Personal Loot is killing the game for me

You know these people make a name for themselves quick. As mentioned before, I got ninja’d once. I was irked and sure, it sucked. But I then learned not to join a pug with that player, Little while later after, added him to bnet friends list, so when they changed their name (cause they do) I knew. If I were to pug, I’d still join groups they were in,b ut not if it wasn’t someone I trusted as GL. Kinda just like with folks complaining about not being able to get into m+ groups but refusing to run their own keys, you could just form your own groups can’t get ninja’d if you’re the one handing out loot.

It wasn’t that complicated guys. Now we’ve got this mess.

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You’re telling me the sense of community is still just as alive and well as it was expansions ago? I beg to differ.

Yes. I agree. Guilds should have their choice.

This is incorrect.

It isn’t about community. It’s about you and your guild. There is no logical reason why whether we are on ML or PL should impact if we are pleased for someone when their item dropped. Their item dropped. PL or ML, I’m pleased for them.

“Hey guys some nice boots dropped, anyone want? Guys?”

They are already 3 trash mobs ahead. Maybe at end of run if one person stays long enough to say thx or something.

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so you’re happy for a guild to take you on as a “trial”, and continually get bypassed for loot?

or is it the other way around?

you run a guild and want to be able to take people on as trials so you can justify not giving them loot because they’re “just a trial”?


Personal loot made it so I can pug on my alts, and even on my main from time to time, without worrying about repeats of people taking loot without saying a word despite things being “open roll”.
Still remember going the entirety of Firelands despite clearing it on the regular with a PvP weapon because the only weapon that did drop was stolen for the leader’s GF’s offspec.

The game’s playerbase isn’t mature enough to handle something as basic as need before greed, let alone master looter.


Your jaded. It’s not about community, guilds, or teams anymore. It’s about you now.

Sad but true.


So instead, we have it like we do now, where trials simply don’t get brought on bosses where loot is important (for example, bosses that drop mounts).

How is that better? It’s not.

Actually no. The pug raid ninja ML problem was solved in Legion when all pug raids became personal loot. The fact that they later decided to remove master loot from guild runs is a different thing that was implemented in BfA.

And beyond that I think that just in general the solution to players being exploited by abusers and thieves is really not to find out by being abused and then hiding under a rock to pretend you’ve solved the problem. Pug raid ninja looting was a huge problem for blizzard in wod. Customer service couldn’t deal with it. It really wasn’t something that millions of players should have been responsible for solving one by one with the methods you describe. They needed personal loot in those raids. Problem solved.


That isn’t how ML works. You can still beg for loot with ML though, but you have to beg the “loot master” or “loot council”!

Loot Master is gone forever, but maybe you can try to get some changes made to Personal Loot.

Waxing poetic about the past of selfish loot systems. Was glad to see this go and never want it back.

Human greed on display. Never more so than on a run where a mount drops. Master looter was good for one thing: it showed you what people are truly made of…and it’s ugly.

Keep personal loot please and thank you.


it’s better to not be invited, than to be invited and denied a chance of loot after you helped kill the boss.


Well you’re flat-out wrong on that. Raiders like to raid.

Here’s how we’ve always handled mounts (and still do):

  1. The first mounts go to people who went above and beyond on progression for that tier. Past examples would include somebody who put in a lot of work on strategies (hours and hours of prepping excel charts, etc., which is needed on some Mythic bosses these days). Another would be somebody who played a character whose class we needed, even though they wanted to play something else.
  2. After the above & beyond folks, we /roll the mounts amount people who were there for all of progression, then with brackets following that for people who were there for some of progression.
  3. After the progression team, the rest of the guild who weren’t in on prog for that fight comes in for their mounts afterwards.
  4. As Guild Master, I always get the last mount.

But here you come in, saying we shouldn’t be able to do things the way we’ve done them for years, because your lack of raiding is more important than our raiding.

Or, as Synsha said earlier in the thread:


Do you realize how much leather wearers were at a disadvantage with master loot? Obviously not, personal loot is almost always better than master loot for leather wearers since there is more leather wearing classes/specs than any other gear type.

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Meanwhile, it’s almost impossible for shamans/paladins/warriors to get a shield, now.

Many raiders complain about loot drops all the time, whether they’re valid or not. People raid for rewards. Nobody wants to be invited to your (general) raid group repeatedly if there’s no chance at them progressing their character. They can get that same experience somewhere else while having a chance at gear.

I think this idea that raiders are such because they all simply enjoy the experience is not telling the entire truth. At least not for most players who raid below mythic.


You are talking as if that wasn’t one of the main reasons that Master Loot was removed. It was Guilds who used Master Loot to rob the non-members they invited of everything.

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We aren’t talking about gear, here, we’re talking about a mount.

Trials have always been showered with gear. It’s why the whole “master loot is unfair to trials” thing is such utter and complete nonsense.