Pet revive time, do hunters enjoy it?

You realize that opponents can simply ignore the hunter who doesn’t have a pet, right?

Let that hunter run around in turtle or throw out his an ice trap. The other team can simply focus down other enemies and just interrupt the hunter anytime he tries to actually get back in the fight by summoning his pet

The hunter becomes like those caster mobs in PVE that you can completely ignore until they start their 4 second cast, when you just interrupt them and go back to killing the boss


He doesn’t arena or do rated BGs

If he wants to invoke Dilly, it would please me if he made an appearance here and set him straight. He clearly doesn’t get it since he just does random BGs and if Dilly is the only voice he would listen to, I would love to see him hear Dilly’s pov


Its a bad change stop defending it. Also not everyone is at that elite level like dilly

Pets are actually closer to 70-80% of a BMs dmg. So you’re deff doing something wrong. Not to mention most utility is also tied to a pet.

interrupting a warlock or heal spell cast is not even close to a comparison to interruptng a revive pet cast. For BM and Survival the pet IS the weapon. it is closer to being disarmed as melee, but instead of waiting the duration and automatically getting my weapon back, I have to wait 4 sec of casting while being interrupted. And even in that scenario My paladin disarmed is STILL more useful than my BM without its pet.

And this post was about the 4 sec time, no one said to not allow hunters to be interupted while reviving. Its that with how important pets are to core build & rotation of 2/3 hunter specs, along with how squishy pets are now days. the 2 sec revive time was already punishing enough. yet it allowed smart players on both sides to play around it…it can be kicked, yet also not impossible to get cast off


Except that hunter can revive/summon his pets while in that turtle shell you mentioned. Hunters can still cast everything from dismiss pet, revive pet, call pet, bestial wrath, mark of the wild, toss all 3 traps, etc while in shell. So you aren’t going to be interrupting anything when the hunter “gets back in the fight”.

Lastly Hunters have it no where as bad as a Warlock who’s minion gets focused and killed in a fight. not only does the minion cost soul shards to summon, it has a cast time far longer than a hunter’s revive pet.

I mean, ya, but 1) they have fel dom, and 2) losing their pet doesn’t literally shut down half of their damage rotation, like it does for BM and SV. They lose access to the pet’s utility, and they do have more utility baked into those pets (including their interrupt, their purge, and one of their several CCs), so it’s definitely not null, but losing a pet stops around 2/3rds of a BM hunter’s damage and completely prevents an SV hunter from actively regenerating focus, leaving them only with the hilariously slow passive regen. It also, of course, shuts off Intimidation and Roar of Sacrifice.


And when the pet is revived, it is killed again in a few GCDs. Now you have Turtle on a 2 min 45s cooldown.

What then?


No I hate it and I haven’t even went in pvp yet. But in pve. It sucks so bad.

duck behind a pillar. that’s what they are there for.

Why are you taking this kid so serious? He has never reached 1750 rating and obviously has no clue what hes talking about. There are multiple experienced players telling him that the rezz timer is a huge issue, while he doesnt even know how to properly do dmg as hunter.

Even his Dilly disagrees with him:


I really want to focus on pvp in Shadowlands, and I decided taking a hunter into arenas just isn’t for me this expansion, so I’m switching to a new main for the first time since 2007. I just need a break from the pet system. The rez is too long, our pets are shells of what they used to be, and they glitch way too often. Feels bad.


Man that’s the worst take I’ve read this entire year xD

The situation sucks for both Hunter and Warlocks, though I’m sure even some warlocks would say you’re crazy for a take like this.

Nope. It’s horrible. I’ve been testing out pvp again and it’s near impossible to get my pet rez’ed before I get shot or something hits and it causes the cast to fail. On top of the pets being super super duper squishy, it’s like why even bother trying to pvp on Hunter?

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Interestingly enough, Blizzard has also increased the summoning cast for Warlocks. I kinda missed that mark on the patch notes, and found out the hard way today while playing my Demo Lock . Yet another unwelcomed nerf for summoning classes. Cast time went from 2.5 sec to a whopping 6 second cast!!!

Summon Imp, Voidwalker, Felhunter, Felguard, and Succubus cast time is now 6 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).

