Petition to keep BG how they are, OP and FUN always

Signed! It was so much more fun!

Here’s a thread in GD about why higher difficulty is better. Please help bump this thread as well for more visibility.


100X /Signed

This thread and linked thread.



Epics were epic, when they were epic.

Hard hitting NPCs funneled players into playing PvP. The point of the mode.


/signed. Worst nerf ever. Unwanted and unwarranted.

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Also here to voice my displeasure. Whoever is running PvP seems to not even want us to play the game mode, instead encouraging a stupid and pointless 5-10 minute mode where all the original intent of the map is IGNORED. In any other video game this would be unacceptable.


Signed. Agree with the majority of the points in the thread and had immense fun with EBGs pre nerf.


I think the nerfs were fine personally.

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Signed - definitely way more fun when difficult


They did us dirty. Blitz and backdoors are back on the menu and that sucks. We were all excited for hardmode and a change of strats then blizz took that away from us. An out classed team could stand a chance by summoning npcs or using objectives. Now were back to boring pre expansion zug fest. Maybe read the room next time blizz. We were actually having fun.


No kidding. Back to regular random battlegrounds until rated opens.

Season hasn’t even started yet. Buff EPIC BGS

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Yes I agree the epic BGs only function when the NPCs are very dangerous and it makes the best content in WoW.

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signed /10char


Aaaaaaand they nerfed it.

Ook you in the dooker, Devs. Ook you.

Nah. I don’t think most people are interested in hours-long AVs.

It just wasn’t tuned with the new expansion, and they fixed that. We need more people PVPing, not fewer, and making it a bit quicker and easier to get into is the right choice.

Go play regular BGs then. Epic battlegrounds are for epic fights.

Clearly there were people enjoying it.


Yeah, 10 people in a WoW forum compared to … everyone else.

That’s 10 more people than I’ve seen arguing against it lmao. Stop pretending you speak for everyone else, because you don’t.

Go back to your carebear pve.

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I didn’t get to 80 in time to see it, but things need to go back to how they were, or close to it. Right now it’s the beginning of the season without conquest gear, and it already feels very similar to end of DF.

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