Personal Loot Abuse

No, the problem is the guild’s method of performing. They’re bringing in new joins to raids, without giving them the incentive to care about the entire guild’s progression as a group. Then the guild loses a gasket when that person has the “audacity” to keep the loot they earned and which is theirs by right.

Few people are completely altruistic by nature, let alone to people who obviously they didn’t have a rapport or close relationship to.

Bad guilds need to own up to the fact they have a bad internal culture that allows things like this to happen.

Would you like to meet in game? I have multiple accounts.

damn this thread got plenty of bites…

I would somewhat call it a success.

Why should they care about complete strangers in a video game?

Well, that tells me you’re scared to post on here where everyone can see and confirm.


I want you to post here with your main glorious organized Raider toon, don’t duck it Felicia.

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Every system has issues. And if someone could ever come up with a loot system that was Fair, Impartial and Balanced … I’d be one of the first pushing Blizzard to implement it. Until then, we have to settle for one with the lowest potential for abuse, no matter how unpleasant it is.

Even GMs who run tabletop RPGs are constantly trying to find fair ways to distribute loot. With an established group that completely trusts each other, this is not an issue. But without that complete and absolute trust … any loot system that is player controlled will have issues.

If they immediately do not care about the guilds progression as a group, they shouldn’t apply to the guild.

Guilds have predetermined loot rules. If you join a guild and only decide to break those loot rules once it benefits you (but probably likely abide by them if it meant you were to get something), then you are a jerk and a thief.

Don’t join a guild if you don’t agree with their loot rules.

You guys have a hard time understanding that just because YOU only care about yourself doesn’t mean that the rest of the raid group thinks that way.

If a guild doesn’t expect to give something to people who join, they don’t deserve to have people join. It’s a give and take.

It’s a product of the type of people that exist these days. Everything is about them. Self-centered npc’s.

Nobody has ever said guilds don’t expect to give something to people that join. That’s a conspiracy that you are making up to invalidate loot councils.

Which, btw, loot councils still exist so your problem has not gone away.

Do you pay people in “exposure” too?


I tried to whisper both of you in game, neither online. Weird.

Not a conspiracy, literally been quoting it coming out of your mouth.

You don’t PAY people that voluntarily show up to have fun with their friends. The fact that you think you deserve to be paid for playing a game with your team is… hilarious.

Controling where the loot goes is not “WE’RE NEVER GIVING LOOT TO YOU”

It’s that the loot goes to whoever needs or deserves it most. All the mental gymnastics in the world aren’t going to change that.

Well, remember, the hardcore “real raiders” do like Method and other World First guilds do. You know, take months off work and cut off personal relationships to make sure they down that boss dood.

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I think the problem is, people applying to join aren’t in it for the guild, but themselves. You know, people that join a raid team as a trial, fail horribly such as how the OP mentions, dying early or intentionally, but expecting the group to get the kill anyways so they can get their personal loot.

The only real solution to this is to force wipes and waste everyone’s time and if they are clearly not living up to the group’s requirements or expectations, to remove them rather than carry them. But that’s just the lawful evil side of saying, “If you can’t pull your weight, you don’t get a chance even with Personal Loot.”

I mean, you’re right. Giving them 1 piece of loot three months later, that is worse than drops they personally got and had to be given to the “more deserving” clique members isn’t “never”.

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More conspiracies made up in your head that you are arguing as fact.