Windows 10 Home here. Definitely not OS related.
Anyone have any word on a solution yet?
The final week to try for 5 masking Orgrimmar for Mad World is rapidly closing so I’m more anxious than usual to get this fixed. That vision had always lagged terribly for me (Stormwind vision was fine), tried twice again this week and it was totally unplayable. This is yet another reason I’m really against limited time content.
If the Battlet net app update from this morning was supposed to fix this issue, it didn’t.
after several tests, my working solution was this:
uninstall ALL versions of wow, retail, classic, PTR, beta, etc…
delete my WOW folder … as there will still be files left in the folders
install ONLY the WOW retail
The game will function as normal without the loading.
The issue returns once I install the Shadowlands Beta.
The issue shows up both in Retail and Beta after SL install.
Did you accept the 20 gig prepatch download for retail? I’m wondering if the problem is in there since I’d already completely removed anything WoW / Blizzard / battlenet from my computer and did a fresh install of only retail. At first if seemed ok, but now I’m wondering if it was in the prepatch files since I still haven’t re-installed the PTR or classic but the problem is back. (I’m not on Beta.)
I honestly don’t remember for certain when the 20g download happened but I think it was immediately after the usual download. I know I waited for all downloads to finish before attempting to log in though… just not certain if they happened one immediately after the other of if it was done, then the prepatch arrived the next login.
Also can confirm the battlenet update didn’t fix it for me either.
Is this occurring for anyone that does not have PTR or Beta clients installed? I did notice there was an update to the PTR client (nothing on retail) the day I started seeing the issue.
To add to this: I’m wondering if perhaps just uninstalling PTR might do something toward resolving the spinning disc.
I did not see a notice to download any additional data, so perhaps they have now included the pre-patch in the retail download?
Did you delete the World of Warcraft folder completely?
Also, I DID NOT backup my WTF or Interface folders to copy back in after reinstalling.
I just started from scratch again.
I did however install a few addons again, DBM, GTFO, details, etc.
Hmm maybe it is packed together now. I had the main download plus another 20g after but looking at the files it has been merged into one on my computer.
Yup, totally removed everything, even the launcher and files outside the warcraft folder. (I’m on a Mac so there were some files in the library if I remember correctly. Scanned for any related files since I always do to have a fully fresh start.)
I only installed Retail, not the PTR or classic.
If the download didn’t take all day and well into the evening I’d be tempted to try it again, but it was definitely a fully clean install. I did eventually re-add my addons and wtf from an external backup but have since totally removed them many times to test that.
Really glad it’s fixed for you though, gives a bit of hope! Will think about trying another clean install since your download seemed different (1 bunch, not 2).
Uninstalling PTR seems to have fixed it for me.
EDIT 1:46 PM CST: Nope, it’s back!
I uninstalled PTR both versions- even uninstalled Classic. Still no change. Very annoying.
CAN we get an update on this? It’s dang near unplayable…
is your sound gone as well?
On mine the sound is fine, but have the constant download spinner and jerky lag.
No sound issues for me. Haven’t uninstalled PTR yet, but going to do that shortly. Lag was present the first day after the circle started, but has eased significantly since that day. I do have semi-good internet, so dunno if bandwidth has anything to do with that if there is actually something being downloaded.
I’m in same boat I have 1000mbps internet. I would imagine that is more than adequate- I lost sound I have no mounts I just swim in the air and lag.
Yeah if you’ve got Gig internet, nothing downloading in the client, and the game is still showing that disc on top of the issues you’re having with lag, I’d say something was massively screwed up on Blizzards end on maintenance day and it seems to be related to PTR and or Beta.
I’ve uninstalled PTR and removed folders for versions of the game not _retail in my World of Warcraft game folder, then run a Scan and Repair from the bnet client, and then restarted my computer with no change. Still get the spinning disc.
I’ve noticed when launching the game lately there is also a second, smaller version of the loading screen progress bar under the main progress bar, and it seems to be taking longer than before maintenance day to load the game. I can’t say I have significant or long term lag though.
I’ve got gigabit internet as well, spinning circle for the last 3 or 4 days now. Tried uninstalling PTR and everything else you have to no avail. I don’t see any lag thankfully, but this is clearly an issue on Blizzard’s end.
EDIT: Forgot to mention I also see the second loading bar, however briefly, on the loading screens.
EDIT 2: Sitting in the game for about 10 minutes causes lag, sitting below 60 FPS in Stormwind when I am normally 100+
Yeah no way it’s client side or a bandwidth issue then.
Does anyone else constantly have the data download indicator on their screen while playing? I’ve had it for several days now.