Personal Loot, and Why it needs to return

From the wowhead post:

“As many in this thread have speculated, all players in Personal Loot were constantly ‘rolling’ behind the scenes, whether you wanted to or not. It’s not as simple as ‘with group loot you’re rolling against everyone, but in personal loot you’re rolling against fewer’. Changing to Group Loot for raids makes the process of loot acquisition and distribution more transparent and gives players more freedom to trade loot around and allocate it socially if they choose to do so.”

I responded to you making the claim about BLP with skepticism. The burden of proof is on you since you made the claim.

That’s not how this works.

You made a definitive claim that something existed.
Others replied: “I don’t believe you, prove it”
Now you’re saying: “prove that it never existed”

In cases like this, it is not our responsibility to prove you wrong, it is your responsibility to prove that you are right. Claiming something must have existed because there’s no evidence it didn’t is how you get sasquatch.

or just disable gold trading in LFR. This is the root problem not the loot system. Cross realm gold trading didn’t exist when PL was in the game.

So what is toxic about winning a random roll on loot that everyone participated for?

Nothing. What is toxic is whining about how other players want to take the chance they were given to get loot.


People win loot all the time around me, I gratz them and move on. I can’t imagine throwing a fit for someone else’s win.

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Nothing is toxic about winning the roll. If you have to have explained what is toxic about deciding to roll need on something you don’t need, you should go and slap your mother because she failed you.


PL never had BLP is quite literally a definitive claim.

Yes, I read it in full friend

The 3 of us will go in circles forever and i’ve said my piece

Slight strawman, The actual claim is “there is no evidence to support the idea that PL ever had BLP”.

Lol generally if you make a statement like that and are participating in a public discussion most would give a little bit more of an explanation.

You don’t have to be so grumpy my guy, tis a game after all, no need for mother related insults lol.

So you don’t like that someone’s rolling need on something, so you want to take away their option to do anything EXCEPT roll need?

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Where did I say anything resembling that?

Because that’s what changing to PL would do.

No it wouldn’t? Making the choice to roll need in order to resell an item is in no way the same as a system where everyone rolls automatically. One requires active agency, the other doesn’t.

So then you don’t actually care about the end result, and are just trolling, got it.

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Blizz makes no secret of how RNG is used to choose winners and no mention of BLP, which would actually be favorable for them to share with us.

Why stop there? Lock it in that slot for the rest of the season because they clearly really needed it!

Less player agency is a loss. If someone wants to buy/sell, they should be able to. Just like they should have the option to give something away if they want to.

GL has a higher chance for you tog at loot and more likely to see healer/tank loot, personal loot is much much worse IMO.

There is so much straw in your man that I’d be worried on a sunny day.

In this case: caring that a player chose to do something is one thing, but it’s no longer a valid complaint when the only solution you’ll accept is to force the player to do that thing which you were complaining about them doing.

Posts like these are awesome because they let me know that no matter how much of a greedy looter I become, I can always count on yahoos to defend and justify my shady behavior. Keep up the great work! :trophy: