The winner still wasn’t you, does it matter?
Except for sharding the 192nd cloak your group gets by week 6 because it’s only every spec’s loot table and drastically lower chance of getting weapons that aren’t int, 1H agi, or 2H strength.
My guild has gotten 9 warglaives this tier from heroic and mythic combined. We have 2 DHs on the roster. Our first Mythic Smolderon kill we got 3 warglaives.
Don’t act like useless loot is a problem exclusive to personal loot. It isn’t. It’s just a fact of life in MMOs.
I’m not. You’re the one that called personal loot without trade restrictions perfect. I was merely highlighting some of the flaws with personal loot. Both systems can result in useless drops. The difference is with group loot there is at least some control over how often you’ll get useless loot by bringing a wide range of classes. It’s not perfect by any stretch, but there was truly nothing you could do to limit how often cloaks, necks, and rings dropped under personal loot.
In this context it is.
And actual ideal system would be to get rid of random drops entirely, and have every boss give each member of the raid a fixed amount of currency which can be spent at a vendor to acquire the gear they wish. That would remove RNG entirely.
Blizzard will never do that, however. Group loot is antiquated, and it was a mistake to regress. Even personal loot with trade restrictions was better than this current mess.
And it’s exactly what PL did because it’s the same result, except without the evidence being in front of you and without the ability to express agency in the form of declining the roll in the first place. You don’t know what you’re asking for.
I wouldn’t be opposed to this. Dinars were positively received but Ion is insanely stubborn.
Perfect is a high bar. Having a disproportionate amount of necks, rings, and cloaks kills the ability to be perfect.
Not for my guild. Not for guilds that want loot council. I agree there are groups where PL works better, but it’s simply not accurate to claim GL is never a better system.
Boring. We grind for currency IRL, doing it in game is a drag.
Shopping list gearing is the most boring gearing system by a landslide.
nah they won the loot fair and squared. I remember the uproar personal loot caused on forums. You asked blizz to listen, they did so sit down.
toxic = i dont like it clearly lol
I am in two guilds both of which are CE/HoF. Loot council is a pain in the butt. We have to use outside addons just to do it and the entire process is a mess. Personal loot was much simpler since by the time things were available to trade there were far fewer people who needed loot.
This all just fuels my previous statement that we need a currency based, deterministic system with zero RNG.
You wouldn’t be grinding currency. You’d be doing the exact same things you do now. The only difference is that instead of getting frustrated with no drops every other week you’d have steady, stable progression where you can pick and choose which items to get based upon your own desires and ability.

we need a currency based, deterministic system with zero RNG
We had that. With crafting. People complained. We can’t have anything nice.

The only difference is that instead of getting frustrated with no drops every other week you’d have steady, stable progression where you can pick and choose which items to get based upon your own desires and ability.
I’m not frustrated, I got 6 or 7 drops plus a vault item for everyone across my 3 toons last week. Way better than currency and much more interesting.
No matter how much I wanted a piece of gear, I would never give an LFR reseller the satisfaction of knowing their behavior would be rewarded. I wouldn’t give them a silver for it.

I am in two guilds both of which are CE/HoF. Loot council is a pain in the butt. We have to use outside addons just to do it and the entire process is a mess. Personal loot was much simpler since by the time things were available to trade there were far fewer people who needed loot.
This all just fuels my previous statement that we need a currency based, deterministic system with zero RNG.
No actual CE/HoF guild preferred PL lol.
Back on old group loot raids. Loot rule is MS > OS > Xmog. Immediately kick offenders and blacklist them. You can still apply this rule for your raid.
I still remember someone goes to Ironforge and yells “” name of character" ninja “loot name”, do not invite" on vanilla.
My memory is faulty, sorry. Didn’t rolling need soulbinded the item to yourself?
Or just bring back the option for the group/raid to decide.
Dunno why the concept of meeting at the middle with Blizzard with how loot should work is complicated.
There would be literally no difference, unless you stole those drops from your guildmates.