Permanent Burning Crusade Classic

ur simply just incorrect

what r u talking about??? cata cut the number of raid logs in half

Because people aren’t running 9 alts anymore in brain dead raids.

no because everyone whose not a retail player quit

not a fan of the ulduar hate in this thread.

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Yah I always liked ulduar. Only things I don’t like about ulduar is

A. The first fight.

B. Yogg saron won’t drop my helicoptor ever.

Other than that it’s a perfect raid. And kharazan is the only raid I liked in BC. And I loved the pvp and the 5 mans in wrath to boot.

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another day of wondering blizzard?

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I’m really hoping they find a way to incorporate fresh experiences into each of the 3 “classic” games. I’m hoping the anniversary realms are the first “original trilogy progression servers” and we can expect this cycle to reset in 3 years time (idk how I feel about the length, though- lots of people are bummed at TBC expected to only last a year here).

I hope they offer up Era servers for each game as an offshoot should you not want to progress into the next game; and I hope they set up TBC era before these inevitably move into Wrath. And, if they release the next generation of the Progression servers in a couple of years back on Vanilla, you’d get fresh TBC every couple of years or so. I’d run the original trilogy like this well into my 80’s. It’s the perfect hamster treadmill imo (though I’d probably skip Vanilla for a few cycles, I’m worn out since 2019)

a year is a loooong time for TBC :expressionless:

It wouldn’t make sense to advertise Dual Spec for these servers and spend the time implementing it only for us to wind up in Wrath anyway.

My bet is they are going to go to TBC and stay there.

Are you joking ? TBC is the height of long attunements , multiple mandatory reputation grinds , and slow leveling speeds one year isn’t even long enough for one character , forget about having alts …


wrath is 100% happening everytime after tbc ill put money on it. what needs to happen though is that we need permanent tbc servers that branch off that stay in tbc. then the servers can just end in permanent wrath


I just want a permanent option for wrath. And it better be happening as a permanent option. All I gotta say.

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Gotta agree with this one, Wrath is… inevitable.

It’s my favorite xpac, but it right now I am most excited for TBC. And I want to see my TBC brothers and sister to have a home before wrath launch :heart:


Yah man wrath was the best. It had something for everyone. I want a permanent wrath classic era option to play.


It literally doesn’t matter how many times we go back to Wrath and TBC if we don’t get to keep any characters in those expansions , temporary servers are just a complete waste of time and I’ll never play these expansions again until they each get permanent era servers


Same brother. I am with you on that. I feel the same way.

Heck there were parts of cata that I liked to. And, to me. I kind of wish blizz would go through this time, and right the wrongs.

For example, the dungeon finder. I hated that thing, and it plagues retail to this day. Like make permanent wrath era with zero dungeon finders, heirlooms, badges, level boosts etc. And even no paid cosmetics or faction or race change real money services. No name changes either. Just get to the heart of what made vanilla special, and make that a wrath thing.

I dunno me personally, I would just love fresh wrath. Where we all started over again. I am more in the legacy server edition camp.

And same thing with cataclysm. Add on to that. Add back the weapon skills. Add back the old overworld as an option for leveling to compliment the revamp and all the old class quests. Add back ammo. Etc. Like that was the expansion that deleted the ammo requirements from the game, and all of the other rpg elements to boot. Still no dungeon finders or LFR or paid level boosts or any of that bullcorn at all either. Alot of these things that got added, changed, or taken away going forward is part of what makes retail such a joke to me. Man and make leveling mobs actually not zerggable. Wtb actual leveling again. Wrath was the last expansion to have actual leveling in the game.
Take the talent tree system used in wrath and apply it to cata to. Make it so we can tank in every dk spec and hybrid spec again.

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amen i dont wanna waste my time grinding warglaives or shadowmourne just to use them for a couple of months i need era servers for these 2 expansions. i want to be able to raid in vanilla tbc and wrath all in 1 week every week that i am subscribed for


So much this. I logged into the Anniversary servers the first day and snatched “my” names. Haven’t touched them since, and won’t until Era servers for BC is announced - and hoepfully HC TBC servsers as well.


This is so interesting to me. I am a TBC and Wrath lover, but I am not interested in playing on the same characters for years and years. Heck, if Bliz refreshed the entire TBC/Wrath server set and I lost all my characters after 2 or 3 years in each expac, id probably be okay with it (I’m not advocating for this, just making a point). For me it’s about progressing through the content as a whole server, together. I suppose I am the weird one.