Petition to keep Seals, Totems and Auras in Cataclysm

This does help to prove my point some.

This kind of playstyle and talent set up will no longer be possible in Cata.

The game Cata, changes enough that it won’t allow me to do that anymore.

You can count that as a factor, along with sentry totem, as to why I won’t be playing Cata.

Good, it forces bads like you to actually get better.

Or quit. Idc which.

Get better or not bother playing the game at all?

I suppose you’re going to tell me that this 71-talent system was only providing me with an illusion of choice and the upcoming Cata and MoP systems are bringing actual choice?

I’ve already done this rodeo before.

Yes. Bads like you are given “choice” and you end up being useless.

I’m sorry for your duo. They could probably reach 1800 atleast if you put in any effort other than being trash.

We only do arena because we have no choice.

You can’t earn arena gear through BGs

But that’s you and me digressing and opening up another can of worms that isn’t necessary as this is already derailed enough as it is.

I explained to you the arena part; when I can raid ICC hard or easy mode, my choice, through LFR, then you will see logs.

Who do you think the raid leaders, and raid organizers, are in this game?


WoD had a solid system where non arena and non RBG could, at a slower rate, earn the points needed to get the bis pvp gear, and be fully on par with ranked players in terms of gear.

But you wouldn’t know that because “wah my sentry totem” or whatever other dumb reasons you had for quitting.

No, you’re just bad. ICC 10 normal is braindead and you could easily go into the raids right now without issue.

But you refuse to because you’re not a classic player. It’s weird how you scream about wanting LFR but condemn everything from cata onwards. You’re just a delusional tool.

Also, I haven’t raid led or organized in years. I just play the game and get invited because I’m not dog at this game, unlike you.

No logs, peak 1646 rating with a trashcan build. You are valueless.

Edit: Your current weapon is Relentless Glad Combat Staff, enchanted with 35 AGI, and you have 10 AGI/15 STAM as your first gem and 10 Parry/15 STAM as your second. I don’t have to say more.

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Just as easily as walking into a weekly VoA I’m sure.

And you expect me to take any of your lines seriously…

And I should clarify, I use it as my primary melee weapon. Don’t leave that out.

It is, when you aren’t a trashcan. You’re just bad.

You have Glyph of Indomitability as one of your trinkets. It’s an armor trinket with on use dodge rating. You are currently spec’d as a half ele/enhancement.

You’re doing this to yourself.

This doesn’t make it better.

Doing what? What is it you think you’re doing, exposing me?

I’ve gone on record many times that I am the worst WoW player in the world; and…

I’m only going to continue to be the worst WoW player in the world under this Wrath theme…

It’s not going to be much fun being the worst WoW player in the world in Cata.

And this is exactly why I will say, in every thread now (Because you wanted my attention) that you should be ignored at best, and mocked at worst.

You have no value in regards to this game. Which is fine, but, don’t come in here and expecting your opinions to be taken seriously in any capacity when you are openly saying you sniff glue on the daily.

Thank god you’re leaving. It’s been 20 years. To be bad at wow in any capacity that involves other players is disrespectful and rude. You should be gone.

When you’re the one defining what’s good and/or bad?

Regardless of what you might think, I have a feeling that the company might still want my money and we are going to end up getting Wrath era servers.

Just my gut telling me…

But either way, I won’t be moving on to Cata so you’ll be rid of me regardless.

No, it’s objective off of numbers and measurable performance. We know what produces the best results.

To fail at the execution is a player issue, and can be fixed if the player is willing to grow. I’ve helped many people in classic go from grey/green to high blue/low purp. They objectively did more for the group because of me.

But to go against the norm, to put in the objectively wrong enchants and gems, and to use a spec that has no capacity to play well, and then going into group content with it, just wastes everyone else’s time under the context of “oh but it’s my character I can do what I want.”

If you want to be bad while solo, have at it. If your duo is cool with you being trash, then I hope you both have fun while you can.

The second you come around other people with your bull, you deserve to be mocked, ridiculed, and kicked, until performance is improved.

Yeah, the same company that actively gutted D4 for their store, and put out a mobile version of that game prior that was P2W. People spent tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars at the individual level. They don’t care for your 15 a month. They care about the whales spending their bank.

Should get offline and take a run then.


If I’m getting the job done for what I was brought to do then the parry gem didn’t matter.

??? Define group content???

  1. Sure, the job is “done” lmao

Then put in an actual good gem.

Any content that is not you, or a group (One or more people that specifically knows what you’re going to do) in the wow setting. If you and your duo find a third and go do 3’s and the 3rd is cool with you being trash, then have fun.

You whine about wanting LFR, and how it’s so hard to get into a raid. Look internally first. No one worth their salt is going to take you and waste everyone else’s time trying to force drag you through content.

Look, I got real life I got to go do. Freezing weather and pipes with water don’t mix. I promise, I’ll be back, because you specifically requested my attention and my brother in christ you will get it.

Go ahead, its just more of the same hypocrisy and contradiction you keep spewing out.

I can take any one of your lines and break it down and demonstrate how.

But I know you’re not that ignorant, are being purposeful ignorant if anything, and it just boils down to you simply trolling.

Oh WTH just one last taste of you hypocrisy…

You recognize the fact that I’m not going to be taken into raids if I don’t adhere to the status quo; your PvE culture…

But then wonder why I “cry” for LFR, an impartial group-maker.

Baseless claims. You can’t know how well I’m performing unless you have done content yourself with me.

Like your supposed scenario regarding how I use sentry totem in WSG…

Talk about bull.

Uh huh.

You still never denied it. You stand by what you said, and I’m just saying it back at you. You then cope on about how I’m wrong.

And you’d be kicked from the LFR for under preforming and refusing to actually play the game correctly in any capacity. Those are still real people, and I know if I’m just in their doing my weekly LFR for whatever resource I need to grind, I am throwing up the vote kick and mocking you in chat till we’re done or I’m kicked.

But I know those LFR players. They want to be carried. You can not do that. You’d be kicked still.

You have a 1646 rating in 2’s as your peak. It’s not even your current. Ironforge (dot) pro → Wafectus → everything you have available to show.

You said:

There is only one tunnel. Where else would it be?

Elaborate how I’m wrong on that. You can’t.

The two scenarios I can picture you using this totem in this context, is both useless scenarios and you’re wasting everyone else’s time by doing it.

if blizz removes my windwall totem, i will delete my 20 year old account.


You know what, I’m converted. If blizzard removes… wait let me google it real quick.

If blizzard removes my inability to transfer combo points from target A to target B then I’ll slam a magnet into my storage devices. That’ll show em

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How do you know that MoP Classic will do that? We didn’t know that WotLK Classic would add Titan Rune Dungeons.