Permanently Ban Boosting Everywhere

Not to be that guy. But worrying about what others are doing in a game is not healthy. If it diminishes your self-worth then really why play the game. It sounds like a situation with my kid and his kid about not going to a popular kids’ party. here is what I told them.

They make up the smallest population in school. Go find and invite any other student that is not popular and we have BBQ. My son was reluctant to invite them, but he knows me. My grandson on the other was shocked when I showed it to his school and invited the kids and parents to a BBQ. Guess what everyone was happy in the end. After the police ask me a few questions that is.

In the end whole bunch of kids instead of staying home on Friday night because not invited by popular kids. Went to parties where they had fun. You want to know why they had fun. They learned they did not need to worry about the popular kids. They had just as much fun without them.


Yeah unless you have to play against them every time you que an alt to 1800 and then when you beat them they spam you to buy boosts and coaching.

Literal parasites lobbying for specific game design to support their walmart level business

Still waiting for the HotS block all messages from non bnet friends, I love how the HotS feature sends big RED letters to them “This player does not accept messages from non b .net friends” the level of satisfaction I would get knowing that would be popping up on bfa and slands glads aka mop duelists would make me so happy.

I just think it’s funny they have ties to marketing departments and streamers, but still got out information campaigned by bored commenters.

I would just que with low exp low cr players for free and just spread my mind viruses 1 person at a time, play with new people every time. Pure dopamine weaponizing the butterfly effect.

Digital skinwalkers coming for souls

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If you want to ban paid boosting, you need to ban all forms of boosting, including free carries by guilds and friends. Not happening.

Boosting bans are a direct attack on those who can’t no-life the game and have other things to do such as “adulting”.

They’re also a direct attack on those who tirelessly craft/create consumables to be used by raiders, M+ers and PvPers, and simply have no leftover time to get ramped up on other forms of content.

Boosting bans have far more reaching implications than you can think of.

Serious question: Is this really that big of a deal?

Not talking about RMT or anything else against the TOS.

I’m asking because these people have zero impact on my game play. Is there a group of people they interfere with?


Yesterday on A52 a herbing bot was spamming proximity chat in front of Orgrimmar AH with boosting ads. They’ve evolved from spamming global trade chat while afk never moving inside org bank into moving around like a real player on a scripted path spamming a chat GMs won’t passively see.

No you don’t, those groups don’t advertise and rarely exchange gold. It’s just friends helping each other out, you won’t even know it’s happening. Not to mention it’s most likely a skilled player trying an alt, which means that person will actually know how to use the gear they get.

Bad take beak, bad take.

You’re aware you can just not boost, right? You can just choose not to buy a carry.

I dunno if I’m just so immersed that I can’t see the impact or that there’s been no impact on my joy and achievement because of boosting. Never bought a carry, still playing, still getting into groups, still pushing for legit ksm.

There will always be boosting. People paid gold for QUEST runs back in vanilla. People paid gold for raid spots in MC. This has always happened. Sure, the WOW token does facilitate this kind of play, but I’ve yet to feel it impact me in anyway and I’m curious how it impacts you.

Do your achievements feel less valuable because some schmuck who can barely pull 2k dps purchased theirs? Come on, have some pride!

My goal is to get them out of LFG and back cleaning toliets at publix

Will never happen because the Game Director himself runs a boosting service and it’s painfully obvious that the current policy was designed so that he could continue his boosting service.

Probably as a way to appear that they are cracking down on RMT boosting for a PR win and to eliminate some of the competition.


These people are so slimey I bet they have employees in their little social network alter the mmr on the back end to make it easier for them to boost in exchange for kickbacks or residuals

I get why blizz employees need to sell boosts they don’t even get paid enough to own their own apartment LOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

People don’t understand that there’s a group of sleezebags being paid to waste your time and take your points and then they network and campaign to keep the game design in their favor. You gotta cut em off.

and what about people who want to use trade chat you know…trade?

why are you lying?


Cool, I just rent-a-friend who gives me free carries then.

Boosting is fine.

Where are people seeing all these ads? Because I am not seeing ads very often if at all.

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nobody know , me too on the most populated alliance server , boosting advertise are very rare

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You know someone seriously messed up when both of us agree on something.


found the booster

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Still better than the piles of bodies that a certain gold seller used to do, with stacking up corpses of dead toons and spelling out their website name.

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Before they do that, I want to see them declare war on carries being sold thru discord and third party web sites for RL cash. Once they have dealt with that, then we can look at those being done for gold.

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I love your name. :heart:
