Personal Loot and why the game is going downhill

TLDR: Personal Loot system sucks and they should allow us to choose what loot system we want to use again.

So rant time. There are many things wrong with the game right now, I still enjoy the game and play it, even though I remember better times and happier times playing in the past. But the state of the game now truly leaves me thinking “Does blizzard even play the game anymore??”. There’s a pretty popular saying, “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” yet all blizzard seems to do these days, with their patches and expansions is take things that are not broken, and things that no one is complaining about, and completely revamp them. Which leads me to Personal Loot. I’ve read, heard, and have seen all the reasons Blizzard decided to change their Loot System, and it still makes zero sense. Here is an example: My guild is a mythic guild, we clear heroic each week for chances at warforge and titanforge gear/gearing alts. However, we also have some people that cannot get their trinkets and other items from mythic and are still trying to get them in heroic. One such trinket is the dps one off Mekka. We had our tanks swap their rolls to dps and had dps there, all trying to get this guy his trinket. The trinket drops… and it rolls 420 ilvl for one of the tanks. The tank DOES NOT have a dps trinket THAT ILVL. He cannot trade it to our dps that needs it, HE ALSO does not need it since he is a tank and never plays dps… The 420 trinket that our dps needed… gets put into our tanks bank to never be used. THIS IS A BAD LOOT SYSTEM BLIZZARD! If it was the old loot system that we used, the trinket would’ve dropped, warforged and been available to pass to our dps player that could have used it. Instead, it was not used BY ANYONE. This is just one example from many, many, many other times this has happened to our guild, and I’m sure countless other guilds out there. I do not understand, if a guild wants to use personal loot, by all means let them make that choice. But, if a guild wants to use the master loot system then they should also have the choice to do so. Not to mention, the main reason blizzard got rid of Master Loot was to stop split runs, yet split runs are still happening… and guilds that do not split run are still being punished by losing their Master Loot system.

There are so many other things Blizzard has changed that I do not agree with and have made the game less fun to play overall. Although, I do not think any change has affected me more than making Personal Loot a mandatory loot system. Whether it be running for TMOG and no longer getting tokens, so now I get a piece of loot that would’ve been under my token but instead I get some other class that I cannot use. Or it being actual gear in a progression guild that had gear drop that either A. no one used because they cannot trade it. or B. has loot drop that ends up going to a trial instead of a core member who then ends up leaving the guild 3 weeks later with a BiS item that could’ve been given to the core raider who’s still here… It’s a bad system on all counts and should honestly just be reverted back to what it was.



I prefer personal loot over drama loot.


Ditto. I prefer personal loot.


I never said to take away Personal Loot.


You can literally choose personal loot though with master loot in the game. In legion you could choose to use personal loot or master loot and you could choose to join a guild that uses personal loot.

That’s great if you prefer personal loot, I preferred master loot and they took it away. There’s literally no reason for that when it was a choice, there were already restrictions on master loot to begin with anyway.

I’m not sure why you’re speaking as if master loot coming back means personal loot gets deleted. We can have both, we literally did in legion and it worked out great. We’ve had ML for 13-14 years, there wasn’t suddenly an issue with ML. Not only that but there’s also drama with personal loot because you can’t trade items that are 5 ilvls higher than what you already have which causes drama in pugs and it genuinely sucks not to be able to give guildies good loot I don’t need.


Yeah, op you raise a good point, problem is Kids are gonna flood your post spamming that you are A trying to take their personal **loot away, or B abuse them with the loot system.

We both know this isn’t the case, but some of these chuckleheads can’t seem to wrap their mind around it.


Master loot was taken away because people were crying over letting themselves get used in ML groups.

Yes, they chose to run with people who use ML and instead of doing the logical thing when they didnt agree with it, which is to find a group who use a loot system they preferred, they whined until ML was taken away.

People will say things like the raid leaders were gearing the friend, spouse, GF. But the only reason those sort of guild stay afloat is because would stay around and get used then complain, instead of leaving and letting the guild die.

