Petition to keep Seals, Totems and Auras in Cataclysm

BRB bashing players “that never learned to utilize the full extent of their abilities” while I run this spec

i.imgur dot com/Ed6EaP4.png


I think they can trashcan sentry totem right now for what it’s worth.


Paladins are getting quite more complicated with holy power they do not need to keep seals and to be fair those were way too much op. As far as totems go it would be interesting to keep a few buffs totem as shamans are losing their unique utility with mages getting timewarp.

I’m honestly gonna mostly use it as a movement speed buff.

You don't need to do this for you to link a thread from this forum, for example...

Thank goodness! What a stupid thing that was.

Just reaffirms that playing cata is the right decision.


They are responding to you but you ignore everything and derail it with hilarious statements

So you did in fact understand what we were responding to you just chose to derail it

That’s a hilarious statement and shows what person you actually are: a Cata hater.

In retail (Fun fact, Vanilla to Wrath was retail at some point so you’re a “Retailer” too) many spells got removed for various reasons. That’s not something they only did in Cata to make people mad. Yes, after Cata spells got removed. Yes, even after Legion.
One of the most recent spells that got removed that I had strong feelings about is Rune of Power. It got removed during Dragonflight. Rune of Power is a very useful spell for Mage that actually changed how you play Mage, while Sentry totem is a dead totem and only seen in some very niche battleground scenarios. Lets be real, the only reason you have that totem is so you can record a 30 fps yotube video where your bars are full.
And even with that in mind, it has absolutely nothing to do with how I like the expansion overall. I still like Dragonflight for what it is even if I don’t like that they removed the spell. In 10 years from now when Dragonflight Classic is a thing I’m not going to boycott Dragonflight just because they removed a spell.

I think thats the best answer ever


How bout you respond in a timely fashion and not wait until the next day when you think I have gone and am not going to reply to your effort to get the last word in.

The whole theme of all your counter-arguments is that I’m wrong for quitting WoW over sentry totem.

What purpose did it serve, offering rebuttal on my innocent comment about sentry totem, other than to get a reaction out of me? Cuz you’re clearly not discussing anything prominent…

That would mean, that you’re all trolling me, not the other way around.

And here’s a good demonstration of your hypocrisy. You had posted earlier that no1 had made comparisons between expansions, and you’re in the middle of doing it as we speak.

^^^Here’s another great example of someone not adding anything meaningful to the conversation.

More subjective nonsense. Not going to dignify anymore subjective nonsense; just going to ask…

What exactly am I wrong about with my premise in this thread?


That’s it.

I know this will sound rude but Wafectus is a prime example of a non wow player who convinced himself he’s a wow player. Everyday he screams out about how he wants ai party members, ai raid members, queue systems everywhere, but condemns retail and refuses to even try the game because of some reason.

Normally I say it as an insult, but unironically, I feel like he really is just a low iq individual and shouldn’t be taken seriously, ever. Like the kid in the back eating glue. Just got to move on

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Even funner fact! Wrath is retail with Vanilla old world. Easy dungeons, easy raids, consolidated stats, boring stats, started the loot from current tier nearly always outperforming previous tiers, four raid difficulties, easy loot catchups, in the form of gearscore, beginning of class homogenization like giving replenishment or crit chance to other specs, ability to switch between multiple specs, LFG, and dungeon blue equivalent heirlooms trivializing the leveling process.

It’s just funny people saying Cata was the start of retail because it changed the world when WotLK was the tone shift into retail.

There were some niche benefits of being able to scout a location before really heading there also.

Lol like Lightning Bolt, multi-target Lightning Bolt, Fire DoT, Fire Spell, hit things with lighting hammer, hit things with fire hammer, smol heal, large heal, jumpy heal?

Seals, totems, and auras are still in Cataclysm. It’s MoP that removed all of those.

This is the only thing you got right here. These two abilities are actually going away (and we don’t care).

Says the person that takes everything they read out of context on a regular basis and doesn’t bother with comprehension.

