Petition to have a third ELF faction

sure, im sure they could use more moving targets to practice on

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blood elves and night elves are some of the most played races in the game, if they were sent to their own separate third faction the population would be like 25% horde, 25% alliance, 50% elf faction.

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those numbers sound good to me, honestly this whole alliance vs horde crap is old

which would be offset by the massive zandalari population

so it would be 20% alliance, 30% elf, 40% zandalri, 10% non-zandalari horde (zandalari about to eat the rest of horde in one fell swoop). thing is alliance loves elves, horde doesnt.

alliance is gonna lose at least half their paladins and a chunk of their druids to zanda paladins and zanda druids, that why i deducted 5% from alliance and added it to zandas.

I kind of like the other Alliance races. The Dwarves make really good brews and are fun to party with, the little Gnomes are cute to watch run about and the sport of punting Gnomes is great fun, the humans are kind of boring but the human female are easy. Then finally there’s the Draenei, frankly they’re the only ones you can have a simulating conversation with that’s different from the Night Elves.

The Void Elves I question. They’re neither fun or interesting. But hey, if they hang out in their void and leaves us mostly alone I’m OK with them.

All and all the Night Elves have it pretty good on the Alliance side. The big tree burning thing was a real emotional downer. But hey, we’ll find a new place to call home.

Now if the Blood Eleves want to go off on their own more power to them. But don’t come around to the Alliance side trying to get us to join you in some new faction. The Sunwell thing was your own making. We told you it wasn’t a good idea to get addicted to it. So if you’re unhappy with the Horde you got what you deserved.

So far so good…

Not sure why Alleria must “die” for the VE to join the ‘Elven’ faction… can’t they join as is?

Not sure why, lore-wise, H/A would have any weight on the business of another independent faction.

The idea is good; I always thought that the Elves should be on their own, considering their numbers and it would be a refresher for this old, pointless war that seems to exist because it is part of the game title.

However, there are two issues with this: population and current game design as most players (especially Horde) are BE, this would mean that a significant amount of players would move into the Elf faction AND current game design considers a war between two factions not three (because I am sure the Elves will need resources and those do not usually come around for free)

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lol let me see…you can share district with the void elves. we’re both crazy as a loon but yer smarter and keep the velfs outta trouble.

attorney scruit, welcome to suramar heaven.


this forum is silly. i cant reply to each person until someone else posts between my posts. so post something so i can reply to ya. hehe

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I agree. I in fact suggested this waaaay back on the old forums. The only difference is the OP put a lot of time and thought to make a better post than I did.

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well i think they are actually planning on doing that to alleria but its just a theory. see the old god thats imprisoned in knifu right now (xal’athath or whatever her name is), is about to be freed. THEN you see knifu in sylvannas’ hand and xal’athath is not in knifu anymore, she’s been freed and shes out walking among the players. that means its a void prison looking for a prisoner. alleria’s probably the only one that could stand a chance escaping it but maybe she doesnt do so until the velfs have already walked off in a huff

Well my elfs are staying on the alliance, but it is a well elaborated ideia. I can agree with as long as is remains optional.

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But I need my night elf and horde aligned high elf females :frowning:

it’s optional hehe

As much as I like elves, I’d like undead elves more. They combine my two favorite races into one. But I still wouldn’t object to an elf faction, I’d just prefer an undead one.

Dumb whining.

Dumber whining, it’s explained pretty clearly why they joined the Horde.

Who cares?

Ignore them, though Nightborne really need more work put into their customization and model.

They’re not happy with Tyrande, either. And for good reason.

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I said the same thing and was told I was an idiot but hey I’m with you OP elves are neglected as hell on alliance to almost infuriating levels like really we let them burn down their home? Blood elves have always felt like an alien in horde and I don’t think they belong at all thematically and they should take their Barbie girls somewhere else.

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Third faction of elves, if they are Keebler elves and they provide us all with fudge striped cookies. I’m all for it.

Because there are four elf races that don’t get along and we don’t need any more elves. A lot of us are sick and tired of all the elf stuff on the forums. Seeing more of it just makes us headdesk.

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The grand leader of the elf faction will be Elf-Elf the half-elf (his other half is also elf).

Elfheim for maximum punniness

I’m good, unlike everyone here I actually like being in the Alliance

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