Personal Loot, and Why it needs to return

Here’s my thing:

The RNG on top of RNG factor with LFR is no fun. It’s already RNG on if you’ll get a group in a reasonable amount of time, it’s also RNG on who is in your group each week (since it’s not the same people).

You have the RNG of what drops that week.
You have RNG of how you roll along with the people who can actually use that particular piece (and I will give you guys that the Catalyst is a thing now because I finally remembered to do the quest).

Now let’s say the Catalyst isn’t a thing next expac and the only way to actually get your tier pieces is LFR as the alternative. How’s this letting everyone roll on things just because thing going to work? I’d almost let T-mogger’s slide because they kind of have a good argument (though you really should be using the TMOG button).

Because, from prior experience through the LFR years: this never worked out well. The best times this kind of thing worked is when we had bonus rolls because at least I had a second shot against the “Rolling for gold” spec type of people.

That I believe is the OP’s whole point.

Personally, I liked bonus rolls and the PL system much better. You want a bid system, go join a GDKP or form your own group and run it on normal. Probably make more gold that way.

That’s a pug RNG, not an LFR exclusive one.

This RNG is better with GL due to rolling restrictions and a better chance of getting the stuff that’s not on everyone’s loot tables.

Why assume this? The only point of this assumption is to make things look worse than they are. It’s disingenuous at best.

Eligible + participated is fair. (And also not something PL protects against.)

The tmog button should just give everyone who clicks it the appearance (but not the item), but that’s another issue.

That’s just more RNG, and it never gave me anything good, so personally, I’m happy to see it gone. I do think they should have kept the dinar system though, which would have helped massively.

They should probably do this and then formally introduce master looter with being in a guild group as a requirement for enabling master looter.

Personal loot should never ever return. Period.

Master looter will never return.



It won’t.

Way too easy to abuse.

It’s already back, you just unfortunately have to trust people not to ninja things.

Thankfully we’ve had no issues because ERT let’s you check who has auto pass enabled and who doesn’t, but sometimes it bugs and someone has to manually pass when the boss dies.

It’s not a ninja.

If you roll need - you need.

GL is honestly the best compromise as it allows guilds to implement a more precise looting system if they want - but it doesn’t force it on people.

It is if everyone is agreed on why they’re there, such as in a mythic raid team.

I mean yes, as I said, it works well enough. It’s just a shame bad actors can still sneak in. Having to check everyone has the addon installed before you pull a boss with a trial doesn’t feel the greatest.

So, it would literally be impossible to have master loot in a regular pug group. They could create a popup too when you join a guild group raid similar to accepting a raid lockout where you accept that you’re doing master loot.

Pugs won’t be able to create it. You won’t be able to pug into a guild run without knowing and accepting it’s master loot. They can even add an indicator in group finder.

People could still need on things they don’t need, but there would be actually no value in doing so if needed items are BOP.

What other problems do we need to address? I’ve offered solutions to the existing ones.

That selling business would annoy me too - that is greed not need.

That what we kept saying years ago and ML still ended up removed.

I don’t think you understand how guilds are using rc loot council.

Everyone auto passes and one person grabs all the loot and then distributes as needed.

I like both systems, but I can see where Personal Loot can eliminate some toxic behavior. You will still see people trying to sell their loot but at the same time you don’t have the loot drama that happens in less organized content.

There’s no way to make everyone happy but they could probably set everything but Mythic Raid as personal loot and give Mythic (that has full or nearly full guild group), Master Loot. If the Mythic Raid is made up of mostly pugs, then personal loot. Should be at least 18 out of 20 people for this consideration.

The “drama” that exists would still exist. The people getting angry aren’t smart enough to realize that Pl wouldn’t change that at all.

No. Keep personal loot out of raiding. It’s a trash system.

That’s because they now allow cross realm trading. PL or GL, if CRT wasn’t a thing, it would be nigh impossible to sell your stuff.

This thread is kind of long for me to get fully caught up but I’m sure you probably already gave your reasoning on why you think one system is better than the other, rather than just spitting out a random “my way is better” response.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. As I said, both systems have their pros and cons, and both are viable options, and I can elaborate some more for those that are interested in hearing the opinion of others.

With group loot, we miss out of loot when we get 3 bows and only 1 hunter or an agil dagger with no rogues etc. In an organized group we can use group loot to funnel gear to an alt swap to get them up to speed. We can have a loot system where the RL assigns who can need/greed etc.

With Personal loot, we can get screwed with the alt getting the gear and can’t trade due to loot restrictions or a tier piece going to someone that already had a lower version when we could have given that to someone else to complete their 4pc, but we will not get irrelevant pieces for specs that are not in the group. Personal loot should cater for Heroic Raiding and below or Pug Mythic groups and Group/Master for Guild Mythic Raiding groups.

You just get duplicate offspec pieces while screwing over the classes like rogue/hunter.

No it shouldn’t. PL should stay in 5 mana. Raid loot should stay Gl or ML.

I agree and it should also apply to Heroic and below.