Personal Loot, and Why it needs to return

The active choice in PL is made when you hit the queue button knowing you’re going to keep/sell/DE/vendor whatever you get.

PL just saves you clicking a choice after every boss and gives you a better chance at winning stuff you don’t “need” than GL does.

It seems your issue is that you think a fair roll is greedy!
Fear not! For everyone who could roll need got the same chance as you to randomly get the loot!

Happy needing!

Has nothing to do with player agency. People are going to sell gear regardless of what loot system has in place because cross realm trading exist.

People are just being dumb and blaming something they don’t understand.

I won’t speak for anyone else except myself here. This is my exact quote:

All I said is there has been no evidence of it. I have made NO claim that it didn’t exist, merely questioning the definitive claim in the other direction.

And it provided more explanation from an official source of PL than any kind of BLP at all.

On the flip side, PuGs would stack the raid comp in their favor for armor type or class token to influence weapon/trinket/token drops. Then there were issues with a person and their friends stacking a raid, and funneling loot to one person.

There were flaws in both systems. Group loot has less. Case closed.

Then don’t do it.

It’s not horrible as far as trying to do the fights go. Everyone has got to learn this stuff some time if they want to do harder content. Except mayhap the actual few REAL AFK people are that are actually kicked, I haven’t had a truly terrible LFR run since at least Durumuru.

User experience varies, but most generally every LFR I’ve been in has been fine. Most of the baloney on the forums is just that.

Some of you forget that a lot of people who do LFR probably haven’t set foot in a normal raid in years and have no desire to go back to doing it on someone else’s time schedule. I’m also well aware of the other LFR tool, but I have no plans on using it.

What do I do when I die in an LFR? Well first, I’ll admit it’s my fault and not automatically start blaming other players. But I’ll also sit here and watch you all do the fight and learn exactly what the mechs are (for the most part) and understand how the fight is done. Then I release once the fight is over due to a wipe or we won.

My lowish dps? Attributed to the fact that I’m not used to being a melee character in a raid environment, but still having fun. My ilvl isn’t very high either. Once I can get some burst out I’m good though. But you know what? I also quit using a meter some years ag, and I have no idea where I’m at nor do I care.

I’d never get away with any of my DH shenanigans in a normal raid setting.

As for the transmog rollers: you understand that this content isn’t going away for a while, right? It’s okay to go back to old content. People have been doing that for decades now.

Yeah, but LFR isn’t a great place to do that. HP values are so low, that often dangerous overlaps just get skipped completely, and mechanics that kill you on all other difficulties often just don’t.

Caps, I am well aware of the differences between normal raiding and LFR. You don’t need to raidersplain to me.

We are not doing this debate right now but it would make an interesting convo, because I somewhat agree with you to an extent on this point.

Did you not do Durumuru in LFR? Because there was a reason they had to take it this route.

I’m not saying I agree with that reasoning, but I get why. That’s why I play my DH now instead of Juju here.

I’ve been mostly casual since right before 2016, but I remember how raids work. But the big difference here is we are dealing with basically a weekly PUG group done by a “system” raid leader which means we’re already dealing with random from the get go: every, single, week.

What LFR rolling has right now is a conundrum.

What would fix this is personal loot. Without having to know what everyone else rolled/won.

I personally do not care what you won: unless you’re a mage rolling on a healing trinket (which doesn’t happen anymore) just because it had intellect on it.

I never cared when it came to PL because I was actually getting something that tier instead of worrying about someone rolling for looks or rolling for OS or rolling just because because Bliz decided the community actually listened back in the day.

Regardless of knowing or not knowing who won (personally I like seeing the rolls), a system that is objectively worse for actually putting gear in the hands of people who actually intend to use it is not the fix.

Anyone who’s at least a teen should be emotionally capable of handling not winning an item - in either system.

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I added more to that comment:

PL doesn’t stop anyone from going in with the intent to do any of this and it’s actually easier for them to be successful.

Ive been perusing the Season of Discovery Forums and the attitude there about “name and shame” seems to be that as long as you are not doxxing the person, giving real life info, itʻs perfectly fine to publicly announce their character names, guild name, and server names on the forums to identify the player in question. even going so far as to post screen shots of conversations without disguising character names.

IDK i donʻt personally get involved into these group oriented situations if i can help it.
But knowing who these players are would go a long way to avoiding dealing with them in the future

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And this is why I advocate for PL.

This is why.

And as long as I don’t see that they won: I don’t care.

PL doesn’t stop anyone from rolling need. In fact the system roll need for everyone.

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And I wouldn’t care because I’m sure this would still fix a lot of problems. And bring back bonus rolls.

And how do you think Personal Loot would make this interaction any different if they still got the item they didn’t need?

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You clearly know someone else won though, so what’s the difference?


Both systems drop the same fixed number of items. If you don’t win in PL, you know that someone else did.

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Your telling me that THIS is why people think PL would be better?? Just because you don’t SEE it?

Are we babies? Do we not have object permanence anymore? Is this really all just about people wanting the illusion of having not lost a roll?
