Pet buffs incoming

Pets are going to be 20% harder to kill in pvp as of Tuesdays reset. Not the fix we were hoping completely for. But it’s a start. Now for us to continue complaining to make them even tankier, reverse the 4 second res timer, or give us more survival utility for them…stick together guys seems they may actually have noticed

Convokes nerfs incoming

Ret prot nerf word of glory nerf incoming

Mage triune shield nerf incoming


At this point, I’m assuming that change was made to benefit DKs/Locks and Hunters just happen to have pets too. They have literally ignored BM and Survival this entire expansion and Marks, which started off very strong, was the first to be hit with the nerf bat. Hunter is the most played class in the game and Blizzard won’t pay us any attention until enough of us jump ship and switch mains.


Where does it say this? I just looked at the thread were all the SL hotfixes are listed, and I don’t see any pet buffs, pvp or otherwise.

“Players now deal 20% less damage to Death Knight, Hunter, and Warlock pets.”

It’s on the frontpage of MMO-C, for example.

You also have the official post(by Kaivax) here:
#PvP Tuning Changes for January 26

Upcoming PvP Tuning Changes for January 26

We’re working on a new set of PvP tuning changes that will be applied to the game with weekly maintenance in each region (January 26 in this region). Here’s what we’re currently testing:

Player vs. Player

  • Players now deal 20% less damage to Death Knight, Hunter, and Warlock pets.
  • More stuff

Thanks. Didn’t realize they made a new thread and buried as deep into the pvp forums as possible. It’s almost like they didn’t want anyone but pvpers to see those changes.

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Queue all those outside of PvP who will now also want more pet endurance, based on their desired type of content.


You know. You’re not wrong. Mostly because I’m selfish and want a tankier pet before trying to solo mythics this expansion lol.


Time to ridicule the many apologists in this old thread who swore up and down that this wouldn’t be a problem.