You could look at my profile and see that I didn’t stick around for BFA. I hated not being able to look at a piece of gear and be able to see which piece was better than the other. Gearing became too confusing and just throwing more purples did not make the game enjoyable.
This. This is the ONLY problem I have with personal loot.
Current raid loot drop rates of 1 drop per 5 people is in line with Wrath-MoP era
And we also have mythic+, PvP gear without a dead stat, and a weekly vault as additional legitimate gearing options covering every slot up to 226 item level.
Gearing is still really fast compared to the old days.
Not everyone does m+. I just don’t get it, it’s not my thing. Not everyone is going to use m+ to gear. I’'m sure as I’ve gotten older I’ve become more “casual”. If I wanted to play something similar to m+ I’d play Diablo.
Don’t get me wrong, I know why some folks like it, but just because that yes, it’s PVE as well, doesn’t mean it’s the same as raiding. I’m fine with there being 3 main forks for gearing pvp, m+, and raiding, doesn’t mean that each fork is someone’s cup of tea.
Make everything BoE. That should help drive WoW token sales and profits.
You have classic for that
What? 10 bosses, and you only get the same item every week?
I’ve gotten 7 Macabre Music Sheets, and 4 Memory of Past Sins in total. I really just want to finish the CN transmog sets, but LFR straight up doesn’t drop loot, and Normal/Heroic always feed me items I’ve already gotten multiple times.
I don’t know why in the hell the playerbase at large keeps defending Personal Loot like it isn’t some heinous garbage to the game.
Guess you haven’t been in guild where the BiS is often given to the GM friends, officers, their gf/bf who always die and does worse in raid than everyone, GM friends and the rest of the raid team fight for the left over scraps. Or when this epic loot drop RL kept it himself and quit the guild after.
I’m fine with it staying gone or coming back since I’d never join a guild that runs it. That being said, many expansions ago I had a set piece upgrade “accidentally” looted to an officer in guild. This was before you could pass loot, so I shrugged and quit a few months later.
Maybe the younger, more naive person that I was would’ve believed it was an accident if not for the fact that the other officers congratulated him after profusely apologizing to me.
I have been playing since BC, and almost never cared about the way loot was handed out. Master looter, fantastic, it allows your guild to easily control who gets gear first to help with progression. Group loot, great, this allows everyone to get a chance at the loot and makes it easier to deal with pugs. But, the bad experiences I have with personal loot just keep stacking up. The amount of times I am forced to beg for a piece that I should have just been rolling for, on the bosses body is getting too high. And the amount of times I have not been able to trade an item I will never use, is extremely frustrating.
I am not advocating for the removal of Personal loot, I would just prefer the choice of how loot is handled in my groups. I get why people in the community disliked master looter, but putting restrictions on it for guilds essentially fixed the issue.
Nope, I prefer it over Master looter. So much less toxicity. I hope they never change it back.
It does not bother me at all to get a drop I don’t need… like what? That’s been the case for every single RPG I have ever played lol. No different now… and I can trade it if I already have something better.
The way it works right now is perfect.
Because it prioritizes the player above the guild, which is what most of these people want. Adding ML to mythic-only doesn’t affect the guilds mired in heroic for eternity.
It doesn’t reward the individual player. If you keep getting the same items, or downgrades, it serves no purpose.
It’s fine the way it is. You’re not going to find many people willing to be backups if they don’t have a shot at loot. They’re already not guaranteed invites.
Players are not responsible enough to handle loot distrobution, and never will be.
No, it’s not that players aren’t responsible enough to handle loot distribution. It’s that players aren’t mature enough to accept loot distribution when they don’t get their way. There’s a LOT that factors into loot decisions in any serious guild with the most prominent being the player’s ability. However what you then see is people get upset that one guy seems to always get upgrades first, which is because they put them to better use and will do more damage with them than another player who could have the same gear but doesn’t play well enough to maximize the upgrade.
People mistakenly think that they should have an equal opportunity to every item regardless of how little they want to put into it. Good example was in Classic when a rogue straight up quit our guild because I got bloodfang bracers our first week of BWL. The rogue officer gave them to me knowing I specifically asked for priority on that piece of tier because I had gear on standby to change my stats to account for the additional 1% hit and optimize other stats. That guy didn’t and felt he should get it because I got a Perdition’s Blade last week that I didn’t even want but every dagger rogue had it already and I figured it would be nice for pvp rather than going nowhere.
Players see an item drop, don’t get it through any combination of reasons and get upset thinking it’s all corruption.
You’re describing bad luck. Personal loot gives each player a shot at loot from every single boss, that you can do with what you choose. It’s loot for you, regardless of how crappy the system is with drops.
Even if its 100% guild runs there will be people who don’t want master loot because they know loot is usually handled unfairly.
They won’t complain for fear of losing their raid spot.
That’s still tyranny
Your problem is with what Personal Loot is, and that is unfortunately not going to change.
The M+ system under no circumstances can simply just be dropping items no one would even be eligible to equip, like you might have seen in the old days.
Looting in general has changed dramatically since the start of the game, but one way or another, I would never expect to see the standard group loot system return.
It would be Master looter, or “personal” loot only.
Beg for a piece you should have rolled for? You did roll for it. You lost the roll. Thats how personal loot works.
I keep noticing that these “the gm gave everything to his girlfriend” posts come predominantly from Alliance players.
Maybe the best solution is to bring back the option for Master Looter, but only for Horde guilds.
However what you then see is people get upset that one guy seems to always get upgrades first, which is because they put them to better use and will do more damage with them than another player who could have the same gear but doesn’t play well enough to maximize the upgrade.
People mistakenly think that they should have an equal opportunity to every item regardless of how little they want to put into it.
Exactly this. Someone will always try and make this about merit or some other made up thing. Which is why people cannot have choices.
Personal loot is always impartial and is always fair. Sure it’s not optimal, but that’s the price you pay, and it is a price worth paying.
Master loot is never coming back.