Petition to have a third ELF faction

Why would the Void Elves Abandon the Alliance if Alleria died though? Umbric in the war campaign specifically mentions that they didn’t join the Alliance because of Alleria, but because they sympathized with them, and believed in their values.

Also wouldn’t that waste the Void Elf war campaign? Shandris Berates Void Elves accusing them of becoming corrupt, and implies that they would betray the alliance.

Its cute that you think dividing 1.7m playerbase to 3 faction and making content for 3 faction is feasible for this dying devs.

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I propose we get an Alliance of Humans, Dwarves, Worgen, Gnomes, Orcs, Tauren… and Draenei too so we can leave this planet when this happens.

And then turn around and aim the Vindicaar cannon OH WAIT DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD

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the idea is to provide a safety net for alliance, since alliance loves elves and would join such a faction and since zandalari are going to further decimate alliance when many of our paladins and druids roll zandalari, during a time when the alliance is already having a hard time doing endgame content

theres worgen area in the nelf district.

Please god no more elves in the game. Is there not 4 elf variations in the game already? Why do we need a 3rd elf faction?the requests are getting borderline ridiculous at this point. I have a good idea how about they make the game actually fun to play again before they spend resources on a silly 3rd elf faction.

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does no one read the op?

its not a new elf. it’s the elves we already have, given an optional faction to belong to, in the best elven city wow has ever made

(arrange letters so it reads milfheim)


I want a santa’s helper elf race.

What about the elves that make cookies though

Did we burn their tree down too? F—

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Keebler elves?

alleria wouldnt be dead. she’d be, presumably, temporarily detained but for all intents and purposes the void elves would think the alliance and horde, just sacrificed their leader

It’s funny, most of the things these non elf horde players are complaining about usually come from the alliance from what I see. The flood of alliance that say blood elves shouldn’t be on the horde, so they can get high elves. The flood of alliance that say nightborn shouldn’t be on the horde, so they can have them. I’m not against a third faction, though just elves is dumb, but let’s be real, most blood elf complaints are alliance based.


just what the game is in dire need of … another skin :roll_eyes: Blizz cant even make unique races any more they just make the same skin but just a diff color

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what skin? it’s 3rd faction of elves, composed of the existing elves the game already has as playable characters.

Dead certain that’s what the Void Elves are trying to prevent, Umbric mentions that too in the war campaign that this is the kind of power that should not be feared, and that they wanted to earn the Alliance’s trust and show them that they could use this power for good not because of a command from Alleria.

If Alleria would suddenly go corrupt and attack their new allies do you think the void elves would allow that? They don’t worship the void, they siphon power from it.

and it’s implied that night elves don’t trust the void elves with shandris dialogue.

theres alot of distrust between all the elves but they’re starting to realize that sylvannas is driving everything to a crisis level. in a crisis, people learn to get along.

this is a faction that stands the chance of being able to provide a healthy population base for alliance players. otherwise, the zandalari are gonna completely decimate whats left of alliance raiding

Everyone is realizing that Sylvannas is driving everything to a crysis level, that’s one of the reasons why Umbric chose to join the Alliance, why leave now? and why do it with the Night Elves too out of all people? Even if it was a crysis logically you would choose to stay with the people who treated you better

I can say with confidence that it will not and most likely cause 60/20/20 split with the current faction rift by taking most of the popular races away from both factions, not to mention an already low pop faction in most cases.

but they’re horde so that means the alliance, who already is struggling with finding people for raids / guilds, are gonna lose even more players to horde. we’ll be losing paladins who are popular tanks on the alliance, as everybody and his uncle wants to make a zanda paladin.

if something isnt done to provide a built-in player pop that is not horde, not only will the faction game be gone, but so will the alliance and their friends and family who play horde. in effect, you destroy the alliance, you destroy the game unless there’s an acceptable faction for allies that is not horde

Night Elves, and Void Elves are not horde and Night Elves take up about 35% of the Alliance pop, with void elves slowly rising up to those numbers as well, doing this will “kill” Ally also.

As for Alliance being destroyed? Blizzard will find a way, they won’t just let one faction die overtime why do you think they gave horde Blood Elves in BC? With the 30% warfront Bonus I think blizzard is finally starting to realize that.