Personal Loot, and Why it needs to return

That’s not annoying, that’s fantastic. Getting spammed with whispers every time you won the hidden roll in LFR sucked in BFA/SL.


Bonus if you’re an enchanter - always hang on to a few junk items and shard one right after you win a roll for something good. People really love it.

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I should have been clearer because I was being sarcastic. I’ll fix it.

Fixed it

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no it’s not. i get the gold they get the item. everyone is happy.

Winning then selling a “bind on pickup” item is a contradictory statement.

That is why it is stupid.

If Blizzards wants this to happen more maybe they should make the drops BoE?

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I mean I personally wouldn’t complain since I have so much gold but if people think the game is p2w now then making everything BoE would change the game overnight.


Oh I know it would be a terrible decision.

But winning “Bind on Pickup” items specifically to sell within the raid is already a weird place to be in.

people suck thats never going to change but ide rather go 2 weeks with no loot compared to having personal loot back where i would go a month without loot quite often. it was a garbage loot system and i cant even pretend to come up with some way its better than group because its not, its inferior in every aspect


It may be called “bind on pickup”, but it’s really bind on group until equipped.


And that made more sense before DF season 2 when Blizzard allowed full cross realm trading, including gold.

I personally don’t care if people win multiple items. If I lose the roll it is what it is.

The only thing that PL did that I liked was you could just not loot bosses and any item you won went to your mailbox (no “NEED THAT” whisper spam). If they could add this to group loot some way I’d be way happier than I am with the system overall.


My personal narrative is choice and that everyone has different reasons. Grats to whoever won the roll. While there is nothing against the rules to sell a piece of loot, then goodie for them I guess. I certainly won’t be supporting it and paying someone, and I wish everyone else would stop paying them so they’d stop selling.

While it’s not against the rules, it’s not griefing. And yes, it’s ok to hit need if you need the item. Not because I think you do or don’t need it, but because you’ve made that choice. I’m sorry you lost a roll. And yeah, I think there are improvements that can be made to the loot system. Everyone complained just as much about personal loot being so awful, which is why we got group loot. :woman_shrugging:

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…And you’re still going to feel bummed out when some mythic geared raider gets loot that you feel they don’t need and they don’t want to trade it to you.


So it’s back to making exactly as much sense as it did pre-warlords, when there was no cross server raiding.

  • don’t allow gold to be traded inside instance

  • can still trade items inside instance

  • items become bound when you leave instance.

Almost seems too easy.


This won’t stop needing on transmog, but it could potentially stop selling in LFR

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How about we just convert LFR to a solo experience instead, like it should have been from the beginning?

Hopefully that’s the way they’re going with NPC helpers coming down the pipeline.


It’s making it like DF season 1

With the cross realm gold, we’re back to it so that everyone is functionally on the same realm for gold trading, which means same as pre-warlords, when everyone in the raid had to be on your server.

In that sense, but conditions are different now when the amount of people grouping is orders of magnitude higher due to cross realm and also cross faction.

Mists (like classic) also had masterloot to enforce loot rules, that is gone. Basically every pug raid used to be ML to prevent this type of thing.

It’s not a 1:1 comparison.

Log onto alt, send gold log back, receive item.