months ago and will not play a single second of any of the new expacs they have coming out…pally at the bottom for 3 more expacs? Yea I dont think so. And Cata they simplify all the classes make them so lackluster to play. 41 talent points total. That exac sucked. Sorry for those who think it is going to be great…it isnt.
And when hunter focus first came out it was super broken. If they launch Cata to mimic first patch, then enjoy your hunter focus bar glitching for a few months. And enjoy a patch that was almost a year long because Blizzard lost most of the original dev team right then and had to hurry up to find new replacements.
Im not playing it at all.
Oh and RBGs? Yes I was highly against them adding it in last time. Weeks and in some cases months grinding them out in 60 cap WoW? Now you can do it in a matter of days and weeks with the RBG system. I have Feat of Strength PvP titles now on multiple toons that mean nothing since they are just getting replaced in Cata. Oh and Blizz got rid of decay ranks for PvP in reg Classic so I’m done playing that too. Why no arena teams in TBC and Wrath? They were there last time. And they are thinking of removing 5v5s and Arena Master title in Cata so all that being said, nope. Not playing it.
And another thing. Cata raids were difficult. With even less players now they are going to be near impossible for many people this time around…let me tell you now, a LOT of you are going to hate it.
Oh and also the linear questing that does not allow you to chose how you play the game.
The battlepets that destroy all the old models. The quest chains that phase you into different sections for different parts which make it 100% impossible to quest with your friends if they are even one quest apart from you, the flying in Azeroth that caused max level players to go around and fly gank all the lowbies questing, LFR giving such bad loot that you couldnt even perform well in a heroic with it.
I cannot name one good thing about Cata other than sub rogues, boomkin druids and fire mages being super overpowered. And fury warriors too if played well.
It isnt Classic. Cata is what destroyed Classic. Shammy totems, rogue poisons, hunter pets and mana, all that changed in Cata. No more Shockadin builds. I had my own custom one made for original Wrath.
Oh yes AND the hunter focus was so broken that at lower levels they owned 100% of every BG. Its going to be filled with level 19 hunter twinks. Then at higher levels it begins to suck for them.
Watch them come out with Cata 4.4 this time as well which is a patch that didn’t even exist last time. As soon you get done with tripping the rifts, then you go straight into patch 4.4 custom made just for Cata classic. They give all armour types the exact equivalent and nerf tank and melee DPS hpal and damage output and do not nerf casters so you have the majority of the expansion dominated by caster classes.
Then to top it off, casters get a legendry weapon made just for them. Cata sucks. It lost subs almost all the way thru and was the first expac to do so. Blizzard began hiding their sub numbers out of embarrassment because of how poorly Cata performed.
And also, they go off of DAU now, which is daily active users instead of subs numbers now. Each toon you create and play past level 10 counts to the DAU which is why they make leveling so easy so you get to end game and play more and waste time playing in a patch that lasts almost an entire year.
Caster ruled, Sub rogue ruled, at lower levels, 100% hunter rules, BGs are boomkin ruled, open world PvP it is mages.
Cloth and mail and plate and leather all equal the same thing in Cata. And they all function at the value the plate does. Imagine a mage in plate gear in Vanilla Classic…they could not be touched. And that’s how Cata is.
I cannot name one single good thing about it…oh AND with their new dev team change came the extreme downgrade in WoW cinematic graphics during Cata. Only good one you get is when Deathwing flies around in the trailer. OH AND he also ruins Stormwind which you have to stare at for the entire expac while org gets a massive buff and an upgrade.
Also now some of your battle pet quests are going to glitch now as they are all account bound so you will be unable to do some of them that require you to obtain certain pet.
Cata was the begging of the end for WoW and as WoW began to fall, so did Blizzard. Cata KILLED Blizzard…and they are now going to do it again. Hence why I am forever done with WoW as soon as SOD and HC come to an end.
I quit Wrath for good the second Cata was announced so did my entire guild, they all went private and unsubbed from WoW. I was hoping Wrath was going to go on, I didn’t think they would kill WoW a second time but they did.
You people are going to HATE Cata at launch and then again at halfway mark.
You call those post walls? Damn, you should read more than a sentence, he wrote like one paragraph.
I’m the original Mage? cool.
Also no, I wasn’t trying to incite a response from you, I was mearly stating my opinon and opinion I still think is true.
So you admit it’s a weird reason to quit? Well I’m glad that you agree with me.
I think 10 man will make it comfortable.
This is personal preference, I’d perfer a more linear kind of questing.
Are battle pets in Cataclysm? Thought it was a MoP thing.
This already happens but it would make it more accessible for people to do.
I honestly don’t even know if low level BGs happen.
Yeah but neither was 1.13 or 2.4, it’s obviously going to be on patch 4.4 because it’s Classic not retail.
I don’t understand what you mean here, did you leave out a word?
I don’t get how that’s a bad thing, Casters haven’t had something for them since Classic and that was at the last phase of Classic.
After it plateaued in WotLK because of a year of ICC.
Again idk what you mean, do you mean that that armour is shared between all armour types?
Only time will tell.
Watched it for 5min then I saw he tried to do the forums boomer narrative that there is no hype around Cata by showing the panel crowd instead of the actual announcement. He is nothing more than reading out what the forum say (lie) which is hilarious.
Many people are excited about Cata but people like him and others are so annoying and try to mock everyone that thinks Cata is great that they don’t say anything.
They def don’t happen in Classic. Pvp is a dead content
Armor spec. You get a 5% stat buff when you wear your armor. Eg druids leather, warriors plate.
Not a forum dweller like you. I have to work and have a life.
Anyways, not going to derail this even further because everything you say has been debunked
Oh that? I honestly don’t see that as a bad thing idk what Aovona is talking about.
OG fanatics think its bad because it takes gearing identity, at least i think?
Personally i think its one of the best changes especially for the ones that are bullied the most without it - mages, warlocks, priests and rogues.
Gearing identity? What does that even mean? People are weird.
Idk something about paladins wearing cloth being part of wow and its fun
That vs physical white damage, they now all are effected the exact same.
Yea they are a MOP thing.
You both are, tbh.
Oh goodie, Aovona, like Wafectus, a “Classic wow player” who grossly misunderstands the games at a fundamental level is in here as well.
The trash collects I guess.
Oh its you again. Go enjoy Cata. I did on my rogue. You likely will on yours too. Wrath is getting removed which the vast majority did not want.