Permabans for gold buyers please

Gold buying will continue for as long as bots exist farming it. There needs to be a major nerf to AOE farming, as well as some bot detection algorithm that could identify and ban bots in real time

At this point, I donā€™t think you can stop the forces of pay to win. Companies want to make more money, and plenty of players want to be able to pay for advantages. Weā€™re probably getting the token by Wrath.

The punishment for gold buyers and seller should be high, but Blizzard is pretty cautious about it right now since they are losing players.

I do not expect Blizzard to issue ban at the moment for gold buying cuz it potentially makes their subs even worse, but if WOW can rebound in the future, players should petition Blizz to ban gold buyers.

Only a cheater would say that.

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Donā€™t worry guys, Blizzard says buying gold isnā€™t cheating if you just pay them for a retail WoW token and trade that retail gold over to classic. But buying gold through a third party is definitely cheating. Thereā€™s a huge difference

you beat me to it hahaha

You will never be able to stop gold buyers. They have been successfully doing it since original vanilla WoW.

I canā€™t believe gold buying isnā€™t a perma ban already.

However, because itā€™s not and I see lots of crying about this reality in forums I made a post where you, yes you as a player, can seriously reduce the amount of gold being created through botting:

The heck? They used to permaban people for SUSPECTED gold buying, now itā€™s only a three-day?

Iā€™ve noticed a sizeable chunk on the OCE scene thanks to our ā€œsuperiorā€ unemployment system, but most of the people Iā€™ve raided with over the past 14+ years have been gainfully employed.

Had someone in my GDKP raid that got banned for 2 weeks for gold buying, it was pretty obvious since he got fully geared in no time.

Hey at least itā€™s not 3 days anymore.

Why would it be? You can legally buy a coin on retail and probably will be able too by WOTLK classic.

Itā€™s not that big of a deal

If the game was free to play Iā€™d agree with you. Since itā€™s not, gold buying, from Blizzard or otherwise, shouldnā€™t be a thing.


if ā€œifsā€ and ā€œbutsā€ were candy and nuts then every day would be Erntedankfest

This is probably the dumbest statement iā€™ve read.

Gold selling is bad and you should feel bad for asking blizzard to sell gold in classic.


Make gold untradeable, shut the AH down, and limit the trade window to 4 slots or so. Nothing expensive is bought from NPCā€™s with gold thatā€™s BoE anyways. Normally this would make it so that crafting items become currency in the game like runes are in Diablo 2, but there isnā€™t a broad and clear tier system of craftable items like the runes in D2 so what would happen is that the market price for everything would fluctuate wildly.

This would cause a really loose barter system that would nearly completely disable currency buying in the game and make it so that people have to discuss what theyā€™ll offer for what.

I would freaking LOVE to see something like this.

The most depressing thing about these discussions is how quick people are to try and justify the need to be able to spend real money for gold in a video game. I work often 48 hour weeks and I can find the time to make a bit of gold on top of covering raid consumes, especially when content in TBC gives you plenty just for killing bosses and looting mobs.

Does it ever occur to people that if you donā€™t have the time to earn a bit of gold then the game isnā€™t for you? Maybe you should play something else? Blizzard trying to cater to people that donā€™t want to play or didnā€™t play their game permanently changed retail for the worse. There are people in here trying to use retail tokens as an example of ideal game design which should tell you everything you need to know about this issue. Please donā€™t bring failed retail game design to TBC.


you nailed it! wish more players had the same mindsetā€¦donā€™t introduce stuff that clearly broke retail. stop catering to the younger fomo crowd.


While I donā€™t understand the problem with introducing the token, I can see where that might curb illicit gold buying. Introduce the token and make the punishment for illicit gold buying much harsher. Its a win/win for Blizzard.

These people that claim there is a need to buy gold donā€™t seem to understand that the need is created by other people already buying gold.

They want to be able to win bids in GDKP or pay boosters so they donā€™t have to actually play the game.

Make them a login screen mini game where they can ā€œtransmogrifyā€ any character model with any gear they like and then log into a capitol city to /flex but stuck on a pedestal they cannot get off of.