Petition to keep BG how they are, OP and FUN always

They swung that nerf bat a little too hard.

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Its great right now in epics. Siege in IoC with gunners absolutely destroying like a raid boss lol. Plus having the npcs be dangerous is way way more fun to me.

It got so boring that everyone wanted to just run by and not pvp basically in a pvp battle ground. Or the blood dks in ashran who ran to boss and just solo them. Was very boring to me for a while.

Hope they keep the npcs and vics scaled as we get better gear, but id be fooling myself to think they would do that.

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Yupā€¦. Just did an Av and we are back to pure garbage. Rush to the boss while we pass each other and never throw a punch. Cap towers, sit and wait and kill boss. Wow what a fun time to be alive in this game.

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Ok but remove wintergrasp or let me blacklist it and ashran.
And no, let siege weapons damage players, its actually fun to do it.


I want to play the map! Not mindlessly backdoor in or zerg to a win in 5 minutes.

Make Epics fun again, and not just an effortless honor farm.


You do know that making it shorter/easier, people are more likly to advoid conflict which is not pvp and min-max fastest for honor/conquest. Making the npcs a threat forces more stratigic pvp enagements. Having ilvl being around end hero/myth track gear with +20-30 people rushing the bosses with bare little hp barely lives for more then 1 min most of the time, how is the opossing team ment have time to defend? most donā€™t even bother attempt to defend as you spend good portion of the time recalling or running back to the base by then its either very low or dead. Guards/patrolling gaurds being dangerous prevents dps/heals rushing in alone. (unless you have stealth/invis)

Yes you can say having no tanks in your group is dumb on blizzards end and should atleast have 1 or more on both sides.

With npcs being this potent it stops tanks solo killing bosses and players need to go in groups to kill key npcs to progress with objectives is what pvp is ment to be not just faceroll and rush zerg race like its some M+ pve with pvp sprinkled in some places.

An idea make Van/Drek immune to damage while they are accompanied by commanders/marshalls remove the hp buff effecting the 2 leaders but they still buff eachother with it and still buff damage on van/drek and eachother to either force towers objectives or kill the commanders/marshalls to reach the leaders to reduce the zerg rush races.