Personal Loot, and Why it needs to return

In the last 2 weeks I have ran normal version(s) of the raid, on my Warrior Alt, and while gearing will take longer and I am okay with that.

The problem is the toxic behavior that group loot has created within the community.

Players can, will and do roll on gear they DO NOT need, then in-turn go immediately to the person who was second or third on roll and offer to SELL it to them.

I’ve had this happen TWICE in the last two weeks on Augury of the Primal Flame, both times it was a RESTO DRUID who did it, (two separate players, same result).

At this point, I am more incline to play the game only on my main and raid log; while seeking enjoyment elsewhere.

This is NOT fun.


We are only a week away from people equating losing rolls to the winner cheating in some way lmao



This was never mentioned or said; I didn’t say xx person cheated. I said xx person rolled on an item they didn’t NEED and then messaged me wanting to SELL me it.

The person said “2mil gold and its all yours, or ill DE this puppy right now”


If they participated in the kill, it’s within their right to roll need. All PL would do is force them to always roll need, and get rid of the version of duplicate protection that currently exists.


Participating in a kill does not give you carte blanche to roll on whatever you deem necessary in an attempt to sell it, to grief other players.

That is actively griefing other players game play.


I will say they needed the item but not in the same way you may have needed the item. I was not a fan of them removing personal loot, there should be option for people to do group or personal loot. This would give players a choice if they want to run content with people who use group or personal loot.


This would still happen with PL.

Resto Druid wins Augery with PL.
You don’t.

They offer to sell it.

What’s the difference?


Then join an organized group that has this as a loot rule. Unless loot rules are agreed upon by the raid, they aren’t enforceable.


I find this behavior loathsome, to be honest, but perhaps he DID need it, but wanted gold more? You can buy more than 1 piece with 2M gold. I’m certainly not going to go around inspecting everyone to stalk whether I believe they “needed” the gear or not. They were there, they’re entitled to roll. I don’t personally care for anyone else’s reasoning for hitting need. I may or may not agree with their reason, but if they’re allowed to roll, so be it.

Mathematically, you have a better chance at loot with this system than personal loot. Personal loot I rolled no matter what. Current system at least some people pass, making the pool smaller. Maybe I’m in some weird LFRs (granted, I don’t do many), but I see plenty of people passing. Item drops, roll or don’t, win or not. Move on.

Stop forcing your definition of “need” on everyone else and accept there are other reasons to need. Personally, I’d prefer a loot system that’s even less transparent. Hand out loot silently to make it harder on the stalkers.


Before someone brings up how PL “guaranteed” you won something.

That was the worst part about it.

When you get the same cloak 3 weeks in a row, you were “guaranteed” to not get anything else for the rest of the run.

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PL wouldn’t protect against this (only to peoples emotion of seeing dice roll).

I do think letting full cross realm trading (including gold) made this worse by then letting people sell the items. That was a bad change in season 2 and if ML existed may even have saw rise to GDKPs.

I’m not sure how to fix that other than revoke cross realm trading or make BoP items actually bind when looted like they used to.


See: PL addon that alerted people to who had what gear so they could whisper harass them until we had to put them on ignore and then they’d mock and harass in raid chat for someone getting gear they “didn’t need” or “didn’t deserve.”

Don’t pug. Run with friends, guildies or a static group.

Selling the gear is stupid behavior, but two things here:

  1. They met the rules coded into the game to roll on the piece
  2. That’s not griefing

It didn’t. Ever.


See, now you’re pushing YOUR narrative of what "need’ or value is.

I didn’t inspect said player until AFTER the roll, Player had his BIS trinkets for Resto (at 483 ilev) and instantly asked for 2million gold for it once he won the roll.

That screams, I am griefing this person and forcing them to PAY me to have this trinket; The moment that person hit need, he/she had already had his mind made up.

Mathematically, group loot is better if you can guarantee xx amount of players pass on a per boss basis.

“Stop forcing your def…” - Let me hit you with this one, so it’s OKAY to hit need on an item your character will NEVER use in hope to sell it to the other players who will use it? This is your stance ?


Choice is the difference. With personal loot people don’t have a choice to roll, the game does it for them. With group loot people are making a choice to roll sometimes with bad intentions like selling gear.


If you inspect someone over gear in a pug, YTA. End of story.

If no other rules are established and agreed to by the group, it’s a free for all anything goes. Don’t like what people are doing in that FFA? join a group that agrees on a different set of rules.

By pugging, you allow people to do this.


Interesting. Because you’re pushing your own narrative.

Maybe just stop being obsessive about such things. You lost, so you lost. Same would have happened in PL.

It’s not griefing. Learn what griefing is.


Griefing is the act of chronically causing sudden annoyance to other members of an online community, or more specifically, intentionally disrupting the immersion of another player in their gameplay.

Point, Score, Match.

You can’t roll need on pieces you already have at an equal or higher ilvl.

You can’t roll need on pieces that aren’t for your spec/role. e.g. Tanks and Dps can’t take your healer trinket.

You can choose to pass and not roll on stuff you don’t want.

It’s already a lot better at ensuring you get what you want than PL was. PL, In which everyone is essentially rolling need on everything, all the time.

For any boss drop you are only competing with people who choose to roll need and not everyone is eligible to roll need on every drop. Your odds of getting the piece you want are a lot better in this system.


A bit bold to call someone doing something once chronic.


No, it’s not.

If a player has done it once, they typically do it all the time.

It’s in their nature; and people don’t change.