BTW you contradicted yourself; this…

With This…


What we said is just a matter of perspective…

That ppl like you then purposefully take out of context to fill your narrative.

I’m not going to anymore, since ppl like you are just purposeful ignoramuses, but you can argue that retail began as early as vanilla, prior to BC.

Only the lowly say it, because you people get angry that I’m right.

I’ve talked to you many times before, you are an absurd individual with expectations that have never been a thought to this IP. You crave everything you currently don’t have or ever had, while simultaneously wanting it to be classic specifically.

You have a flavor that no chef could ever appease, and you dig your heels into the ground on it and die on that hill everytime.

You are a consistent binder for most forum users. We disagree a lot, but most everyone here who has seen you post blatantly ignores you because you are not a wow player. You’re someone who convinced themselves to play wow against the fact that it provides you with almost nothing you want. It’s weird.

Your current hill is sentry totem. I don’t have to say more.


But you’re not right about anything.

You’re a kind of liar at heart…

Case in point… You said I bring up the A.I. thing up almost everyday (your words and spare me the effort of having to quote you on what you said) when the last time I brought that up was b4 RDF was put in.

So not only do you take every little thing that is said out of context, but you’re also not even accurate in your accusations.

That makes you a liar at heart. Now back to the question at hand…

What exactly was it that I said about sentry totem that is wrong?

I see that this is the moment where you tuck your tail between your legs.

Well when you’re a liar, it’s easy to think that you’re right about everything.

Now that’s just mean, I was in no way mean to you and yet here you are name calling. I mean… that’s really all you have to rebuttal? You could at least be a little more constructive. Next, what perspective have I taken out of context to serve my narrative? Cata is retail because it removed the old world? I mean, come on. I was on your side defending the use of the sightseeing totem and you had to go and attack me. I was at least also willing to share my perspective that WotLK was really where retail started and gave reasons why, you just took what I said out of context even though I put exact reasons why in that same post.

No, I’m real at heart. People don’t like me because I don’t sugar coat it. You’re focusing on the detail

Like this. Sure, I said you added more pepper than you actually do, but the meat and potatoes are still there. This is still something I know you’d argue for if a current thread was up for it. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

It’s hard to call me a liar when you didn’t deny the core of it, and only the details. Cope more.

It’s a useless ability for useless players and anyone who defends this totem is a player of the absolute lowest possible level.

That’s why I don’t have to say more. It’s not that I can’t insult you and roast you for this, it’s that I don’t have to when you present this as your stance. You did my job for me.

Don’t double post trogg. I get it, you’re mad, but you can say it all in a single post.

Edit: everyday I see you post* I fixed the detail for you.

Classic CATA needs to be as original to OG CATA as possible.

Being able to use and have the unique design of classes, spells, graphics, available is exactly why TBC Era and WotLK Era servers with the playerbases original character copies should stand along with Vanilla Era.

You answered your own question.

I didn’t say you took something out of context specifically. I said ppl like you do… like the rogue below you writing a near wall of text of what I’m sure amounts to absolutely nothing.

You took what I said out of context then, you’re doing it as we speak; why would I take you seriously about discussing anything again?

As far as I’m concerned, you’re just a liar, So until you decide to stop replying to me, I’m not going to dignify anything you have to say with any real seriousness anymore, save for this last point below.

That wasn’t really the issue though. I may have mentioned a quip about the totem’s viability, but that was only after that mage already derailed with nonsense.

The issue was me quitting over its deletion. The mage that initially retorted, insinuated that I was somehow wrong or lying about quitting over such a thing; which is a ridiculous premise to look for an argument to begin with.

You’re more than welcome to quote anything I said; but, you being a liar, you’re just going to take it out of context, even after I just put it proper context in this very post, and derail the conversation. Being the kind of liar you are, don’t bother.

And it’s not just you. The mages and loks that are arguing this thread are the same.

^^These are the original replies to my original sentry totem comment. Nothing of value was offered here and as a result, this is the point we are at.