Permabans for gold buyers please

That worked wonders in retail huh? In classic gold has much more value and is actually needed by players. So Blizzard implements a token it would not only diminish any gold-related activity, but would drive the price of gold only up as it becomes so available and “legit”.

So, when the price of token is high, gold sellers can offer even more discounts. ex. token is 20USD for 500g then g sellers would just offer 650 for 20 USD.

After years of gold buying practice, players would just go to 3rd party sellers for more value.

Only thing Blizz can do is to dedicate a few GMs to servers and that’s it.

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No idea if it worked or not. I haven’t seen any reports that show whether or not it curbed shady gold buying.

You make an excellent point. However, we do know that Blizz does in fact issue out suspensions for buying gold and yet people still chance it. How many would legitimately buy a token without fear of losing their account vs taking that chance? To add to that, what if suspensions were harsher just to promote token sales?

I never understood this position. I don’t know that the majority is against gold buying because of “the rules”. Changing the rules doesn’t make it good for the game.

If we were playing Monopoly and I brought my own pocket full of Monopoly money from home, everyone would say that is against the rules. If I say, ok, let’s just change the rules…what does that do to the gameplay? What does it do to those that didn’t bring their own Monopoly money?

Retail still has plenty of botting and gold buying. The gold sellers just undercut Blizzard.

I can predict what people will say about this:

“Gold buying is good for people who don’t have a lot of time, and buying tokens is good for people who don’t have money. If you don’t have money or time you shouldn’t be playing the game LMAO.”

then they should NOT play classic; go back to retail for ezmode. simple


I’m confused. If I had money but no time, wouldn’t I want to buy the token ?

I know that is the perception, but it seems a little short-sighted. We don’t spend enough energy teaching economics in school. Even in a fake economy, inflation will have many negative effects.

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Do you realize how hard it is to catch someone buying gold? This isn’t '05 anymore where a seller trades a buyer ridiculous amounts of gold from level 1.

Gold is sold/bought in way that make it almost untraceable. GDKPs, fake “Deathrolls”, fast turnaround items and more. Catching a gold buyer is tremendously hard compared to catching bots.

The lack of willingness to monitor the game with just a few “real” eyes is astounding to me. We had BRD/Strat/AC/Bot bots for so long it became basically common knowledge bot META even to players who never visited a forum or watch a youtube video about wow.

And yet Blizzard couldn’t put a dedicated GM to run down the bots 1h a day? No, they rely on an automated system that scans behaviors and bans after a year of bot making profits.


You buy the token for gold from another player, right? Then you use the token for game time. Unless they’ve changed something.

I think the vast majority know the negative effects. They just don’t care. They’re perfectly fine with effectively pricing people out of the game.

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tokens were not around in old tbc…they should NOT be implemented. as for gold buyers, just look on AH for weird names selling 1 item for 1900g…see how many folks are buying gold? all a GM would need to do is look at ah then investigate.

I’ll be honest, and its gonna show just how simple minded I am. I had no idea bots could do such elaborate things like successfully run instances. I do remember the big pally ban not to long ago but I was under the assumption it was from using some sort of looting addon.

It seems like suspensions and bans are still being issued to buyers so perhaps Blizz does occasionally do their job.

I hadn’t played retail in so long I had forgotten about buying a token off the ah to pay for a monthly subscription. Never made sense to me but whatever, $20. token = $16. subscription.

This is it right here. For whatever reason, doing this using the automated systems isn’t working. They need to spend the money and get actual GMs back. If cost of living vs expenses in California is a problem, they can work remotely. They can fix the problem if they wanted to.

so what is the community council doing about this? only thread i saw was a post saying tokens should be implemented as a ‘last resort’. i am assuming the person who posted the thread did not play original game…[TBC/Classic] RMT, Botting, and the Token

Person A buys the token from Blizzard for $20, then sells to person B for a set amount of gold. Assuming person B has farmed all the gold legitimately, they’re basically trading gold for play time.

Interesting. I thought they could only be redeemed by “gifting someone with game balance” or through the AH where blizzard set the market price.

You’re right. I should have added the AH part.

But Blizzard setting the price wasn’t how it was originally. At first, the market dictated demand. So the value would go up and down. As you can imagine, this didn’t sit well with people who wanted to buy gold, so they changed it in Legion I believe.

Hi there, I did indeed play TBC. I would much rather RMTers get perma’d more than anything else; tokens are brought up as a concept with regard to Blizzard’s apparent callous disregard to botting

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