Personal Loot, and Why it needs to return

Personal loot is the same as every person rolling on every gear drop. You are statistically more likely to get loot under GL than PL.

Blizz made it very clear with the eligibility requirements as to what people can roll on.


Every time someone suggests this, I ask for any kind of official record that PL had bad luck protection. So far, nobody has been able to provide a single example.

Yes, there have been bonus rolls in the past, but that was completely outside of the PL system. We had no bonus rolls in Shadowlands even though we still had PL. There has never been any indication that any group based loot mechanism has ever featured bad luck protection built in; it’s always been on truly personal loot systems (like Legion legendaries) or a separate system adjacent to the loot system (like bonus rolls). And nothing would prevent Blizzard from bringing bonus rolls to group loot.


BLP was common knowledge among hc raid community, like a lot of game mechanics blizzard doesn’t outright explain it (perfect example: socket chance, or the old warforges is a “?%” chance)

I will not be auditing multiple guilds and my own and then doing actual data science so some forum person can be like “im not reading that” to be completely honest (nor am i data scientist that stuff’s for nerds! /s)

imo solid middle ground

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I’ve been very active in the HC community and posts like these are the only times I’ve seen BLP mentioned. The known sources of BLP were legion legendaries and bonus rolls, both were completely individualistic and had no bearing on raid or dungeon loot. And most times people tried to explain how that BLP functioned, their supposed system was mathematically impossible.

So again, unless there is an official Blizzard indication of BLP in PL, as far as I’m concerned players just made it up. I’ll happily eat crow if an official source can be cited.

That’s not what I’m asking for. In fact, there’s no way any one player would have enough data to prove either way whether BLP exists among the drops in their groups. Blizzard explained the algorithm for PL on the forums during the Dragonflight beta, surely if BLP did exist in PL they would have provided some indication that it was there.

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You don’t raid mythic
? unless different character, understandably I cannot tell

I cannot find this, nor do I have any recollection, hate being that person but can you throw a link

thats why I cited asking multiple, it’s an absolute workload for no reward outside of winning an argument lol

(same person u were replying to btw just in case)

I would just start rolling need on everything and messaging others with this same offer. According to the community you’d be doing no wrong so why try to play nice and get burned? This is the era of the scammer, time to join in.

Wrong I help done the boss I can roll need for what ever reason. Heck I don’t even need a reason to roll need. And there is nothing you can do about it.

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If you see them selling for gold, you’d better believe there are those who sell for real money. It’s a bad system that failed in the past. But Blizzard often re-implements failed systems to see if they can make them work this time. Or maybe they just put group loot in LFR to troll the target demographic, knowing they could turn it into the worst toxic cesspool in the game, all to funnel money to geared players who would use it as a profit center.

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citation needed.

What does HC stand for if it’s relating to mythic raiding? I genuinely don’t know this abbreviation

The beta forums have been taken down so the direct link doesn’t exist. However wowhead made a post linking the forum entry Blizzard made:

My point is that even if the workload was trivial, the resulting data set simply wouldn’t prove (or disprove) whether BLP existed because there wouldn’t be enough data.

There was no bad luck protection and if there was you’d see crap where people would drop group immediately because “BLP need loot from 2 bosses from now” would constantly be happening with PL.

Trustmebro. org/PLHadBLP

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hardcore, like hall of fame tier

this literally explains group loot, then says 1 sentence saying “oh its like group loot”
nah chief that’s not enough

you’re doing the same thing btw

You’re making the claim, and yet refusing to provide any actual evidence when your claim is questioned.

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I asked for a source from blizz saying it existed. Short of that, none of us has the ability to say definitely that it was BLP or RNG that broke a losing streak.

Both sides are claims that can only be concretely proven by blizzard

do you like, ever think about what you type?

I’ll say it again: if I did the raid and am allowed by the game to roll need, I will!

If you want it that bad I’ll sell it to you!
You don’t HAVE to buy it :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re right. Greed and toxicity are built into the system to funnel real money directly to those who, like you, deserve it.

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Nobody can stop you from being a selfish prick. Except Blizzard, that is.

Seems pretty self explanatory that if someone won something in LFR by rolling need it should be immediately soulbound.

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