Personal Loot, and Why it needs to return

You can make it PL and make items when looted bind on pickup.

Solves both issues.

So raid gearing becomes significantly worse? I’m sure everyone would love that!


With personal loot if you bring nothing but druids in your group you will only get druid items. People were abusing this so blizzard changed the way loot works back to the old way.


So you want to make the system worse for everyone?

Do you freak out this much when you get junk mail? Just block whispers if it bothers you so much.


How PL worked:

  • A random selection of loot from the boss “drops”, based on the classes in the raid.
  • A secret roll happens behind the scene where EVERYONE rolls need on items they’re eligible for.
  • Loot is dispersed to the winners.
  • People who didn’t get loot send whispers to the people who did, begging for the item.

How it works now:

  • A random selection of loot from the boss drops.
  • People choose to what to roll.
  • People who didn’t get loot send whispers to the people who did, begging for the item.

The current system is better


Outside of a guild group, (where you can toggle it on or off PL or Group loot)

Yes, PL with BoP should be the standard.

But now i can see people beating me in the loot rolls :cry: :cry:


Post from a main, or your post goes into the junk folder.

Yep, this is what the complaints boil down to.

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I’ve never been whispered with GL, only when it was PL.

In my experience, people saw they lost the roll and just moved on. With PL, their addon told them who had “their loot” and then they whisper spammed demanding it.

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I am of the belief that no system will be 100% perfect. How much of an impact did the stacking have? Much did it effect the community as a whole? People may hate PL but if that can get more people into to raiding it is worth revisiting.

If cutting off one’s nose to spite their face needed to be illustrated in wow terms, this would be perfect.


A lot. And a lot. As did the whisper harassment addon.

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There are other legitimate reasons to dislike GL. The game having no protection against the same person winning multiple items and the fact items can drop that nobody in the raid group can even use, but yes generally the “They got something they didnt actually need” complaint is mathematically the same or better with GL than PL.

That doesn’t make one a universally better system than the other though, and we should probably be trying to nudge Blizzard on solving problems with one system instead of arguing about which of the two flawed systems we like best.

Is the same as PL having no protection against having a party of 5 win all 5 items, and pass them to one person.

Is offset by solving the problems of the raid giving the team more rings/necks/capes than they could ever use, and items being stuck on people who never would use them.

not valid. It’s people being karens.


I didn’t say one was better than the other, I said both were flawed. I’d rather fix one than compare it to the other equally broken option

Even though I prefer GL, I have to admit selling “BoP” items is scummy and new since Blizzard only recently allowed full cross realm trading.

It’s more like “BoP but not really” items.

The thing is, you can’t solve that problem from the perspective of a loot system without re-introducing the problem of loot stacking to control what drops.

One of them must be possible, pick your poison.

I’ll take the having no control over what drops, since that just creates another incentive to do something that you wanted to do anyways for other reasons, which is bring every class for raid buffs.


I think we’re making a mountain out of an ant hill. Does it suck and is it disappointing when you lose a roll. Yes it does. It also feels worse than when it was personal and you don’t get to see who won the item. Mostly because now you can’t whisper them asking if you can have it, which was really annoying to the person who got it. You can but the other player rolled need because the needed it. Is it a jerk move when they win and disenchantment the item, yup. That happened all the time with personal look also. I just don’t think it’s worth getting up in arms about. But hey you have every right to clutch your pearls so you do you.


A massive impact.

You could manipulate the entire raid, all bosses, into ONLY dropping leather.

Oh you’re on a raid team that actually has a diverse comp? Well you’re going to fall really far behind compared to the leather wearers who joined a raid that only drops leather.