That’s what WoW has become. There are people on this very forum who actively say they only care about their experience and no one else’s. Community and teams are dying from these attitudes and it’s genuinely disappointing.
I would suggest reading posts from actual guild GM’s, and ignoring all the others.
Mate Pepino - Barthilas check me out got a few cutting edges, trust me I know how raid progression works. Haha
This is just what you want to believe, completely dismissing what I’ve outlined our guild as.
The bigger problem is trials that get led on for months, get their time wasted with nothing to show for it. When you dont like a trial, you dont tell them, you keep using them if you’re short on raiders. Struggling guilds do this all the time.
These dumb posts make it seek like raiders join guilds expecting to be paid.
And you think guilds can’t do progression unless they pug spots? Yeah right.
Some will stay some will go. Some will stay and become good raiders.
Is it personal loot ‘abuse’? No even if you’ve stayed for a boss the loot that drops is yours.
This just sounds like you’d need to be more selective about who you’d take on.
I’m saying if we have 19 people, and need one person we don’t cancel the Friggen raid we PuG the spot. As I was commenting on with the person mentioning 19 people.
Then you’re not an organized raiding guild?
If you only have 19 people then that’s not a progression guild.
If you’re not helping me with my problems, then why am I helping you with your problems?
Wait. So people can’t be sick? People can’t have lives haha I’m actually cracking up, you know what I can’t go on this is too good Hahaha GG you take the cake with that reply haha.
I dont think any guilds want your help
As I said: You don’t understand how progression raiding works.
Progression. Guilds. Have. More. Than. 20. Players.
Actually, and this is probably why Blizzard changed things to personal loot, the problem was raid leaders thinking the loot was all theirs.
What I don’t understand is in a single tier I’ll give away or destroy more raid loot than I ever got under ML with DKP back in BC. People see someone get a piece of loot they want and freak out because they are obviously more deserving and can’t take it from them. Stupid casuals. Can’t take my loot from you.
Well thats not really a problem, since i’ve replaced them with LFR. I’m content with seeing the lore through LFR, and having casual PVP, not with being a slave building a progression pyramid.
Quite a few more.
It’s also quite stupid to think serious raiders raid just for raiding and boss kills. If you raid, there is an expectation of a chance to some rewards.