NPCs in battlegrounds are dying way too easily right now. This is pretty much comparable to how they were at the end of Season 4 of Dragonflight.
This is awful.
First of all, this makes all 4 epics incredibly boring, being decided pretty much by the first teamfight, or by boss rushes with little opportunity or incentive for deviation. Sure there are exceptions in matches with premades, but the mast majority of battlegrounds fall into this outcome.
Alterac Valley
Decided by a race to the boss. You could improve your odds with some defense, but it’s repetitive, and exactly what was happening in Season 4 already.
Isle of Conquest
Decided by who gets Hangar. Glaives, Demos, and Siege die way too easily.
Offense is way too difficult to win, as vehicles die way too easily.
Boss-rush, same as AV.
The start of each expansion is supposed to be when epic BGs have their strategies completely scrambled, where anything is possible. It is, in my opinion, when epics are the most fun.
Alterac Valley
The Archdruid and Primalist are legitimate pawns in the game! Armor scraps are turned in to make defense better. And while most players don’t do this, I have seen the ram/wolf riders deployed in the past!
To win, you need to be tactical with defense and offense.
Isle of Conquest
All 3 bases are viable. You could take the “safe, but slow” path of hangar, or push in with glaives, making sure to defend them.
And even if your wall falls first, the boss is strong enough so that the battle ain’t over yet.
You gotta play the map, grabbing the various buffs scattered around. Most games are won in teamfights, which is more enjoyable.
Offense is a legitimate threat to Defense. Even if Offense loses the initial teamfight, they can always come back and win with strong vehicles.
Now, was the previous iteration with unkillable bosses too much? Sure, I agree that they probably had to be nerfed. But what happened was too much of an overcorrection that made the games worse than what they just were. I personally would’ve even preferred the unkillable NPC version than what we have now.
Consider this:
We don’t even have conquest gear yet!
Our power over NPCs will only get GREATER over time.
So to have our STARTING POINT be this severe does not bode well.
In fact, I would reckon that with conquest gear, many of the previous problems of “unkillable NPCs” would’ve naturally been resolved over time in my opinion.
My suggestion is that Blizzard needs to revert the change to epic BG npcs, maybe nerf the bosses a tad just until we get conquest gear, and leave the NPCs to be an actual threat.
This will make epic BGs more fun for players.