Personal Loot, and Why it needs to return

I started doing LFR again and now I’m on board the personal loot train.

Functionally it’s no different than it is now, but it feels worse to have to click roll, only to then roll a 17, while someone who already has a better piece in that slot also chose to roll need, and got a 95.

I’d rather the game just do the rolling for everyone and not show the numbers. I wouldn’t have any more gear than I do now, but it would feel better.

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No it encourages you to stack classes that arent your token in the raid and if you arent the leader it discourages you from going toa raid with lots of your token already present. Its not better

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I want it to come back for the psychological benefit of not having people feel like somebody “took” loot from them because they rolled.

I’ve seen a lot of drama flare up because so-and-so rolled on something that was a super minor upgrade or won an item the other person felt they “didn’t deserve”.

You’re right, personal loot does this though.

This may be true but it didnt improve with GL at all, wheb people didnt see the dice rolls and the loot just went out while everyone kept moving it was better. People tended to mind less because you had to dig more to see who won and generally people took it less personal agaunst the winners because everyone rolls every time. It also had built in bad luck protection, which gl has no such advantage

Incentive to do normal - better loot rules, better times.

Until then, selling the piece of gear for gold is enough reason to need… For transmog etc

my response would be to find a good raiding group–usually via a guild, or maybe a community. I am not trying to be dismissive–the concerns and frustration are valid. But in the pug setting, you will mostly see the bad side of people.

if this is happening a guild run, then it might be time for a new guild. I know finding the perfect guild is not easy. But be persistent.

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Seriously, I do not care. I am sick of seeing loot drama over pixels. In chat. On the general forums. On reddit. It fixes a lot of darned problems with the whole accursed system in LFR.

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PL has bad luck protection
GL does not

jesus ppl love being obtuse don’t they


I used to do normal eons ago. I’m not interested in normal mode. Especially when y’all want experienced players whether I make the group or not. With my guild? Sure. With random players, nah.

I have LFR for that. All of the players that the OP described make people not want to do these things. And it affects MY gameplay because that means less people (tanks.healers) in the queue increasing MY wait time (unless it Tuesday).

I would rather have PL in which everyone wins something at least once a month than maybe getting something that tier because people are jerks.

Yeah, we had that in Cata and y’all ruined it with this behavior. It’s exactly why we ended up with PL.

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People really out here defending gl with " but pl also had that so whats the point??" The point is it had bad luck protection, it is objectively better and any drawback ( there arent any compared to group loot) can be tweaked. A system without bad luck protection will never do what any of you want, so why defend it??


No it doesn’t.

Then suffer.

For what reason specifically? Give me one good reason because I have never heard one outside the scope of “me-ism”. I’m not angry with actual raiders on this: I was a former raider, I understand trying to at least get your to set for your main spec.

It’s all the other people the OP is talking about.

Sure. I’m showing a me-ism because I would like to gear up during that same tier myself in my own mode. Because guess what? Another raid is coming up next season.

And yes, I do solo outdoor content. I have 0 interest in harder content anymore.

I’m going to agree on this. Had someone roll need on a BiS trinket as I did. I lost. Okay, cool. At the end of the raid, he yells out “SELLING xyz trinket!” I look at his gear, he is in full 463 ina normal. Again, that’s cool, maybe this trinket was their BiS…nope. He just wanted 250k gold for it. I laughed and left the group. It sucked. With PL the game ran the rolls for you and you either won or you didn’t. Same frustration but at least I didn’t feel cheated by missing out on gear I needed by some troll looking to make some gold.


Explain to me how this exact situation would not happen with PL?

Honestly It’s a “too bad” situation, as harsh as that may sound…

LFR is horrible… Truly. Almost any time a person gets a chance to be evil, they’re going to do it. That’s why Blizzard had Personal Loot in place but the complaints were too much and they changed it.

There were just as many complaining threads then as now. People definitely cared.

Outside of legionaries, I don’t believe so, but if you’ve got a source I’d love to see.

What GL does actually improve is the outcome, which should actually be the most important if people are honest about how much they need the loot. People are going to complain regardless, might as well actually get the stuff we need.

i disagree, i feel it does. guess we’ll have to agree to disagree :dracthyr_shrug:

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don’t expect people to be genuine with their retorts lol. I would wager 9/10 people didnt even read your whole post.