Personal Loot is killing the game for me

If that’s the case and people “want” ML then the guild should have the option to have 2 different style raids and if people joined ML raids they’re locked out of PL loot raids and vice versa. So that way people who might want to raid and still get PL can do so while others who want ML can do their thing. So a guild could have 2 raid groups. One who does it ML style and one who can do it PL style.

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At this point of the xpac, my guild has the opposite problem.

People get loot and no body wants it.


Ya, that’s been suggested before, but it just wouldn’t work. It really is an all or nothing thing, and is a case of… people need to be adults and pick what works for them. If the guild wants to be ML, then they need to find players that also want a ML environment (with all its perks and all its cons). And vice versa.

If you’re in a ML environment (and assuming it’s not corrupt), then loot distribution is all about the team. Loot goes where the team needs it.

If you’re in a PL environment, then loot distribution is all about the individual. The individual is protected from corrupt MLs, but the team is not as well protected from bad RNG.

As for the half and half system… it really just wouldn’t work. It’d be like having a team where half of the team wants to do hardcore progression, and the other half of the team wants a beer league progression guild. It’s one of the many things your guild needs to work out and define what its goals are. If you can’t answer basic questions like that… then your guild is already doomed.


They should allow that option imo. Someone in a guild that feels like the gm ripped them off, or others on loot can always search out another guild to join. But yeah options are good.


How about personal loot but with no restrictions? It won’t help

but it’ll help

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Eh, I’ve explained this before as well. PL without loot restrictions just creates the perfect medium for split runs. As then you control what drops, and where the drops go.

With current PL you can control what drops, but not who gets the drops.
With ML you could control where the drops go, but not what dropped.

What you’re suggesting gives players the best of both worlds, which would push guilds to do more splits for gear. Then again… I doubt this would affect that many players aside from like the top 50 guilds. So maybe you’re right. I’d rather no loot restriction PL over what we have now personally.


I’m sorry you are frustrated, truly I am.

However, if your statement above were accurate the change would not have been made as the only groups that could use ML were guild groups. The rules of when it could be used required a minimum number of people from one guild.

Believe it or not the DEV team would not have made this change “just to make it uniform”. They clearly saw the grief they would take coming and still pulled the trigger on the change. Just because your guild acted honorably and equitably does not mean that all guilds did.

I will, as always, state that I advocate a bit of “Ilvl wiggle” in guild groups to allow for more freedom in trading when people choose to do so. I would say some rules like “must be exalted with guild and at least 30 days joined” would be needed at a minimum to prevent predatory guild behaviors.


I remember this. I would still trade it for what we have now each and every single time.

Nothing wrong with other people wanting this. I just know that my memories of people getting what they were after dwarf in comparison to the negative experiences, since that’s how we remember stuff as people. They should bring the option back. Then those of us who prefer PL would just find groups that did that and those who want ML would do the same, and we’d all be happy.


Mythic guilds have trial as well. Master loot is done well by only the top guilds.

All other guilds just abuse power and screw over trials.


Back then realm identities meant something. People knew who you were. The community would shun you if you did something bad . Now days you have cross realm, realm fusion etc


Are we Dwarves the only ones from the olden days?

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You mean give loot to top dps or ‘friends’ because that what mattered back then.

Loot fine in retail. Drop chance just need increase is all. Rng good but how WoW is it’s BAD.


I’m still convinced people make this stuff up and it’s actually rare.

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Consider it a privilege then. It happened to me in Wrath. It hasn’t happened since to me, because I bail as soon as I get a hint of BS. But I’m glad you’ve had a pure experience.


Been part of DKP and Loot Council guilds. Always went smoothly! Sorry you got screwed. I still think it’s rare.


I don’t disagree that it’s not the common thing, I shoulda been clear

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I’m glad they haven’t dealt with that either. Happened in a few guilds in Wrath and more later in Cata. Had a guild in Cata their motto (wish I was joking) was: “If we’re not wiping we’re not progressing”…I didn’t stay with them long at all. Imagine people literally standing in DoTs / Fire / Death stuff nonstop every raid dying to the same mechanics all of the time and the Raid Leader yelling at people not moving but no one changed or got better. I think they died 100 times to the first boss of the first Cata raid before making it to the second one last I heard.

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Us dwarves are old and wise. Hard to reason with other races that are yet to buy their own car

Why I stick to me Ram.

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Actually no, I mean you joined a guild that did not consist of arseholes. That simple really. Literally had zero issues with any of the guilds I belonged to. The only time I actually recall an issue within a guild was during FL. GM wanted his wife (the mage who was bottom dps on most encounters) to be first in line to get the legendary staff.

While I get not everyone is going to have the same experience. I ran with friends. We didn’t have issues. I pugged BWD once and rolled highest on rogue helm token and it got ninja’d, but after that I didn’t run stuff with people I didn’t know. Made for a drama free experience. Weird, I know.

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