Seriously Blizzard, I DO NOT enjoy re-summoning my Felguard after it dies to a pack of mobs in Uldum when completing the Unearthed challenge. You know where you start to attack the Unearthed statue, then all the mobs start flooding towards you, that one. So, mobs kill my Felguard, then I pop Shadowfury to “stun” the mobs for about 3 sec, casting Hand of Gul’dan and Bilescourge Stalkers anything to get them off my back, all the while sit there to “try” to summon for SIX seconds, then get pummeled to death, whelp gotta break from casting and use a healing CD, re-cast, nope, interrupted again, poppin’ every healing CD including HP pot, “cookie” and Drain Life just so I can get my cast off, well, can’t sit there for 6 seconds, may as well kill the 10+ mobs w/o my Felguard, eventually, I do manage to kill all of them then summon my Felguard. It felt like I was a fresh Rank 50 just getting smacked around when I’m pre-patch 477 Demo Lock and just obliterate anything in seconds.

Seriously, this “PvP” change (yes, just becuase the cast time is NOT under the PvP category, the change is meant for PvP) can effect PvE drastically, not to mention, Demo is in a tough spot in the DPS rankings now, but keep nerfing classes to appease/cater the PvP players and your precious Top 1% WoW AWC Elite players. It’s sickening PvE needs to suffer all these nerf’s to “balance” PvP. Its been 16 years, haven’t you figured it out yet that PvE and PvP should have their OWN abilities for PvP "nerfs’ so they don’t effect PvE? When was the last time PvE players from around the world kicked and scream to nerf abilities for M+ or Raid bosses??? Does it really make any sense that any Hunter or Warlock player would sit there and say…“Gee, you know what would balance Hunters and Warlocks, increase the cast time of their Pet Revive or Summoning Felguard, that’ll make players happy!”…No, not a SINGLE player. Instead, enable it so ALL of your “separate” PvP spells/abilities DON’T work/affect PvE. This way, Pet Revive can still have it’s 2 sec cast in PvE while in PvP it’s 4 seconds. It’s not like I can use my PvP Abomination in PvE if I’m not in PvP mode right? So, why not have it separated like that? You wonder why players are getting more and more frustrated each day by unwelcomed nerf’s PvE players DON’T ask for.

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Ya, they did. Ours was initially set to 6.0s too, they lowered it to the existing 4.0s after complaints.

The major difference, of course, is that warlocks get Fel Domination to instantly summon on a cooldown, and they don’t lose access to >half their DPS rotation without their pet.

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That moment when one realises that the foundation to which they’ve built their jerkology on, is no longer there…

Hopefully blizz makes pets tankier or reinstates 2 sec rez


So blow my main defensive CD just so the lion’s share of my damage output isn’t virtually silenced? C’mon.

Along with what everyone else but you is saying in this thread, BM and SV rely on their pets for both utility and damage. Warlocks have it bad too, of course, I doubt the majority of players enjoy the revive/summon pet changes.

But this is also a Hunter thread, talking about pet revive for Hunters. It’s not a competition between who has it worse; it’s bad for both. The point here is that the overwhelming majority of people who play hunter (specifically BM/SV) and coughknow where their damage is coming fromcough do not like the cast time change. It serves no purpose to have increased cast time and pets are just as squishy as they were before.


the fact that there are countless sv and bm hunters in the 2400-3500, especially the 3k+ range arena ratings, whose pets get killed all the time but doesn’t make a difference to them as they still win these matches and achieve 3k+ scores, just goes to prove that the “long” pet cast time and/or not having a pet alive, just does not matter.

Instead it just goes to show that if you are bad at pushing out damage or defending yourself when or dealing with a dead pet, that maybe the issue isn’t the revive pet cast time, instead the issue lies with you and your skill level.

You do realize that those ratings were achieved before the prepatch right ? There’s no way you’re actually using that data to support your awful and condescending stance :rofl: You’ve managed to outdo yourself and the mighty pillar argument …

Every single high rated hunter I know is complaining about the pet rez change, every single one, just check their twitter or ask them :slight_smile:

Even if your argument was relevant in the slightest, it wouldn’t undermine at all the fact that pet survivability is just too low and frustrating to deal with, with little to no counterplay. I can’t see how targetting a squishy AI that can barely be managed promotes any good gameplay of any sort.