When you click the cogwheel next to the Play button on the launcher, and go to the Game Install/Upgrade settings, do you have the “Pause updates when I launch a game” box checked marked? Also, what is your Network Bandwidth set to for downloading Updates/Future Patches?
I have it set to zero (infinite)
Yes there is already a large thread on this
Just saw the thread. Hopefully somebody merges it in!
Same is happening to me. Tried repairing, then uninstalling and re-installing, but still getting the same green circle and message in game. The patcher says I have no updates. Started this morning. Playing Classic.
Happening in all versions of the game then. At least outside of beta. PTR, Retail, Classic. Hmmm
Yup, been seeing that on the loading screens as well. Smaller, below the regular loading bar and flickering quickly.
So, this is happening across OS’s, on Retail and classic… Really looks like something got terribly broken on their end then.
The lag is now not as constant for me but when it happens it freezes for a few seconds, then back to the usual slightly choppy it has been today. Playable for world quests and stuff but I can’t imagine doing more difficult content than that at the moment. I just need Orgrimmar for Mad World and this is probably the final week. Trying to be patient, but… yeah, this doesn’t feel good.
Happens in Beta for me also.
I also had this just happen to me on retail. Game is nearly unplayable.
Some people mentioned that reinstalling the game worked for them, so I went ahead and tried it. I don’t see it on my main screen anymore (and zones don’t have the secondary loading bar), but I do see the green downloading icon on my world map.
It’s a nuisance, but still really annoying.
I just now started to get this noticed something was wrong when i was in a bg dropping to 40fps when im always at 80
Latest PTR update has not fixed this. Still shows up in game. https://www.wowhead.com/news=318175/shadowlands-pre-patch-ptr-reverted-to-test-candidate
Also been having this issue last couple of days. Sent logs over.
EARTH to anyone at Blizzard? Update please? ANNOYING.
I’ve been having the same issue as well since either Wednesday or Thursday. Constant green rotating wheel and my frame rate is stuttering around 80 when its usually 110-120 at all times. Textures are not loading in, especially when I zone in somewhere or load into the game from character select.
Tonight its been even worse. I attempted to log on and the game kept locking up and crashing before the load bar could even begin to move. I found out that deleting the files in my cache folder fixed that, but I’m still having the same issues described above.
As others mentioned, there is a second shorter loading bar under the main loading bar that appears very briefly. Gig internet here, 9700k cpu, running wow on SSD, 2080 super, and yes I have it set to pause updates if I’m playing.
I’m in Uldum right now ‘killing’ stuff and its dead but I’m still casting and showing them at full HP… I’m glad they care.
same issue here
Yes I am having these same issues. I have sent all the appropriate logs and everything. And I am still having the same issues. It is drastically affecting my game play and my loading times as well. I have never lagged and this is really causing that to happen! Also my login, has really changed! It takes a few minutes now for me to even load into the game due to this issue. I hope that this gets addressed before long!
Happening to me as well. I pray this isn’t harming my computer. I just installed a new Ssd
I uninstalled WoW and Battle.net APP. Deleted all remaining folders and stuff.
Did a clean in registry too, to avoid missing stuff.
Installed WoW Retail again. I did NOT downloaded the pre-patch.
Seems to be working fine. Not lagging anymore, and sound is working too.
At my Game Menu tooltip (with addons and ping) I still have a line:
Download 0% complete
But game looks like be running ok.