Personal Loot is killing the game for me

WoW. Children are dying! Won’t somebody please think of the children!

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Bosses drop loot based on a 1 item per 5 ratio. So a 20 man drops 4 items.

If you didn’t get an item it means you already didn’t win the roll for the item.

You aren’t begging for an item you didn’t get to roll on. You already lost the roll, someone else won.

You’re begging someone who fairly won a roll if they don’t need it if they would give it to you.

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Because this is something that should be brought up when you’re given a reward with guilds specifically, I don’t give a damn about dungeons or normal/heroic raiding. What do you offer, do you deserve it? You can’t honestly tell me loot should go to the guy who does subpar dps and contributes NOTHING to the raid aside from being a body over the guy who brings full bags of consumables, comes buffed and is ready to give 110% every single second in the raid. I’ve outright PASSED ON LOOT IN CLASSIC that was an upgrade for me because I felt it should have gone to someone who did more work on that fight. I got stuck in traffic so I was late to raid, died on my way to BRM so I didn’t have world buffs. My guild tried to give me a CTS and I told them to give it to the guy who was there with world buffs because I didn’t deserve it. He did.

If you feel you should be equally as deserving of that reward for not contributing nearly as much, you’re an entitled player.

Yeah, tell that to my friend who gets nothing for a dungeon then when I get an item that is the exact item he wants that I don’t want but I can’t trade it to him or even opt out of the system entirely saying “I DO NOT WANT LOOT FROM HERE” just to give them better odds. All because “It’s bad for you and not an upgrade, BUT IT HAS HIGHER ITEM LEVEL!”

No, that’s not fair, it’s horribly broken. But I can tell judging by your classic gear you put no work into your character like at all. So I can see why you feel when merit is taken out of the arrangement so you’re randomly given loot you probably don’t deserve as being a good thing. Hey, a lot of people hate the system and its flaws, but at least you finally get gear now, right? Selfish scumbag.

old style raid when complete…

tank: i did most of the work so i get everything!
i quit the guild.

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Ha! That’s hilarious. I’m not fixing it that’s too funny :slight_smile:
Also I hate predictive text.

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all i can think of when people ask for ML back is that i remember when i was watching a classic streamer like last year or so talking about new trials not being able to get any loot until their 4th week of raiding and then after that theyd be placed on low priority for rolls

to me thats just a waste of time and unfun being stuck at the same power level for 4 weeks in a row

at least with PL people can actually progress their character in a meaningful way without being harrassed by the raid leader for their gear so they can give it to their best buddies


Meh, I never had any issues with ML in any of the raiding guilds I used to be in.

Sucks to hear about people getting screwed over though. However, last guild I was in for raiding in BFA there was ONE guy who literally constantly got drops, and instead of trading it to other plate wearers (he was a pally) he would either DE if it was BoP, or put up on the AH if it was a BoE. I stopped showing up to raid because of him, and less than a couple weeks after the guild leader (his GF) broke up with him and the guild disbanded.

PL has issues just like ML, the only difference is the issue 9/10 times it’s because of the RNG system than it is the ML.

People who want to use this system should be allowed to do so

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To be fair, flight fans still don’t get to fly as they want… and LFR complaints have only died down because the item levels have been nerfed to the ground. So there aren’t a ton of people that are actually getting what they want.

Regardless, I don’t think ML is ever coming back for one simple reason… Personal Loot gives Blizzard complete control over how fast you gear up.

The main purpose of it is to prevent exactly what people want… gearing more efficiently (and hence quicker).

If they were to ever allow it again, they would probably have to cut drop rates by at least half (probably more) to offset the efficiency offered by ML gearing.

Way back when this was common. We hear many such stories from vanilla and early expansions.

An issue has been how loot is distributed. Some guilds gave loot to the poorest geared players because it would help progression more. Others gave loot to the best performers, because they had proven they deserved that loot by working harder to gear up themselves, even though this will actually hurt raid progression.

And the fact is that sometimes the person who was the top performer was doing so well because he kept getting gear as a reward for doing well - at the expense of others who were performing less well because they weren’t getting that gear. And not only that, but maybe he was a good buddy of the GM.

Neither he nor his GM buddy realized that what was happening was favoritism. I think this is far more common than “the raid leader’s married girlfriend” stories.

I was trying to figure that out. I was like “Wait, was their kid handling Master Loot and stole the mount so they beat them to death?” Completely unrelated but I remember being really petty with someone during TBC (I think they kicked me from a group to make room for their friend and I refused to invite them to any of my groups afterward) since I was 14 in our guild, they said something like “My 7 year old kid is more mature than you.” and I just decided to respond with “Pretty sure I can beat your kid up.”

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A lot of people spent time trying to explain why Master loot/group loot are bad and why they won’t return. I was pointing out why personal loot is effecting my game-play negatively, and what would help me enjoy the game again. I don’t see the old loot systems coming back either, I am giving blizzard feedback on a system of the game I believe to be poor.

Exactly why PL was created.

Why waste your time? Like, you can drive your car out into the desert and yell into the wind about your boss, but nothing is going to change if you do that.

Additionally, these forums aren’t really for giving direct feedback to Blizzard. They’re for discussing the game with your fellow players.

There is a valid reason: guild leaders hording loot and giving it to specific people instead of giving everyone a fair shot. Just because you’re in a guild doesn’t mean everything is always peachy and wonderful and you agree with the guild leader having absolute control.

FF still has ML, no issues there /shrug.

It’s only killed your experience op because you were used to getting gear handed to you bc of your guild status.

All they need to do is remove the ilvl trade restrictions

Then everyone in a guild can trade and shift loot around as they please. It also prevents people from stealing loot with master looter since everyone would still be on personal loot

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This is ML with an extra step. Can’t and wont happen for the same reasons you don’t have access to ML now.

It is, but it would offer master loot’s functionality without the risks of abuse Master Loot has

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