Personal Loot Abuse

Loot Council still exists with Personal Loot

Gee … that sounds like a communist view. Ok, snark aside.

Seriously … it DOES matter to the individual. My DPS, my stats, my health bar, Healer’s HPS and many of Tank’s mitigation abilities all rely on getting Loot. So yes, Loot DOES matter to the individual.

ML has always had issues, and people invented all sorts of ways, many of them with its own issues, on how to control it. People abused it and it became such an issue that Blizzard eventually did away with it. There was no perfect solution, because it was a system that had potential for abuse and no way to counter the abuse besides joining another guild.

There is no perfect solution on distribution of loot. Every system has issues. But if I had a choice, I’d go for a system that can’t be CONTROLLED by players. Because quite honestly, I don’t trust players as a whole.


that’s a weird champ. We have enough slot machines.

I never had issues with ML because it was still very common to use a DKP system back in the day… about when I took a break from WoW the loot council started to become the most popular way to deal out loot and that’s a more iffy system imo.

If you have a great team and good officers I’m sure a council would work out fine, it still does with the RC addon, but I can’t say I don’t see the potential for bias and misuse when dealing with less than awesome guilds/officers.

Boosting means that really doesn’t happen

Except that they cannot take me loot away if i don’t want to. It´s my choice if i keep it or give it to the RL.

Teams take time to build and you don’t build them further by treating new guys like chinese laborers to exploit.

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Notice I said there’s no perfect solution. Every system has its issues. And yes, I hate RNG as much as the next. But at least RNG will be equally rude to everyone. Player controlled Loot will be inequally rude.

Well, obviously the problem is with your guild dynamic then. You aren’t giving these guys a good enough reason to stay and could be doing something to drive them off.

You’re right, which is why teams that do that don’t survive. Self-solving problem.

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Give them a reason to care about your guild then. Respect and comradeship is earned, not given.


Fortunately, most raiders that sign up for a team don’t think sharing loot is being “trated like chinese laborers to exploit”

Raiders are not hostages. They’re there because they want to be. And they know the loot rules ahead of time.

Then you’re purposefully giving advice meant to be self destructive? I mean, not my place to tell a guy not to troll.

If you’re the type of person that will self destruct over not getting an item that one of the 19 other people in the raid might deserve or need more than you, you probably should stay away from organized raiding.

“We never had an issue it with it, therefor it was never an issue.”

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Far more common you’ll probably find is guilds exploit people than the other way around. It’s why PUGs are on the rise and guilds are on the decline.

“Deserve” alright man, whatever helps you sleep at night exploiting people.

Oh, yeah, putting a yoke around your neck for the promise of loot some day, maybe, sure is taking care of someone.

If Master Loot wasn’t utterly toxic, Blizz wouldn’t have made the right decision to axe it.


Just gonna skip a bunch of steps and get right to the real point here;

when was the last time you were in an organized raiding guild?

I can ask you the same thing to you Felicia, why you post on a mediocre alt instead of your glorious organized Raider main toon? so we can see the Guild you are in.