Petition to keep Seals, Totems and Auras in Cataclysm

The whole premise of your response to me is that I’m wrong for not wanting to play Cata simply because of the removal of sentry totem.

I can’t speak for others but personally I think it’s weird for you to not play an expansion because of a totem barely anyone uses is being removed.


No? Not even what I wrote lol

Besides the point that I didn’t see that you’re not the OP, you were commenting completely out of topic and didn’t even read anything before.
The narrative being spoken here is that he/you has to like Cata because he/you likes Wrath which is not something that has been said at any point, not even in the forums.

Yeah I think the most someone has said regarding that is that the gameplay of WotLK is similar to the gameplay of Cata and that if you liked it you may like the gameplay of Cata.


Shaman that never learned to utilize the full extent of their abilities.

Because you said I was out of topic, I was out of topic? Is that what we’re going to discuss now? That’s you steering the conversation in a nonsensical direction.

More nonsense. You’ve taken the conversation towards some nonsensical direction in order to save face. You’re not discussing anything I have addressed as rebuttal.

It’s been discussed over various topics. I’ve been apart of those discussions.

Since you’re the only one that has offered some attempt at meaningful discussion, although this required no discussion whatsoever…

Even if it’s weird that I would quit over sentry totem…

What do you care if I do or not that you needed to offer a meaningless rebuttal over an innocent comment I made?

It’s ridiculous that you are trying to analyze something so subjective.

So to the ppl ridicously responding to me over nothing…

The fact that you show disinterest in things getting removed from one expac to another, not cherishing what one has to offer, not caring about moving on from one expac to the next, indifferent to if what is left behind gets deleted or not…

You know what I call that?


I am quite clearly a Mage… Unless you were talking about yourself which in that case carry on.

Because this is a forum, a place of opinions and it’s my opinion that you quitting over the sentry totem being removed is weird. I’m not analyzing anything I’m giving my opinion plain and simple, it’s weird.


That’s why you’re a retailer. You have no specific preference for any version of WoW, that you can’t understand why someone would quit over something as simple.

Your closed-mindedness makes it weird it look weird to you.

I don’t play retail, I started playing WoW when Classic came, how can I have a preference when I’ve only played 3 versions of WoW and there’s like 7 other versions.

Also I’m a Gnome, it’s always weird to look at me why do you think I hear this helmet.


You’re about to move onto Cata aren’t you? In my context, that makes you a retailer; and, it doesn’t seem to matter to you if Wrath is eliminated in the process.

It doesn’t matter to me whether or not they add WotLK Era servers, if they do cool but I’m not gonna play on them so why should I care if they’re added or not. I held the same opinion on TBC Era servers and if I’m still playing for MoP I’ll have the same opinion for Cata. Should they add them? Sure why not, I doubt they will but who knows.

You can slap that lable on people who are going to play Cata if you want, that’s your opinion just like my opinion about you. It is a fact though that one’s called Classic and the other isn’t.


BRB bashing players “that never learned to utilize the full extent of their abilities” while I run this spec

i.imgur dot com/Ed6EaP4.png


I think they can trashcan sentry totem right now for what it’s worth.


Paladins are getting quite more complicated with holy power they do not need to keep seals and to be fair those were way too much op. As far as totems go it would be interesting to keep a few buffs totem as shamans are losing their unique utility with mages getting timewarp.

I’m honestly gonna mostly use it as a movement speed buff.

You don't need to do this for you to link a thread from this forum, for example...

Thank goodness! What a stupid thing that was.

Just reaffirms that playing cata is the right decision.


They are responding to you but you ignore everything and derail it with hilarious statements

So you did in fact understand what we were responding to you just chose to derail it

That’s a hilarious statement and shows what person you actually are: a Cata hater.

In retail (Fun fact, Vanilla to Wrath was retail at some point so you’re a “Retailer” too) many spells got removed for various reasons. That’s not something they only did in Cata to make people mad. Yes, after Cata spells got removed. Yes, even after Legion.
One of the most recent spells that got removed that I had strong feelings about is Rune of Power. It got removed during Dragonflight. Rune of Power is a very useful spell for Mage that actually changed how you play Mage, while Sentry totem is a dead totem and only seen in some very niche battleground scenarios. Lets be real, the only reason you have that totem is so you can record a 30 fps yotube video where your bars are full.
And even with that in mind, it has absolutely nothing to do with how I like the expansion overall. I still like Dragonflight for what it is even if I don’t like that they removed the spell. In 10 years from now when Dragonflight Classic is a thing I’m not going to boycott Dragonflight just because they removed a spell.

I think thats the best answer ever


How bout you respond in a timely fashion and not wait until the next day when you think I have gone and am not going to reply to your effort to get the last word in.

The whole theme of all your counter-arguments is that I’m wrong for quitting WoW over sentry totem.

What purpose did it serve, offering rebuttal on my innocent comment about sentry totem, other than to get a reaction out of me? Cuz you’re clearly not discussing anything prominent…

That would mean, that you’re all trolling me, not the other way around.

And here’s a good demonstration of your hypocrisy. You had posted earlier that no1 had made comparisons between expansions, and you’re in the middle of doing it as we speak.

^^^Here’s another great example of someone not adding anything meaningful to the conversation.

More subjective nonsense. Not going to dignify anymore subjective nonsense; just going to ask…

What exactly am I wrong about with my premise in this thread?