Other complain they had to trial for a few weeks before they even for gear, most guilds bring trials in for farm content and although they will get lower priority over main raiders alot of times the loot isnt needed by those raiders as they already have gear.

Most of these people overlook the otherside where people come along to trial, gear up and leave. Which again is a rare occurance but it does happen on occasion.

The pro-ML crowd (myself included) don’t want to remove PL, we just want the option to choose the loot method we want to use.

Addition: PL would be perfectly fine if they removed the trade restrictions on items. Being unable to trade an item becuase its not an upgrade but is 5ilvls higher than what you have is horrible. Likewise with weapons, being unable to trade a dagger i wont use because i have a better staff but cant because MH+OH are classed seperately to 2H weapons.


Selfishly I enjoy getting a drop and then not worrying about it being given to someone else. Gearing up very specific people matters for world firsts, and they still manage to do it even with personal loot these days, but for the majority it doesn’t matter.

People still seem to gear up at the same speed.


Wrong, Personal Loot was one of the better changes they made to the game. It standardized the loot system as well as giving every person a “fair” chance at loot.

The only change they could possibly make that I could accept would be 100% guild group runs that have the option for Master Loot.

Otherwise personal loot is great for everything.


As if you are ever gonna get master loot back, nice try though. No it’s really not a nice try actually…

Ha…you even go on to say this…

…when your whole post is aimed at trying to do just that because if master loot comes back, personal loot is gone…the entire idea of it.

  1. Too many people complained for too long about getting used and scammed with master loot.

  2. Master loot caters to account sellers that farm the best gear before they sell the account. Why would you think they should cater to that. If you don’t care about that then you truly don’t care about the game and you only think of yourself or people you carry… ( again thinking of yourself really )

  3. Split runs and guilds that cheese the system with master loot throw off the entire system and the way it was designed to work. There is no way you should be fully geared in the best gear only after a few runs because you get traded all the best stuff every run.

Master loot = me me me, gimmee gimmee gimmee.

Personal loot = a fair system.


citation needed

most guilds just used it to gear ppl of more importance to the raid progression

split runs still exist to this day.


No citation needed because this subject is dead and buried and will not change. Causing drama just to fight with others on the forums about what blizzard does with their loot is pretty lame.

Get over it. These posts are just trolling after a while. In the very least… i guess i got baited and now its time for the trolling. Bait and troll posts are also lame.

You should feel bad.


When the raid group is consisted of 100% guild members, I agree with a ML option available.

Otherwise, ML and trading should not be allowed. You must understand that there are “evils” out there. They use ML to achieve something bad.

If you stay within a sterile virus-free room your entire life, it doesn’t mean that the “system” is clean even outside your environment.

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Personal loot is a better system. People have demonstrated they can’t be trusted to have control over others loot.


That would be perfectly hunky-dory and that’s what was requested by most as a compromise.


Bet more guilds disbanded over master loot than personal loot…but what would I know.


ML being removed was one of the worst changes in BFA. Its part of the reason I stopped raiding all together.


There were two issues involved with master loot.

At this point loot ninjaing was not one of them. That was solved in Legion.

But first, there was the issue that having master loot available meant that raids would be tuned for raid groups using master loot, which would put groups that were using personal loot at a huge disadvantage, as not only did they gear up slower, but groups like that were probably already at a disadvantage for being at a lower skill level. Lots of normal and heroic groups used personal loot, and thanks to raid tuning designed around heroic and mythic raiders, those more casual groups were less likely to make progress.

The other issue was that devs wanted to slow down gearing overall. Master loot speeded up gearing, personal loot as it was implemented in BfA was intended to slow down progress.

People like you destroyed Warcraft


It’s not your loot. It’s the groups. You alone didn’t kill the boss, the group did. Therefore the group should decide on the loot.

This system of personal loot destroyed Warcraft