I have been playing since BC, and almost never cared about the way loot was handed out. Master looter, fantastic, it allows your guild to easily control who gets gear first to help with progression. Group loot, great, this allows everyone to get a chance at the loot and makes it easier to deal with pugs. But, the bad experiences I have with personal loot just keep stacking up. The amount of times I am forced to beg for a piece that I should have just been rolling for, on the bosses body is getting too high. And the amount of times I have not been able to trade an item I will never use, is extremely frustrating.
I am not advocating for the removal of Personal loot, I would just prefer the choice of how loot is handled in my groups. I get why people in the community disliked master looter, but putting restrictions on it for guilds essentially fixed the issue.
It did not fix the issue. Players are not responsible enough to handle loot distrobution, and never will be.
Yet another addition to the “legitimate complaint that has been and will be ignored because some dev said so” pile. Also see: flying, bad terrain design, covenants basically hard-locking your spec, M+ changes, PvP vendor changes, insert-unpopular-system-here.
(I fully agree with you, but the devs don’t
I’ll take personal loot over people being able to roll on things they don’t need or can’t even use, people coming up with weird systems to justify who gets loot, drama over the way guilds distribute loot, and pretty much being at the whims of other players rather than an indiscriminate system.
But your feelings are valid.
This fight has been had on repeat since they removed ML. It’s very unlikely that it’ll ever come back. It makes no sense whatsoever to not bring it back as a loot option for 100% guild runs. Unfortunately, some people would prefer options taken away from others when those options make their lives slightly more difficult. It’s always ironic though, because they seem vehemently for options when those options benefit them.
Such is life.
I remember winning rolls to get loot and then the GM give it to their girlfriend when they were already super geared and it was a bare minimum upgrade and screwed us other DPS over. Then guess who yells at us “for not being geared enough”…
Rather have PL loot any day. Least I don’t get robbed then.
And what sucks about that is I know that’s not the norm and full guilds shouldn’t be punished for this. They should have the option.
But yeah… especially being brought in as a pug… I don’t ever want that BS happening again. It happened in my guild, and it happened when I pugged. Just got tired of it.
Having raided under both system for years, I would rather stick with personal loot. The only real issue with it is the system does a horrible job actually determining what is an upgrade.
I think master looter should be an option, it’s ridiculous I can’t pass things I get to others when the stats suck but the ilvl is higher.
I don’t know about guild groups but at least for pugs, I would immediately leave any group that has loot set to anything other than personal loot. Additionally there would need to be a lock that prohibits pug leaders from using the age old tactic of quickly changing loot rules just before a boss dies. Other than that, they can do whatever.
Same here pal same here…
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Officers and gms form these cliques and prioritise loot to them first. Trials don’t get loot for 3 weeks and if they fail trial they are now behind in loot in an expansion where loot is scarce
You changed my mind about personal loot. I would throw that gm in the lava pit if I was told that and I get nothing.
Saw too many people get screwed in all my times of playing. Favorites > Trials Friends > Favorites of the guild. Always biased loot somewhere somehow. Or you get into a raid and you win X roll but it’s given to others just “because”.
Just a little reminder that no one is asking for PL to be replaced with ML. We’re asking for the option to use ML in 100% guild groups. That’s it. Don’t like ML, as you clearly don’t? Don’t use it. Just like my casual guild, and countless other guilds did in Legion.
Just a reminder for everyone on this forum. Typical responses to these threads:
Flying: Don’t like it? Don’t use it! Give me the option to fly if I want!
LFR: Don’t like it? Don’t play it! No one is forcing you to go in there! Give me the option to see the content on my terms!
ML: You and your friends play how I want you to play! NO! YOU DON’T GET OPTIONS!
You let that happen to you more than once?
It’s just sad blizzard should never trust players with anything. I think they should automate most systems.
Oh my mistake. Let me reach through my screen and take control of the GM’s mouse. I totally forgot I can control people and that getting into raid positions in a guild without having a trial (aka missing loot for x weeks) was so easy back then.
Do you not know how raiding worked back then? Trials not getting gear, doing raids for X weeks before you could get rewards / roll for gear with ML back then? How hard it was to get into “AOTC / CE” style guilds back then? Most guilds would wipe 1000 times. There was no LFR. There was no LFG system. You had to sit in trade chat for X hours to find a group, join a guild and raid with them or not raid basically.
Once you joined a raiding guild back then you usually stuck around for a long time. You didn’t play hopscotch guild mates. Which means if you’re 6/10 on a raid then the GM suddenly starts dating a raider giving them all the drops you’re stuck until you find a guild that will let you join, skip the trial, get gear or you missed out on part of a Raid Tier.
Remember when community mattered? When you were actually in a guild you cared about and you downed a boss and you were excited to see what dropped. You know this was the boss your healer is hoping will drop that ring and you’re hoping it drops for them. And if you were raiding outside your guild you knew which players to avoid and that they weren’t trusted with distributing loot.
Maybe I’m jaded, but the community aspect of the game is pure garbage now. With PL I don’t care what anyone else gets. It just kills it for me. May as well just be a single player game now.
I think the point is… would you stop letting what happened to you in the past, guide what we should have in the present? The game isn’t the same. Not even close. You have loads of options available to you, and you can easily see all content without a guild (ok not mythic content). There’s no valid reason to not have ML as an option for 100% guild groups.