(Cata) Pet Bar

Install Moveany on Curseforge for a temporary fix, worked for me.


Same problem here. Someone posted the following script on Reddit and it works like a charm (I made it into a macro so I can activate it anytime the pet bar hides behind action bars 2 and 3 again):

/script PetActionButton1:ClearAllPoints()

I am having the same problem. I have run every script posted here and by Blizz on another query - none worked. Scan + repair’d and re-installed already and still my pet actionbar is hidden behind my actionbar #2. Frustrating and makes the game unplayable.


Weird. That script did nothing when I tried it.

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Hopefully this works for you:

/script PetActionButton1:ClearAllPoints() PetActionButton1:SetPoint(“BOTTOMLEFT”,fpet,“BOTTOMLEFT”,400,100)

That is copied directly from my macro and works perfectly on my end.
Let me know if you have issues with it.

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There was an error when I cut and pasted the script. The script should read:

/script PetActionButton1:ClearAllPoints() PetActionButton1:SetPoint(“BOTTOMLEFT”,fpet,“BOTTOMLEFT”,400,100)

That is copied directly from my macro and works perfectly on my end.
If it still doesn’t work, I believe Ghorak has the right idea!
See his post here:

Thank you! None of the versions on the forum here worked for me, but copy/paste from the Reddit post worked fine.

I may just keep MoveAny installed, though, because I love moving stuff around. :slight_smile:

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@Carchbite I’ve never heard of that addon. I might have to check that out!

I’m trying to remember how many stinking scripts/work arounds/addons I’ve had to install and mess around with because Blizzard can’t fix simple things - LIKE A PET BAR.



Bumping this back to the top… None of these scripts are allowing me to move my lock’s pet bar from behind the Action Bars. This toon is dead in the water.

Blizzard. Please fix this immediately!!


I am experiencing this bug too. The scripts do not fix it. Moveany is a bandaid that works for me.

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The reason the copy/pasted version doesn’t work is smart quotes. Replace them with regular straight quote marks and it’ll work.

If you’re on a DK (with a stance bar on the left) you might need to change the 400 to a higher number like 1000-1500 (experiment to find the right spot for you).

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Small indie company theres a bunch of bugs in the game

I’m still having this issue with Petbar behind actionbars. Should I just download bartender at this point?

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imagine actually using the pet bar.

Some encounters go very badly if hunters don’t use their pet bar. Nefarian, for example.


For Hunters… /script PetActionButton1:ClearAllPoints() PetActionButton1:SetPoint(“BOTTOMLEFT”,fpet,“BOTTOMLEFT”,800,100)

same for me, both hunter and warlock pet bars are hidden below action bar 2/3. I am using Bartender4 for now until they fix it.

Known issue with the pet bar, no eta on a fix: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/361151

Using MoveAny addon myself until this is fixed by Blizz

Same but mine are missing pet controls such as attack passive , kind of important!