Permabans for gold buyers please

As far as I’m aware, Blizzard only ever set the price of the original batches of tokens and thereafter its been determined entirely by supply and demand. They might tweak the cost behind the scenes though, I’m not sure.

NO TOKENS, leave classic as is. people want tokens, go play retail where they ruined the game. investigate gold sellers, it’s not hard to find them. even a google search will show you. hell, send someone to ‘pose’ as a buyer and nail them that way. so what if servers lose some pop; they are losing the bots/farmers/boosters that are the cause of the gold issue.

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You could be right. I haven’t played retail in a while.

Looking at the patch notes, the token was introduced in WoD. I distinctly remember them being worth more or less depending on how many were on the AH. I also remember them changing that some time later so that they sold for a set amount.

Hi…I’m Chris Hansen…


i know on mandrik server, there are several boosters who offer to SELL you gold too. why is that not being investigated? will screenshots work?

You can’t arrest somebody for breaking ToS. This is purely a defensive battle. The thing they need to do is the thing they don’t want to do: hire actual people to eyeball things.

Oh, I know who you are Chris Hansen. But see I likes to call ya Chris Handsome.

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Botting and RMT is so disgustingly prevalent that the only true measure to combat it is personal surveillance. Multiple small teams need to be dedicated to investigating this, especially ingame, and Blizzard seems hesitant to spend any money on doing so, and creating jobs to do so, whatsoever.
Even GMs haven’t been seen ingame in many moons, and especially not in Classic. If there simply isn’t money allocated to those jobs in their budget (even though that’s ridiculous as this is a multi-billion dollar company AND we all pay a sub fee…), what can we do?

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Exactly - and these same people buy gold, creating inflation which punishes people for playing the game properly. Yet somehow they still believe that the solution is to bring in failed retail game design by making it possible to buy gold without breaking the rules.

Hiring people to actively get ahead of the issue here is the best solution but also the least likely. As you said, they haven’t got any intention of putting resources on this. They’re only looking at this as a financial model and I will bet they’d sooner bring in the in game store and tokens before they’d ever consider hiring GM’s to try tackling the issue. Even if they did fix the botting now it’s too little too late and the damage is already done to the economy. All you can really do to tell Blizzard what you want is to vote with your wallet.

i see a lot of posts talking about ways to curb gold buying. the title of the post is permabans for gold buyers please. this will absolutely change some buyers minds about buying gold if implemented. and ban cheaters. lots of people arguing against something that has only positive effects for honest players, pretty suspect.

off topic, but F the wow token. i dont care who profits RMTs ruin the game.


you already know what their real solution to gold buyers is, wow token. do u really want that

i would rather have gold sellers as they are now than blizzard selling tokens. when blizzard profits off RMT they start catering the game towards RMT.

I agree, banning bots does nothing because the botters just start new accounts.

But if real players knew they were in danger of losing their account for purchasing gold, they wouldn’t do it (or atleast a LOT less people would purchase gold for USD$).

Blizzard should give perma-bans for people buying gold. These players are supporting botters that ruin the economy and they usually buy copious amounts of gold.

It probably wouldnt bother me if someone just bought a little gold weekly to cover their raid consumes but you have MANY people who buy TONS of gold to pay for BiS gear in GDKPs.


The main issue with banning the botters is that as long as the business is still profitable they keep coming back. To them getting banned is just a cost of doing business. However if people are afraid to buy gold as they don’t want their accounts banned then that will greatly reduce the demand for gold and will crush the botters business causing them to slowly disappear.

It’s one of those things that it only exists because there is a market. Same can be said for any sort of business that people dislike. It wouldn’t exist if there was no money to be made. I am not saying that some won’t still take that risk but with harsher punishments you’d deter alot of gold buying as well as prevent future gold buying from that same individual.

So you’re saying it’s unfair to jobless all day gamers that people with real jobs can purchase stuff on a game? Tokens aren’t the problem, for sure. Hell, I think proof of employment should be required to play WoW. LMFAO

If I cringed any harder reading this, I might actually puke. Out of all this huge gaping mess that is retail and tokens is the hill you want to die on? IO.raider gatekeeping people from content is fine? The 4 different difficulty of raids is fine with you? People selling heroic/mythic carries for literally HUNDREDS of actual USD dollars is perfectly fine? Yikes my dood… yikes.

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I’ve got in this argument with people who were in my guild who thought it was cool to be condescending to those who don’t have the time to farm for consumes 24/7. The wannabe sweaties who think you should be burning expensive consumes for 5 mans and pvp, not just raiding.

You can tell who in your guild buys gold too if you’re on a lot. As the guild leader who has been on non stop for the last few months I can see who’s online and who isn’t. So when I see someone who isn’t online much but is burning like 40 dark runes a raid, mana potting every single cd to save drink time even when we aren’t speed running and having 2 alts boosted. It’s a pretty clear indication that person is buying gold. We recently had two of our newer big dps players get bans for gold buying, sucked to be down players but I thought it was good enough for them.

Blizzard pretends there isn’t a solution or it’s difficult to track but it really really is not. They simply refuse to ban both accounts because it pumps up subscription numbers.


most of the server on mankrik buys gold on horde side; it’s super easy to see in the ah…the same toons with weird spellings selling mage weave for 1900 gold or a silver leaf for 911g…you can even dm certain boosters and they will sell you gold. gold buying/selling is soooo much more rampant now…

yes, as i have said before gold is the solo-player part of the game and without it you have pointless systems trying to keep you engaged when not raiding.

i don’t really care about that. find a guild and suck less.

more small issues compared to the garbage gameplay loops of grinding out pointless systems and forever world quests. which are there because of tokens. because the gold grind is gone and was the majority of the solo content.

this is a problem because of the token selling. if people are doing this with bought gold then PERMABANS FOR GOLD BUYERS PLEASE is the name of this thread.

They know how to find gold buyers, so far they inflicted 2 weeks bans to a lot of people and that’s a good thing. They should even go with more time, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, a year, etc.