Petition to have a third ELF faction

because its not even . there are more blood elves than any other race in the game, IN THE USA. overseas, the alliance is higher pop than the horde.

Okay, but which races are more popular in China/Europe?

presumably alliance elves. the chinese dont like the undead stuff and the europeans prefer the alliance castles and whatnot

So either way, your solution wouldn’t fix the imbalance. People like elves, so blizz mixes them in to both factions.

We should turn all Elves into Ogres.

Then we’d have:

Night Ogres
Blood Ogres
Nightborne Ogres
Void Ogres

What a wonderful world…of Warcraft it would be with Ogres :grin:

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I support this! I’m ready for a fabulousness overload! Glitter and rainbows everywhere! :rainbow:

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well, theoretically, it would draw belfs and nb from horde (remember this is optional) resolving imbalances in usa. and it would draw night and void elves, resolving imbalances over seas but hurting usa alliance. however, since so many alliance players in the usa, love elves (whereas horde players other than horde elves, complain bitterly about elves in their faction) that’d be an optional faction for them to belong to if the alliance is no longer populated enough to get anything done

That’s a lotta elf.

Outside of the occasional gripe in the forum, which often looks like trolling, I don’t hear this supposed constant grumbling within the Horde about Blood Elves.

… what?

we’re getting world of troll-craft

I’d be happy to see all the “give me REAL elves or I quit!!!” squad have their own place besides 50% of the forums to hang out, tbh.



Gonna be a no from me big dawg.

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i see latency problems (oceanic realms say hello. might want to get practice) in your future. good luck

Void elves are a great example of them trying to move Blood Elf players to the Alliance. It just didn’t work because it was lazily implemented and put behind a rep grind. All that happened was the Alliance players that liked elves switched from Night to Void. I doubt a significant amount of Void Elf players moved from the Horde to play them.

really? i do.

Only if gnomes can join as Keebler Elves We need the cookies Grumbles makes and Gnomest needs to be a DH for real.

oh and worgen have the nelf district invite.

It sounds like you just want Blood Elves to join the Alliance. Which is what should have happened back in BC. Ironically it was because of the Chinese audience that this didn’t happen.

noo, i want suramar as a capital city for elves in general. did you watch either of those videos i posted in the op? it’s seriously over the top beautifully detailed.

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what we need is old god humanoids and other weird races/classes, not more over pretty elves