Petition to keep BG how they are, OP and FUN always

I think a lot of us agree with the fact that Battle Grounds are a lot of fun right now. No more running past each other ignoring combat just to wait for 3 towers to cap and kill the Boss. Specially Alterac Balley, my favorite ever. I got to summon the Boss last night, in my 15+ years playing, I’ve only gotten to summon any of them less then 10x due to the NPC being under powered and we always go for the Boss kill.

This is PVP, this is fun. To meet middle of the map and duke it out. To strategically tank and heal and DPS certain NPC because they for once, can kill you. It takes… whats the term? Oh, team effort. I would pay for this to stay like this always.

Not every BG needs to be like this, i thought the idea of EPIC BG was to stay the same, big scale pvp that takes longer.

IF YOU AGREE, please comment with “signed” and lets pray our Developers hear us :slight_smile:


Yes, and please bring more Epic BG’s.

Imagine Warfront PVP with strong NPC waves?



Alterac Valley is peak. Towers should be extremely dangerous to bypass.

Bosses should wreck you.

Taking a tower should be a group effort.

Edit: For all the people I’ve rescued in AV this week by lifegripping you away from epic NPCs you didn’t realize were about to eat your soul- What can I say except… you’re welcome?


You’re 100% playing a flavor of the month class lol. These were miserable on my dps and healer. as heals going oom having to pre heal people otherwise they are instantly killed by frost mage 2mil lances or shadow bolts just to be outhealed by a single blook DK.


I’m disc bruv. Absolutely loving it.



So much Epicness in these BGs now.


I just 80 this Paladin this morning before the servers went down. My main is a rogue, classes have nothing to do with NPC difficulty. Team effort makes every class viable. That is something ppl have forgotten around here.

Is ok to die and come back, and die again to come back again. There was an Isle of Conquest where we got to the Boss while the Horde was at our Boss for at least 5 minutes wiping. We won because of better team effort, not because we had more FOTM.


This is my rogue btw….

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Can we at least nerf the npcs that wander around though? Guards in wintergrasp killing you with 2 hits, and the mage/warlock in Ashran one shotting you with their spells isn’t fun lol, especially when they can’t be CCed.

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Buddy this is old school ebgs that’s how it was. But people can’t handle long matches. Even the new dungeons take like ten minute with three bosses. Tanks are gonna pull entire dungeons up to the boss. That’s how people want their wow. Round up, aoe down, no skill.

What you have here is some old school strategy combat games. That’s a no no. This will get fixed right away l. When’s the last time blizz has done anything good for PvP ?

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We couldn’t get them to buff NPCs and vehicles in DF for months and months no matter how much we asked. You think this is going to do something when that didn’t?

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Agree 100%. Don’t ever change this. This is finally fun again!



Epic bgs were so fun before the recent nerf. I don’t mind getting 1 shot by npcs. Also, we’re tired of cringe blood dks tryna solo the boss.


Signed and linked to the Blues

I was actually doing specific Epic Ques to enjoy AV and Ashran. They were that good. Now I guess I won’t Que for Epics anymore just like the last couple expansions. I rather they remove Epic BGs if they can’t give us Epic BGs that last 30-45 mins with huge battles like we were having.

Why have the Epic category if they aren’t going to be developed and worked on. They have to revert these changes and then continue to work on them. Even add a NEW Epic BG.

With that said I can’t stand WG/IoC because I just don’t think Sieges are PvP. Cannons and Sieges shouldn’t damage the players. So that way you promote PvP around them. Just like Tol Borad.


Cannons and sieges give people with bad gear a chance.
Do you want long queue times?


So they can still get in them. They just don’t damage players. Their entire purpose is to damage the walls/towers and other sieges. This promotes PvP around the Sieges and better tactics. Like Tol Borad.

I instantly leave WG when I get it usually now. Or I just Que for AV/Ashran specifically because I don’t want to deal with Sieges. A lot of players feel this way and Que times would be lower if they fixed broken Sieges.

I’ve been making this point for many years now.


Respectfully, I don’t think this would compensate for the lack of players.

The guy who sucks now, and has to climb into a catapult to compete, could give you the best rivalry of the game four years later
… if he isn’t run off PVP.


I’ve been saying that for a long time.


Signed! I had so much fun playing epic Bgs last night from summoning frost daddy to being terrified of ever elite in Ashran. Even if the developers would make this a rotating game mode.


Earnestly signed.