Permanently Ban Boosting Everywhere

Do have ANY idea how many players would quit this game if the token goes away?

Please think before spewing nonsense please!

Players like me earn our gold during the month just playing the game normally so we can buy another token for our SUB! Because no matter how you spin it, the game has not been worth paying actual $$ for in awhile.


it’s crazy how people never mention this side of the wow token , they only talk about the bad side

WOW is a F2P game with tokens

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Just do what I do and report all of them for good measure, if I see boosting or carries for advertising you know I’m reporting it, Blizzard can sift through and see which ones are legit and not but better to be safe than sorry and make sure report all of them.

Do you?

The game survived fine without the WoW token up until WoD, if the game is in such a sorry state that it can’t survive without it then we probably don’t need WoW to continue.

I’ll never bother getting sucked into trying to find a way to metagame my gameplay so that I can play for free. If it’s not worth my money I won’t play it, I’ll go find other games to play instead.

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Please feel free to do so. But A LOT of us, be it on fixed incomes or whatever our situation, depend on that token to pay for our entertainment. With inflation out of control the last yer, that token is really important to players in my situation. I do not get pay raises, or anything else. Totally disabled means just that. This game is my only entertainment. I do not even have streaming services because every PENNY counts!

So just stop!

Nope, just tired of hearing people complain. I am neither good enough at the game nor motivated enough to boost.


Boosting isn’t really the issue bad players make it out to be. Even if it was banned it would still happen.


The token isn’t going anywhere. If you can’t deal with it then quit.

Boosting is completely legal so you’re making false reports.

You can rest assured that my opinion isn’t going to come to reality any time soon, if ever, but it’s laughable to think you have any right to tell me to stop voicing my opinion.

I am empathetic to your financial situation, but I don’t see that as anything close to a good reason as to how Blizzard should build their game. The bottom line is I find the WoW token to be incredibly harmful to the integrity of the game and think that without it the game would be in a far better situation, and I’m not going to back off stating my opinion because some people wouldn’t be able to afford the game without it.

I wish there was a way to do it in the in-game panel. High end guilds spend a lot of gold, and this includes Blizzard’s CEO who participates in mythic boosting.

I would rather small groups to get supported over those massive communities.

The issue was they FLOODED trade chat and it was bad. I feel the best compromise would be to build this into the game as dungeon reward. Put up X gold for Y bosses being defeated. Once those bosses are defeated the gold gets paid out.

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How do you know how they wanted it to go?

Maybe what they wanted was


I do none of this, I have a problem with this because there’s nothing wrong with boosting.

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Boosters are like roaches. No matter how hard you try, no matter what poison you use, you will never be rid of them. Sure you may have gotten 99.99% of them but all it takes is just one and you’re back to square one. Your only option is to burn the house down or be on constant lookout for them so you can ban them right then and there…which we all know Blizz aint gonna do.

This right here is an example of someone who derives their self-worth in life based on how unique or special they are. It must be tough when you can’t be a snowflake anymore.

Why do you care so much about what others are doing? Does someone else have CE ruin the achievement for you? Because if this is true, there are far more serious personal problems going on here than advertisement spam.

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“WTS [linen cloth]x1 90k comes with free m+15 run”


I don’t understand why classic players are offering opinions on retail stuff like the token when it literally doesn’t effect them at all.


Half the reason boosting is as prevelant as it is, in my eyes, is due to the enormity of the gap between the top and bottom in terms of power, along with layered RNG, and timegating. Additionally, in PvP the system for gearing up blows so naturally nobody wants to deal with that. Shrinking that gap, reducing prevalance of RNG, reducing timegating, and making PvP gearing more reasonable would all dramatically reduce the appeal of boosting.

Some amount will always be there now thanks to the advent of Candy Crush style “gaming” though, where it’s standard practice to swipe one’s credit card to receive a dose of dopamine. I don’t know what could be done to address that segment of the playerbase.

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I’d buy that linen cloth. :smiley:

Don’t care about M+ Boosters it’s not competitive doesn’t hurt people directly.
Don’t care about raid boosting because I just don’t care about raids and again it isn’t competitive.

PvP boosting is pretty bad since the game has created literal lobbyists that want to keep things a certain way so their business can profit. I don’t want the game designed around what’s profitable for a very specific emergent social network. The hesitation to put ranked solo modes / non team based pvp modes in is a prime example.

These people would rather have the game so unpalatable that you pay them as opposed to creating a game everyone can get into learn and play at their own pace. At the very least they want you stuck playing against their networks to win.

I just laugh at the person who thinks their on an even playing field when people are doing things like using 3rd party sites to que snipe specific comps.

Blizzard has created a pvp system with finical incentive to be restrictive and exclusionary. Even more sad when you realize a lot of these players are just coasting off mmr gains made from bugs or exploits that weren’t hotfixed fast enough.

The coaching cracks me up the most it’s basically Rex kwon doh. Like alright here’s how to play ptr and test for blatantly op stuff and spam it day 1 of arena season before hotfix.

Then you have people who act like playing through alpha and beta and seeing and experimenting with the changes as they happen isn’t a tremendous advantage. Idk the entire system just seems more and more like a joke as you step back and think about.

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:
‘PROBLEM’ fixed…

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