Permanently Ban Boosting Everywhere

yeah, the ads are the thing. cant read chat if you wanted to for 16 ads popping in a row, lol

Do…do you not know that you can install all three versions of WoW on one computer…?

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Did you know that you can change characters on the forums?

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You think I’m going to do that to satisfy your displeasure of my avatar?

I mean, if you don’t want people to dismiss your takes as yet another classic player who isn’t affected at all by retail complaining about tokens because they are a classic purist, you will.

If you’re okay with being dismissed then that’s fine too.


Are they wallowing or swallering?

If you dismiss someone’s argument soley based on their avatar before first evaluating their argument then you’re strawmanning them and were never worth debating to begin with.

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Remove boosting and advertising/selling will be done on another website that Blizz has no control over.

Blizz cannot police boosting without having GMs monitor every chat message and going in-game to watch every group. Undergeared guildie wanting a mount joins a raid group saying if XXX item drops he will give it to guild. BAN! He paid for it.

Banning WoW token will result in real gold sellers taking up the slack and nothing changes (like before tokens came in). And subs will drop.

And what the @#$! is it to you how other people play the game.


In your case you need to provide an argument worth even dismissing.

Crying about the token isn’t valid.

Ah, Susan…

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yes, hurt the many that are doing this legit to spite those that break the rules, great choice!

see above lol

Just a few things to consider-

These actions will drive token sales down.
Additionally it would drive up costs on Blizzards end.

Hopefully, it’s not difficult to see that the result would be an increase to our subscription cost.

Is that something you’ve considered and are willing to pay?

So OP, did you investigate to see if the groups selling boosts aren’t friends with each other? And if, what does this say about you?

Why do you even care if people are selling boosts? It is sanctioned by Blizzard as it is one method they use for revenue. Not to mention their own boss partakes in it.

People selling/purchasing boosts is not the reason the game is going downhill. This economy is the outcome of a really bad loot system. Blizzard has created a game where people have no choice but to run content they normally would not run in order to be included in the content they do enjoy playing.

The forums are full of people complaining about how they cannot get into content because the expectations of those inviting people are well above what the content minimum is. Blizzard has compounded the issue by inflating ilvl this patch, making it even more ridiculous.

The fix to this isn’t banning people from making gold off of those who are willing to pay for runs. The fix is for blizzard to abandon this ridiculous external power system and go back to one where the main source of power a player has comes from the player, not the gear they are wearing, or the conduits/covenant they belong to.

i always found that to be highly amusing.


There are A LOT more people thay pay for boosts than you think. Hang out in the 10-15 key range and PUG you’ll run in to them REAL quick.


“we reviewed your Facebook and there was a picture of you in an airplane”


“jet propulsion engines use turbochargers to BOOST fuel to air ratio, as such we have determined you have been boosted and your account has been permanently closed. This investigation is now over and this action will not be looked at again.”


banning multiboxing would be easier than banning boosting.

No. This is impossible to enforce anyway.

or they just don’t agree with you.

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I have been playing at 60 for a month on my main and he still does not have a legendary. They are too expensive.

Personally I couldn’t imagine caring enough to care what other people are doing with their accounts, maybe I don’t understand how this effects the OP’s gameplay or anyone else’s