Personal Loot is killing the game for me

I can only learn from you oh dwarf with gracious beard

Should add me Dwarven pal so we can go mine gold together.

This hasn’t been possible in many, many years. Long before they removed the loot types you couldn’t change loot type while anyone in the raid instance was in combat. Happened to my group all the time. Someone would notice that I’d forgotten to switch to ML, I’d immediately do so, but because we were fighting trash, it didn’t change. I’d then forget by the time the pack died and it would end up on group loot or PL for th3 first boss and everyone would facepalm at me.

Guild groups should be able to distribute their loot however they want. ML needs to return for guild groups. It won’t, because it’s not about stopping the occasional raid leader that abuses their loot privileges, it’s about increasing the time needed to gear to raise MAUs. If they were trying to do the right thing, though, they’d bring the different loot types back for guild groups.

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How do I add D:

Can add you via Bnet tag.

So lets say there 6 mages in your guild. 3 of them bring the deep but there can only be one #1. However that staff has a 10% chance to drop among the other items.
On top of that 10% rng, Those mages have wait in line. There also the priests and locks that can take that staff.
That the old way

The new way.
10% on a 10% personal loot. You get it or you don’t. It’s all rng.

There is.

Too many guilds had toxic ML cliques and that destroys the vision of the game to bring new players and people together


Guilds still played favorites so it failed. You know “that girl” in the guild? You know
the RL or GM’s wife
or new chick who’s whispering people for loot in exchange for naughty things and ignore the actual good players who pull their weight? She got the good loot and top priority always
and the good players got ignored for loot.


Except it’s not a legitimate complaint.

It became pretty much impossible for people to get into guilds, because they’d get “trials,” steal their loot (by that I mean, they weren’t eligible to even roll for it), then kick them. And repeat.

Players made it very clear they cannot be trusted with the loot rules that were originally in the game. Personal Loot is not perfect, but it’s significantly better.


Legit, if they would just remove the trade restrictions for Guilds, that would do a ton.

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I’ll add once I’m home :slight_smile: at work atm

I ran 10m, so that wasn’t much of an issue. Sure, there were folks who were wanting the same loot, but even when those people lost the roll , the team was stronger we cleared faster and more. You didn’t win the roll, well guess what you were still getting valor points. Next week you could buy that ring or belt. Were they ideal? No, but it was making your character stronger.

I realize I’m kinda bending the convo into another direction now, but back then for myself personally, there was more of a sense of community. My team getting gear meant I was improving as well.

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Sure just post your bnet when you’re back and I can send an add.

Seems like an invalid point, unless those people would have offered it up for roll but simply can’t because of item-level restrictions preventing them trading it away.

Valid point–I wish they would change this so personal loot is always yours, as it is now, BUT you can trade it to anyone eligible for that boss kill regardless of item-level. Presumably they don’t do this because

I guess if you could trade things that were an item-level upgrade for you, but are completely wrong stats or otherwise useless for your spec, Blizz fears some raid/dungeon leads would g-kick/vote-kick someone out if they didn’t fork over, even if that item was useful to the person who originally won it. Clearly it was a big enough problem that master-looter was removed as an option–doesn’t that say something?


No, it doesn’t, because they never said ML was removed because of abuse. It was clearly done to slow down gearing. Otherwise the option of having it in guild groups would be no big deal (or being able to trade with guild members or the like). It should be pretty obvious from all the other things they did to slow down gearing this expansion that the slowing is the point.

Not really? I’ve been playing since Vanilla, played at all raid levels (well not top 100, as in from hardcore/mythic to casual), and have been in many guilds over the years. While those trial-ninja guilds definitely existed, there were also many that did DKP/EPGP/free rolls/loot council/etc. just fine and managed their own affairs without Nanny Blizzard forcing it for them.

Blizzard overcorrected a minor problem and screwed many legit players and guilds over in the process.

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I’ll take personal responsibility for my loot thank you.
Got the cheapo 187 cloak from LFR and said Roll and linked it. About 8 people rolled, the top 5 winners were all in ilvl 200+ cloaks, I told them all no. It went to someone with like a 158 cloak. They were actually mad at me! I won it, I’ll give it to someone that actually needs it.
I don’t trust ML system. I don’t care if you want it for t-mog. I don’t want it going out based on some arbitrary system from one random guy giving it to his friends.
Personal loot is the best thing that ever happened imo with loot.
The only thing that really bugs me is I can’t give away the Weekly World Boss loot. I’ve had to DE several items now because I run so many alts. I’d much rather donate it to someone.


I’ll take personal loot over any other system. It is 100% RNG based and requires 0 outside interference, greedy officers coming up with weird systems to justify loot or GM giving loot to their friends/partners is just ridiculous.

Master Loot would be suitable for the super hardcore guilds but will fail almost 100% of the time in a more casual environment in SL. With the scarcity of the drops and the amount of raiders that participate its just a recipe for disaster.

Master loot would not fix this, there will always be bias in the way loot is handed out. How do people determine who gets what piece?

Loyalty to the guild?
Highest/lowest DPS?
Biggest upgrade?
Literally take turns?

It is NEVER fair because the whole idea of fair is subjective and it always leads to conflict as people are entitled and creates a toxic environment.

Group loot is a MEGA YIKES, lets let all the selfish people roll for things they don’t really need or troll roll for things.

I do agree with you here completely but I’d rather have this problem than losing a huge upgrade to a friend/partner of the GM.


It actually does affect other people when you gear up much faster than they do. And because you are getting geared faster, the raid and other content tuned harder to challenge you.

They removed master loot because they wanted it to take longer to gear up and make the raids last longer.

There are people who want all personal loot removed. They used to ninja loot on need v greed rolls. They used to start personal loot pug raids in wod with no reserves, change loot type during that fight, and then drop group when their item dropped.

There are good people and there are greedy entitled people. There is no restriction in the system that would keep people from starting guilds for the wrong reasons.


Sounds like a you issue. There is no reason why PL or ML should impact whether you are glad someone got what they needed this boss.

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