Permanent Burning Crusade Classic

It seems not, as this is what we get. Fresh servers, that progress swiftly through the expansions and effectively are wiped with the coming of Cata every 3-5 years.
It’s us, liking to keep our characters, stay in the same expansion and explore every nook and crannie with the same old toons who are the odd man out.

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Yeah, I hear you. I hope we see permanent realms for each original trilogy game, and fresh progression servers that run through them. I do see the appeal to permanent servers. Personally I just want to run on that hamster wheel for a while longer (vanilla->tbc->wrath).

And please bliz, no more cata for a while. Please.

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I mean the nature of this game is that it’s time consuming and difficult to level and progress and gear up , if your progress keeps getting reset over and over again it just feels like nothing matters after a while … this game just takes too much time and isn’t designed for one year speed runs , many people I know have weeks or months where they can’t be as available to play the game and that adds up in a year span , I don’t want to be constantly forced to play for some one year fomo fresh cycle , I want to keep my characters and progress them as quickly or as slowly as I like / am able to , I don’t really have time to spend one year speed running TBC only to have that progress reset and then if I want to play TBC after that one year I have to wait another three years and start from scratch , the whole thing is really silly to me , also I love making alts , to me , if you want something fresh make an alt and level , try a new spec or class , I love having the time in classic era to really level and try every spec and class


Good perspective to keep in mind. I suppose I’m somewhere in the middle of the “time played” spectrum, and my nostalgia is partially centered around mapping different versions of the game to different moments in my life, so it’s nice to get a break from it, build some longing desire to play it again, and then for new servers to make that content relevant once more.

The last time I played TBC, I was expecting my first kids, I look forward to going back to TBC as a way of re-experiencing some aspect of my life as it was then.

Again though, I totally get the community of people who want it to be permanent, just sharing my views (and hopefully helping keep this thread alive).

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we need a 3 year cycle of vanilla tbc and wrath with permanent era servers for each expansion that branch off we can stay in. this will make every classic trilogy fan happy, and also appease the people who want to speedrun current content and those who want to take their time with the game.

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Been saying this, let’s keep voicing it- you’re right, it’ll keep folks happy all around.

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im here everyday so blizzard can get it thru their brains

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no, you are correct. perma TBC/wrath servers will get boring very fast. it’s hard to convince an advocate of this though :expressionless:

Speak for yourself lol. I mean, yah I would get bored now and then. Happens with every version of the game. But I would always come back. And I definitely would play more often than that to. Wrath was a really fun time in the game.

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ur wrong look at vanilla era servers bro those aren’t dead after 5 years

hey everybody just doing my daily tbc/wrath era server bumping hope your all doing okay

Bump for TBC era


hell yeahhhhh i cant wait

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Me neither bruh permanent wrath classic servers here we come!!! I cannot wait.
I am going to gank you. But only on tuesdays bro ok lol.

Bump /10 characters

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haha i rolled horde for fresh on nightslayer


What faction / realm you play on era alpha ? Feel like I’ve seen a few different warriors with alpha in the name

Agreed, this back to top


Lol I will have to make a gnome toon called smokealpha and smoke yah real good in a duelz. You won’t have a chance.

i havent played era ina little bit to play sod and anniversary but ive got max toons on mankrik and whitemane both horde and alliance. ive got 3 lvl 60 warriors