Interestingly enough, Blizzard has also increased the summoning cast for Warlocks. I kinda missed that mark on the patch notes, and found out the hard way today while playing my Demo Lock . Yet another unwelcomed nerf for summoning classes. Cast time went from 2.5 sec to a whopping 6 second cast!!!
Summon Imp, Voidwalker, Felhunter, Felguard, and Succubus cast time is now 6 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).
Seriously Blizzard, I DO NOT enjoy re-summoning my Felguard after it dies to a pack of mobs in Uldum when completing the Unearthed challenge. You know where you start to attack the Unearthed statue, then all the mobs start flooding towards you, that one. So, mobs kill my Felguard, then I pop Shadowfury to “stun” the mobs for about 3 sec, casting Hand of Gul’dan and Bilescourge Stalkers anything to get them off my back, all the while sit there to “try” to summon for SIX seconds, then get pummeled to death, whelp gotta break from casting and use a healing CD, re-cast, nope, interrupted again, poppin’ every healing CD including HP pot, “cookie” and Drain Life just so I can get my cast off, well, can’t sit there for 6 seconds, may as well kill the 10+ mobs w/o my Felguard, eventually, I do manage to kill all of them then summon my Felguard. It felt like I was a fresh Rank 50 just getting smacked around when I’m pre-patch 477 Demo Lock and just obliterate anything in seconds.
Seriously, this “PvP” change (yes, just becuase the cast time is NOT under the PvP category, the change is meant for PvP) can effect PvE drastically, not to mention, Demo is in a tough spot in the DPS rankings now, but keep nerfing classes to appease/cater the PvP players and your precious Top 1% WoW AWC Elite players. It’s sickening PvE needs to suffer all these nerf’s to “balance” PvP. Its been 16 years, haven’t you figured it out yet that PvE and PvP should have their OWN abilities for PvP "nerfs’ so they don’t effect PvE? When was the last time PvE players from around the world kicked and scream to nerf abilities for M+ or Raid bosses??? Does it really make any sense that any Hunter or Warlock player would sit there and say…“Gee, you know what would balance Hunters and Warlocks, increase the cast time of their Pet Revive or Summoning Felguard, that’ll make players happy!”…No, not a SINGLE player. Instead, enable it so ALL of your “separate” PvP spells/abilities DON’T work/affect PvE. This way, Pet Revive can still have it’s 2 sec cast in PvE while in PvP it’s 4 seconds. It’s not like I can use my PvP Abomination in PvE if I’m not in PvP mode right? So, why not have it separated like that? You wonder why players are getting more and more frustrated each day by unwelcomed nerf’s PvE players DON’T ask for.