Petition to have a third ELF faction

it’s not a case of ALSO. they are already dead when zandalari go live. a third faction that alliance players, who love elves, can still get into would save the game

and Alliance who don’t? i’m not ashamed to admit that all of my toons are mostly composed of Night/Void Elves but what about the old Alliance faction? but
replacing that faction while still having them exist is never a good thing.

Imagine being punished for playing as a worgen, human, dwarf etc.

it’s an optional faction. and nelf district has area set aside for worgen. and gnomes have spot with velfs. have a spot with belfs or nb, for goblins. it’s sort of a sanctuary but yet an optional faction.

Still not a good idea, and… what’s the connection with void elves and gnomes? what about the humans, dwarves, orcs, and tauren?

tauren? tauren arent 1) elves or 2) homeless

like I said Ally would die out even more, Dwarves, Humans, and draenei aren’t enough to have their own faction if the intent of this was to save the Alliance then I can say with full confidence that it will not

They can’t even balance two factions without giving one side an unfair advantage and ruining the game…so my vote’s no, sadly.

they are going to die out anyway as they all rush to make horde characters, horde guilds, zanda paladins, zanda druids, etc.

but they still exist, and will keep existing, you can’t just ignore them, and Blizz won’t do that neither as much as people discredit them for it.

i’m not ignoring them. i’m trying to create a faction that alliance players and elf fans can call home cause the alliance is a goner already.

Gotta reiterate but not all alliance players are elves, they can’t call it home if they can’t be a human or a dwarf there, humans were also the first to open their hand back to the void elves fyi, not gnomes didn’t know where you got that.

true thats why the third faction is optional. its the alliance players themselves who are rolling horde, abandoning the alliance. it’s going to die anyway and the only way to retain those players is by offering them a faction thats not horde and has healthy playerbase.
i wouldnt mind have humans and dwarves and draenei in the 3rd faction but it’d have to be based on the idea that they are no longer in agreement with either the horde or alliance.

the devs did this to us by making it so attractive to be horde.

The way I see it is we don’t need any factions.

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there are players who will quit if it means they have to (meaning not optional) be allied with alliance players. alliance has many races with subpar racials. they’ll be booted from raids and mythics. it’ll resolve down to losing the alliance playerbase, either way. so i’m trying to come up with an alternative.

Again Blizzard won’t just let the Alliance die, as much as it seems like it, they know Alliance Lacks players (gave them the 30% bonus etc.) and i’m sure they have plans on how to bring them back, an optional 3rd faction is not the way especially late in the game.

I mean it depends on the person I guess, I don’t want to play a zandalari paladin

they already did. when the horde was in a similar position at end of vanilla, the devs gave them blood elves instead of ogres. now the alliance is in that same spot, the devs are giving the alliance ogres instead of the elves they asked for.

That’s my point, blizz will do something if the numbers get so drastic no doubt. They didn’t make a 3rd horde faction in BC

Uhhh… What?

they’re already that drastic. there are only 4 alliance guilds in the top 200 guilds in wow. all the rest are horde. 4. four. that means the other 196 are horde.
and it isnt correcting because it costs 9000 dollars to transfer an entire raiding guild.

INTO THIS DISASTER THEY BRING ZANDALARI, buff, fit, gorgeous animations, great customizations, steeped in lore, very popular and give them an iconic human class: the paladin.

They are, and again i’m sure blizzard will find more ways to make playing the Alliance more attractive, and again giving some races the option to abandon their current faction won’t help it. and in fact what if the people from that faction still remain horde?

:expressionless: I feel like you are exaggerating how popular zandalari will be, no doubt they will be popular because of horde getting their third Paladin class but it’s not like everyone who is alliance will leave just because of them… pretty sure the 40% active or less we have now are still here because they like the faction, the rest already turned.