Petition to have a third ELF faction

Actually… It’s rooted in Warcraft 3 not BC

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it’s not more pretty elves. it’s a third faction, comprised of elves from both factions, who’ve formed an united front against what they see as war crimes by sylvannas, apathy from anduin and the unnecessary sacrifice of allieria by both factions (who will agree that the best course of action is to sacrifice her to the dagger prison to save them all. this will anger the void elves of course)

Says the Draenei

Oh… Did I just pull that out of my butt? I swear I read it somewhere.

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suramar is being wasted. it should be a player character city. instead we’re stuck in less spectacular cities, while suramar is isolated to ten levels of content

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Lol it’s ok someone might have said something in trade chat or something. I have been paying attention to belf lore lately since doing the heritage armor questline.
You made me lol at least :smile:

i wanna hop in a swan boat and go over to the belf district to visit the belfs and to the nelf district, to visit the nelfs and to the nightborne district to visit the nb. that would be such a cool mechanic for a player city

dang. somebody make this game if we cant have it in wow

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hey, im sure you would would have alot more fun with a tentacle monster humanoid toon then any old elf

/senses she’s about to get yelled at

I would be happy with undead where their bones didn’t immediately rip through their clothes. I want to play a rogue but just can’t.

How about a neutral elf city where we can all elf but we are still our own factions?
Then you can do the boat thing and stuff

erm. i ah… kinda resemble that remark

Bloodmoon city?

a neutral third faction?

the best content ever made in the history of warcraft is suramar. imagine putting your best content in an isolated spot, where not only will only certain players ever see it (players who make it to legion content) but also, will only be available for like… well i think the quest chain doesnt lead you there till like 102 so about 8 levels and then, whoosh back to normal stuff.

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kinda but like a sanctuary city but only for elves, and keebler elves can’t forget the cookie gnome.

Maybe in this exp. But with the right writers Blizz could pull a non-face palming lore reason from the depths of thin air to give a passable reason for an all elf faction.

Like the Blood Elves and Nightborne thinking that they’re nothing more than cannon fodder for the Horde. While the Night Elves and Void Elves start thinking that other members of the Alliance really don’t care about helping them after they themselves haven given so much help when asked.

So insert some Old God who wants to make both the Alliance and Horde weaker by manipulating all the Elf Leaders into a discussion about how each of their factions bite and how it would be best if they make their own faction to support and protect each other.

But don’t expect any new faction specific quests created just for them. Player characters still have to play through the Horde or Alliance zones the elves belonged to as “ambassadors” to show that the elves still care about helping their former faction members. And other players who want to get exalted with the new elf faction would just have to wear a rep tabard to get in good with them.

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sigh. so not serious then

Well i was serious enough to contribute to the thread and honestly yeah I don’t know why there can’t be gnome elves, but whatever
the third faction thing to me is kinda ridiculous anyway have a nice day. I’m done.

ah depressing.

/slinks away

i’m a short elf… can i join the elf faction too?

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